24306 104th Pl W.pdfFILCD COMPA N"YANC. P.O. Box 312 2 'B , Geatd a. WA 9 a 103 -IPh: (2 06) 5,47 -2,347 - Fa x: (0 3 ) 5 4 0-9 3 52 www.RICIDEriviracom - Lijc# FILDOCIOBURU LETTER OF CERTIFICATION JU110 30ffi, 2016 Ardis Huffinan 24306 1041h Place WeSt Edino,nds, Washington 98020 RE- Residential Underground Ideating ,ail 'Tank. at 24306 104:11, PlaceWest Edmonds, Wasbington 98O20 This is to certify that Filco Company, Inc., has pumped, triple rinsed, and filled with polyurethane striictuyal foam, one 300 gallon underground riesid,en,tial heating oil tank from the above named property. All work was done, and contents were disposed of according to the codes and guideline8 set forth by the Washington State Department of Ecology and local Fire Department reNations and the deconimissioned tank meets the8estandards- Ph.il Suetens PresLidetit Halo Co., Inc.