4.23.18 - Eng. Revision Comments Parking Lot.pdf
(425) 771-0220
City Website: www.edmondswa.gov
DATE:April 23, 2018
TO:Carmen Crispino
Daniela Vasconelos
Email: daniela@erproperties.net
FROM:Chris Rivera, Engineering Technician
RE:Application #: BLD20170704
Project: Parking Lot
Project Address: 9808 235
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents including a written
response to each item below.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pmand on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details, application and other forms, and development code
may be referenced on the City website: www.edmondswa.govunder Services/Permits and
1)March 9,2018-Additional spot elevations need to be provided along the east side of the
shared private driveadjacent to the parking lot approach.
a.Additional elevation points for the shared private drive needs to be submitted
showing that the required 2% cross slope can be met for the spanof the shared
private drive (outside of the established transition of 20’ from back of sidewalk).
b.Elevationsat the approach from the shared private driveto the parking lot are not to
exceed a 14% slope(or as discussed on site 20% slope with approval of city
April 23,2018–The spot elevations for the cross slope of the shared private drivewayare
not consistent between therevised site plan and applicant response letter (dated 3/26/18).
Per a field inspection, at approximately center of the approach (ofparking lot)and center of
the shard private drive, the cross slopewasmeasured at12%. Thisis close tothe elevations
providedwithin the comment letter,calculated at 10.9%crossslope. With the existing cross
slopes of the shared private driveway resting between 10.9-12%, asphalt will not be
permitted to be placed.
It is understood that a drop in cross slope of the shared private drivewaywill increase the
pitch of theapproachto the parking lot. With that said,it would be acceptable to allowthe
cross slope of the private driveway to be not more than a 6% slope for the width ofthe
approach of the parking lot. The allowed increase in cross slope in combination with
regrading of the parking lot would help in removing an unwanted steep pitch at the
approach. The parking lotcould be regraded at 6% cross slope as well.
Please correct the cross slope of the private driveway such that it does not exceed a 6% cross
slope along the full span of the parking lot approach. Cross slope is to not exceed 2% south
of the parking lot approach. This is to be completed on the plans and to be corrected on site.
2)March 9,2018-Impervious surface numbers were not addressed. Please provide updated
impervious surface numbers for the proposed parking lot. If impervious surfaceshave
increased, please provide an updated stormwater management plan addressing the new
impervious surfaces.
April 23,2018–Perapplicant response letter (dated 3/26/18) impervious surfaceson site are
at 1987. Though peran inspection completed on site, it appears that the impervious surfaces
are exceeding the allotted 2000 sf. for the parking lot. Impervious surfaces will need to be
reducedfrombehind or infront (or combination of both) of thekeyblock walls.This would
entail removing placed gravel and replacing with compost amended soils,which would be
requiredfor the proposed hedge fence. Also the private driveway is not to exceed 16’in
width from back of sidewalkleading to the approach and after the approachshould reduce
down to 12’wide paved surface.
Please provide an updated site plan that accuratelyshowswhere asphalt is to be placed and
that is consistent with allottedimpervious surfaces per the existing detention systems.
Provide an updated site plan proposing additionalstormwater managementto account for
additional impervious surfaceswithin the parking lot and the shared private driveway.
3)The footing drains have been deleted from the site plan. Need to show footing drains for the
retaining wall and where they connect.
4)Please note: Any regrading of the parking lotshould not bring the detention system coverage
to less than 2’ in the drivable surfaces.
5)Please note: additional comments not included in this reviewmay be produced after
reviewing the next submittal.
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