256 RAILROAD AVE (2).pdfCITY OF EDMi> rio% WASHINGTON DEPARTM"t-OF BUILDINGS BUILDING PERMIT Ap plicant hereby certifies that a plot, plan, drawings, and sufficient details to*indicate intention to fulfill all requirements of this code are attached hereto. Application is hereby made for permit to do the following work: _ ............................ . .......................................... . ...... ........................... .......... . ................. ........................................ ........................................................ .. . ............................................................. ........................................ . ............................................................................................ ........ . . ........ .............. .............. ! . . .. .. ....... ............... .......... .............................. . ......... ...... ............. at ... n at or lot and block numb---)1. Building dimensions are./k ......................... ......................... 2. Lot dimensions are ..... /Q..Cl ............... x ..... ..................... 3. Building will be... .... Aories in height. 4. Number of basementLe.4'LO ........................... .. .. ....... 5. Occupancy of building- I be.: .............. �r:, nearest 6. Building willbe. f :�m �nre. djoining lot line. 7. Owner.. ... .................. 8. Ownees Address ............ ....... . �L ............ 9. Builder........:::_ ...... . ........................................ ........ ..................................................... lo. Builder's Address. ........................................................................................................... 11. tect or engineer .................... ...................................................... . ................. Date.. .. . .... : ... ............. Applicant's Signature ---- V, --- ----------- Estimated cost $.45 a-0 ........ ............. . GroupNo . ......................................... . ..... Life of permit. ......... . ... ............. east 1 Plans filed: Yes W-' No El (Owner or his egrntl 1 Permission is hereby granted to do the work described hereon, according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining hereto subject to compliance with the ordinances of the City of Edmonds. This copy is your receipt for the following fees: 1. Building permit fee .......... 2. Sewer permit fee .......... ... 3. Inspection and supervision 4. Total .................................. $ .............. Received by Department of Buildings Edmonds PERMIT N? 423 C f at the rate of fee each 1. The building Permit fee which applicant pays whenpermit Is Issued &hall be based on estimated ro,o of the proposed structureagrees to Par an$1.00additional fee , y alicant $100.00 of mat. if the actual con of the structure, when finally determined, ex —di the estimated mat bmore than 5%, pptt of $2.00 for each $1000.00 of such excess cost. In such event no use permit shall be issued until such "discrepancy fee" is paid. i. 2. Whourrer a contract for construction is executed for any structure orating more than SIO00.00 for which a licensed architect or engineer Is not required by the Building Code of the City of Edmonds, the application for a building permit shall be accocapsoled by I copy of the contract and a copy of the detalled specifications. Department of Labor and Industries, giving an estimate of 3. prior w employing any labor or commencing work, �,Ily.,,�Induurl LI insurance Division of the Dep I Kd.-..kw. Yner 4. pul obl.�.ed from the nearest office of the Dekyartent of Labor and Lruluotrigs. Before �Portv of payrolls, O"q ra F.. who ,r,,,c ra. The reloasts; sbould.be 'obtal. . r`eim, he n turn should obtain release from all %b, A�biu 6 do s. fiuil payb V �epaioaaeoi of Labor and Industries. TI�6 above P dures are requirements of the State Industrial Insuran Act� assessed y the t ' r l }•� i a f r � j r ' �r�6�lRL13i19F! �Ca i'a�!~AY 1�rt �a w— bi 8�ii?13 i �;tL� ,2 M(31i qO ' T16 ey�t . i i V'i �it �Ct�l �; :�� r t I t� • fi a �-Legal Description: ' C: "? Parcel A: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of I >' right of way of Great Northern Railroad 50 ,-1 w feet Northerly from South line of said Government Lot 2 -.. •( , o in Section 23, Township 27 North, Range 3 East W. M., measured along the Westerly line of said right of way: thence North ; h 49 deg. West to the meander line; thence North 51 deg.241 East �. ' along said meander line 9.15 feet to the true point of {, w beginning; thence North 38 deg. 371 West 276.68 feet to the It inner harbor line; thence North 44 deg. 391 30" East along said I 1 inner harbor line 100.12 feet; thence South 38 deg 37' Fast 276.68 feet to meander lane; thence South 51 deg 24' West along £ "i said meander .line to true point of beginning. t � - - ParcelB: Commencing at a point on the West line of Seattle and Montana Railway right of way (now Qreat } t, Northern Railway) 50 feet Northeasterly from the South line a ; r of Government Lot 2 in Section 23, Township 27 North, Range G 3 East W.M., the true point of Beginning; thence continue 3 Northeasterly along Westerly line of said Great Northern I ul J Railway right of way 100 feet; thence Northwesterly at right U' r angle to Westerly line of said railway right of way to the Government meander line of the waters of Puget Sound; thence South Gj,t£ 51 deg 23t West along said meander line to a point which is North 49 deg. West from the true point of beginning; thence South 49 deg East to the true point of beginning. Together with an easement for ingress and egress over and across a strip �du of land 10 feet wide lying Southerly of a line parallel to j the Northwesterly line of the right of way of the Great t 1 Northern Railway fight of way and 10 feet Northwesterly thereof, and exterdning from the South line of the tract above S described in a Southwesterly direction to the South line of L Governemtn Lot 21 Section 23, Township 27 North, Range 3 } East W. M. Situate in the County of Snohomish, Slate of ' Washington. A µto 3 -.t ) 1< I Ai > I' i , 1 to i 11 F f q t ! rinil9.l I' t »1 la �I Irla ( bnud .uiT ! i �y., n J) It 1 s f' cnb _ to 1 c _ i t 1' t01uot2 d> l 0,7 S isi'. - 1[ l ! A lli rt l •,Irn .f., rrL I(, (]t� i 1 ] .ux.i' 1 i l 4t± Nis 7>•..���,.r I.. ,.(.:. ,. .. .,..�. •. .rU i1 ['t„ (R 7, l •t uay1 :.�... �(I , Z S F// I t , �(�/l ,;'t '� /.' u .n u, � i �.r .r�`�:� •�r... .Al v.., rrt, t:. w,t! it error•, ^'1 ash Ord lrasour • nn ' S t ,�.a� ; �'� ~'� ��'ny%� !� ,�j ram''` . � • ' I 17 T .7l 1 rcscwll pl.C11. •iuns<rrc nt :n'y S� 1n tr:r r t�'i�•,(/S .lYc .;Iur3✓ 9 c ..1 f � t `Gr7 >: u .v i fryrylttau[- x i A. 11 ° t r i a' [i� ut Q4.i�x .rug {pgnt(c Fa j{C(oTe 7'ba� �1 r gt�:tpo.n. ry>?.n. C Q,i!ca `/�At rt y Ytn itAr t a rikc t tP D..''R"C r yu 17lett uu ni tpc Lu6(uy 7t¢v f{ ttitl a t xat{wtitu p�, - p •C• 1 L+ rx to caiGivLluc anT i;'A x u c t I .l t 1 r x xt, pt{rym r Yc < wt.rvlcq u f sl T f I [Nc.pnS14{n3 Ga;c oY tyr. rrr�r t Ty ,.0 {.+ q t 1 c r t } r ti 1 y 1 r cwrl, xi 11 P),. nL:.tAf a ut ct ° rgprracv tr rut tt �)a aillly + 3'f %�:Peutnee n� wuRYCi p,+...e extu eN.al "o t,:it..�u.sti. i nit tfut :r y !l nx tH/Ivx n{r I v i e i Fi a.n t n( Y,'UU Pn rrtY �IUUU UU ri`vnxl . a " < i r cl r { t r.c t [ t 1 it P x 1 n_ I c A , ylucts. r cY tu' -., to Ha 1 K ' PYnti6'0U a(coxe... lk Apr. nt.tnTlc t ; (q r t to - et t r 1! Ilx 9 r..x u t c ;y tl r u+n.rt 9 axt pY. u rx tpuu 2a`i b4l}t ut pbt fa Su br t 6t]cgt�U' tl i x1' tt. +uxvl ou:c q cuiey mii o{, tp ,nu5oacq rtwc[ntc ec g e xnlej t, QI 4A �ux,cr V mey +, . X':: LI cA !IY;uL' bxm(c .(Cant cp �.I,bl�caut ba i .,Ar G.cunt yi.t.. ept q t ry�6TYfGYGxii't ]iriYtcilvP� {rta aiY I a rn t 'hI 'h1 4sEt? i 3o agvIg `gstucogouS 3o f:'}uno0 a4g ut gt q,S �ggaoN dz4suMoy `£Z uoigoas `Z 407I uguauaano� ti £ a9ueg LZ E UT pagzaasap 30 auzT 411nos aqg oq uotgaaa•cp PxTaagsOmggnos °3oaaagg anogE q0eag a4g 3o aunt 4gnos aqg woa3 9utupuagxe puE ;' RTaagsaMggaoN ga83 0L PUP REtn 3o }g2lTj REMjTVU tts19g4.10M r geaa0 au4 3o REM 3o g49ta a44 3o autT 4TaagsaM44aoN_944 04 TaTTEaed auTT E 3o .STaaggnos BuTRT aPTm 4a93 Ol PuET 30 dt.IgS E SSOaRE piSE .IanO ssaaBa puE 86aallit•L.LOJ glIatllaSEa SiE 44ZM aa44a9oy •9utuzTsaq 3o guiod anal aR4 04 4sv3 Sap 617 4gnos aouagg f9uzuutSaq 3o gutod anag aqg woa3 Isom '9aP 6'7 g4aoN sT Dap I %xG 0 goZgM guzod E og auTT aapueau piES ouore Isom 1£z L5 autT aapuEau 4gnos aouagg `Punos ga8nt{ 3o saagEM aqg 3o OVUP o REM 3o gq"?za REMT�Ea pies 3o auTT RTaa4s?M 04 guauuaano0 aq4 4 ! 00 RE.M 3o gq- is REMTtsll t t t g4J�a gE £,•[aagsaMgg,toN aouagg gaa3 L i1 uaaggaoN geaa0 pies 3o auTT RTaagsayt 9uoTE RTaagspaggaoN `'UI•Nt anU;4uoo aaua4g 1?utuuTSa9 3o guzod anag aqq gOEE £ o 99UE$ `g4aoM LZ dtgsuMoy `£Z uoigoaS ui Z 407 guauuaeno0 auTj 4gnoS aqg uos3 RTaagsEaggaoN g983 05 VvmTTRU uaagg,zo;I geaab Mou) Rr.M 3o gg9t.i REtnTTE?j EuEguoyl pua t' aT4gsas 3o eutT gsaa) aqg uo guiod E gE 9uzauaumm0 .:gTaoasa ,na •9utuuTgaq 3o guTod anag og ouTT sapueaut PTVS no^ aoua :auT aapuEaut o gaa3 89'9LZ 9uoTE gsa?1 IIiZ �aP L5 44 � 44 T g 4sY7� IL£ SaP 0£ 44noS aouagg :a.aa3 ZL'00L autT aogaEq aauui :auZT aogaE4 aavux �. ptEs ;Iuo*ra gsEa 10£ 16£ 'POP '71 44aoN anuayg :9utuuc9aq. 7 11 a4 04 gaa3 89.9LZ 4sat1 1L£ •daP 8E ggaold aouagg 9uoZE 3o gu'pd snag aqg 04 4093 51'6 autT aepuraut peas og •gaP b*i S ? gsE� 1'1Z';laP L5 g4aoN aouagg :OUTL aaPueaw aq4 gsalq pies 3o auTT RTaagsap1 a4g 3uoTe x n 4gaoN aouagg :REM 3o gtl?ta paanspau `'4l 'M 4sE[ £ aSuEg `44aoM LZ d•q'vuMoy `£Z uoTgoas uz Z qoZ 4u9111uaano0 Fees 3o auFT 4anog u0s3 RTa94gaoN gaa3 05 proaTT1921 uaaggaoCl 4Eaa0 3o REM 3o ggr_iza 3o au•�T k[ja4sax aq4 uo guiod e gE 9u•cauFBag :fir TaoaEd O� s Ofl8 pi)3 UITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTO� BUILDING PERMIT Applicant hereby certifies that a plot, plan, drawings, and sufficient details to indicate This Space Is For the intention to fulfill all requirements of this code are attached. hereto. City Inspector O�Iy Application is hereby made for permit to do the following work: t.. ......._...._... ............. .-..��_.........._..:-....... `.... .................. � I ............................................... _ ... ......_...._.. �� :U.`_�: Zr�.....L• = Zl r 4 aZ 1..... .................... ..... ........... Lot............... _....................................... Block ................... _......... ............. ....................... _............... .... _.._».... _....._.... _.... _......... r ....... ...._. ........................................._..^ .... .._...._..»_....... -'-...._.... .... ................. ..... _.... _... a 1. Building dimensions ................................y 1 . 2. Lot dimensions ................................ x................................ f 3.:Bililding will be .........: :.............stories. 4. Basement ........................ 5. Occupancy of building will be ............ ................__.........................._................_...._. ! 6, :,-_- feet fro he nearest a joini Ing ire. k 7. Owner.... -:.: .... t.£_ ..r ...... .............•... . ' s��l P ,�r t 8. Owner's Address. :.. . •. Q ....LeLYi�_� ....... 9. Builder ........ 10. Builder's Address ......:.. .....:.........................._..... .......... _ ... ......... ' .............................................. ........ ........ f % Date::f ............ 1:..411)2 ......_.......... _.._.:........... - (Ownu or 6a agent) j . Permission is hereby granted to do the work described hereon, according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining hereto, ' subject to compliance with the ordinances of the City of Edmonds. Estimated cost $./•.-a a •• . $ ................. ......... Life of permit ..... ........ due ....... Receiv ` �t l .._.......cj ./..L 1 ..1:.: (.1 �.. f r : PERMIT N? 5'73 (Issuing m eetl Plans filed: Yes ❑ No Department of Buildings 1 City of Edmonds t. `Me building permit fee which applicant pays when permit Is issued shall be based on estimated cost of the proposed aructure, at the rate of =2.00 for each { f1000.00 of cost. If the actual coat of the structure, when finally determined, exceeds the estimated cost by more than 5%, applicam agrees to pay an additional fee of V... for each Sl000.00 of such excess cost. 2. Whenever a contract for construction is executed for any structure cosdog more than st000.00 for which a licensed architect or engineer is not required by the Building Code of the City of Edmonds, the application, for a building permit shall be accompanied by a ropy of the contract and a copy of the detstled specifications. � ' I' t :� g. Prior to employing any. labor or commencing work, notify the Industrial Insurance Division of the. Department of Labor and Industries, giving as^estimate of the ayroll and make monthly reports of payrolls. Full Eamoctions should be obtained from the nearest office of the Department of. Labor and ludustrfa. Before 1 final payment,"the owner should obtain a release from the general contractors who in sum should obtain release from all sub•contractoa. The ralasa should be { named by theDepartment of Labor and.. Industries. * be above procedures are requirements of the State Industrial Insurance Art. t� { P 1 t1S Y5 iiii 4 �)t 5 rri i i f , Into a log! t '.I/ �-�tnsr,Gy� � � rtr }. � a,".,,.. /]j� /// r�vJ tc ..f tr n 7-t, uuca��C�./tr•7K j' '.' :x tit)G,�y-..'l^,✓ k <t; .7.i' t'•Cttk4 71nt1 T R �-.. son IIh; (J{ of ,L l3 f {tGit[tQq`11U roq {it�CfC24f ":.;�,�{tq� 6 y 4 4 t , 'I 4 1 P C t Si I 1 t b fS sri Lf.LIYU uS ucc t a 1 a Nu o 000 toy t+zo`r{c tpc Gn.y;^ryl ++t{ xfrr uu, s u;x t f E t i + I{ t + C ! to "" (y$(bt n Lvp.t;F t } ( 1!{t Ott 4 1S 1 t(s {{iad4 vi Clr t>u d x � t t c rT r s cpou t- l i'vxrr t u [ of at P u6it p �riT b+ld !2 a. r ii r _. r,+,., .t ,rc. H.��t r.,f ��r ,c.rr<n u .�.}... .: .Ta-.'tw a G. nr.v s - : t.�'tr «srW pin {3 •.;i G Y i s .zx 11 ut+ c r ? a 5; G tt4 A6 as c f;A ytr d4 l '�7 P j y y.1VU t f ! { { :. a t e n{. , t a>'tti Q'- i x } a Jt ei 1tn..; c.r xp tart, ':'t q f .f 2^t , tt ,� ; r'E - . T'-;..i ro j al; •. 2 is utst T- 1: : 6 ,•t , , ,. I.1.e mJ .." .� r r'hvt4JltUA �t B���itYl&� f � yt T'�!"Aj '4 :;j.'.,fl 1 �` L + s y •.. t t r i t ' tf4 <rt a ut fit t r{ attlJut , 9 mums ,, fJ)cr {,t :d,Lt iJV Lf C.1 {{ n� �ayy jl f "ill d}yn lifr fGh>ztais:.{.rYI'ftfil �lCX}'X1 , y q YOUr}r11 i4Lr' i 4.. LY iS7}l .f ltrJ ti P ,4,.. t-, 4S L ti, {1 M t) ��TWO: ' a , ,r -. WE not f -h .... ..... .,.. t fi ;1 r _ ijii f Y