22224 98th AV W UST Tank Fill Cert Letter.pdfFILCO COMPANY INC.
P.C. Box 31228 e Seattle, VVA 98103 - Ph- [206) 5,47-8347 - Fax: [206) 549-935P.
wvwwFilcdEnviral.con-11 * Lic-4 FILCOCIOBORU
August 16t1l, 2016
Pat McDevitt
182118511, Place West
Edmonds, Washington 9,8C2,6
RE: Residential Underground Heating Oil. Tank. at 2222498111 Avenue West-,
Ednionds, WashIn,--ton 980,20
This is to certify that Filco Compl any, laic, has pumped, triple rinsed, and filled
with polyurethane structural foam, one :300 gallon undergmUnd residential
heating oil tank frioni the above named Property. All work was done, and contents
were disposed of according to the codes and guidelines set forth by the Washington
State Department of' Ecology and local Fire Department regutations and the
decom.missioned tanl:l ineets these standards.
Phil Sucteris
President Fi]lco Co., Inc.