2b - Narrative_20.05.010 CU criteria.doc
ECDC Section 20.05.010 Criteria: Pursuant to ECDC 20.05, no Conditional Use Permit may be
approved unless all of the following findings can be made:
1. Comprehensive Plan. That the proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
RESPONSE: The proposed project is consistent with the objectives, criteria and
guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan. Refer to the included General
Narrative for specific responses addressing the requirements of the
Comprehensive Plan.
2. Zoning Ordinance. That the proposed use, and its location, is consistent with the purposes
of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of the zone district in which the use is to be
located, and that the proposed use will meet all applicable requirements of the Zoning
RESPONSE: The proposed project is consistent with the objectives, criteria and
guidelines of the Zoning Ordinance, Zone BN (Neighborhood Commercial).
Refer to the included General Narrative for specific responses addressing
the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
3. Not Detrimental. That the use, as approved or conditionally approved, will not be
significantly detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, or to nearby private
property or improvements unless the use is a public necessity.
RESPONSE: The proposed conditional use is for drive-through lanes associated with
both proposed buildings. The proposed pharmacy will include 1 drive-
through service window and the bank pad building will include 3 drive-
though service windows. The site has been designed to ensure that all
vehicle queuing associated with the proposed drive-through lanes will be
accommodated on-site. Further, the drive-through areas will be generally
screened from view from Edmonds Way by the proposed commercial
buildings. As a result, none of the proposed drive-throughs will be
detrimental to public health, safety and welfare or to nearby private
property or improvements. Additionally, both the nearby Wells Fargo bank
(3 drive-through lanes) and the gas station across Edmonds Way have
drive-through lanes which have proven to not be detrimental to public
health, safety and welfare. The proposed drive-throughs will as a
convenience for a multitude of residents providing easy access to services
for the elderly, handicapped and injured; therefore, this criterion is met.
4. Transferability. The Hearing Examiner will determine whether the Conditional Use Permit
shall be personal to the present owner of the property or be transferable. A transferable
Conditional Use Permit “runs with the land” and can be transferred to any future property
owner(s) as long as the conditions of the approval are still met. If the Hearing Examiner
decision states the Conditional Use Permit runs with the land, the applicant may be required
to record notice of this in the form of a covenant with the Snohomish County Auditor. Your
application materials should state whether or not you would like for the Conditional Use
Permit to be transferable.
RESPONSE: As part of the review for the Conditional Uses, 1 drive-through service lane
of the pharmacy building and 3 drive-through service lanes of the bank
building, we are asking that the approved Conditional Use Permit for each
use/parcel (after subdivision) be transferable and run with the land, for the
life of the proposed buildings in this application.