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October 10, 2018
City of Edmonds
121 5tn Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
Maldazys Residence (BLD20180955)
Response to 1 st Review Comments
To Whom It May Concern:
We are pleased to resubmit the attached plans and supporting documents for the proposed Maldazys
Residence. These documents have been revised in response to review letters issued by City of
Edmonds on September 5, 2018. The comments in that letter have been provided below (plain text),
along with a response (bold italics) indicating how each comment was addressed.
Reviewer: Mike Clugston, Senior Planner
1. Stream: Fruitdale Creek is approximately 100 feet southwest of the subject parcel. Due to the
demolition of the existing house and because the proposed footprint of development is larger
than existing, analysis is required. It may be possible that the proposed work is within an
interrupted stream buffer and a report prepared pursuant to ECDC 23.40.220.C.4 would be
sufficient. If not, a stream report must be prepared in accordance with ECDC 23.90.020
describing how the proposed demolition and construction meets the criteria in ECDC 23.90.030
and 23.90.040.
An analysis of Fruitdale creek is now provided in this submittal package. An email
between Loius Emenhiser (the project environmental consultant) and Michael Clugston
(Senior Planner with the City of Edmonds) dated September 26, 2018, confirms that the
Fruitdale Creek and associated buffers will not impact this project.
2. Setbacks: The parcel is considered to be a flag lot with all side setbacks (10'). Please update
Sheets A-1.1 & A 1.4 accordingly.
The project has been updated to show all setbacks as 10'. with the exception of the North
boundary which has an existing 25" sewer easement Shown on C3.0.
3. Datum: Please label the elevation of the datum point on Sheet A-1.4, whether actual or
Both the vertical datum, and basis of bearings called out on C1.0.
Engineering Division:
Reviewer: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician
1. Submit ROW Permit Application form
A ROW permit application will be provided with this submittal package.
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SDA 1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
Everett, WA 98201 F: 425.486.6593
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2. Submit Side Sewer Permit Application form
A side sewer permit application will be provided with this submittal package.
3. Include the city's General Construction Notes. Refer to sample on City website. Please change
the WSDOT/APWA version to 2018 and the year of the Stormwater Code the project is
designed to.
Construction Notes and Construction Sequence have been updated to City of Edmonds'
4. A Stormwater Covenant is required to be recorded against the property based on the proposed
stormwater facilities for the project. Please complete the covenant, including notarization and
any required exhibits and submit to the city. Ensure the stormwater covenant meets Snohomish
County Record Drawing requirements. The document must be complete, but will not be
recorded prior to permit issuance. Prior to construction, final location of facilities are to be
verified (by field inspection and asbuilt) and then the covenant will be recorded.
The Stormwater Covenant has been complete. NEED TO OBTAIN SIGNATURES AND
5. The minimum driveway width is 12 ft. Please show a 12 ft wide driveway from the edge of road
to a length of 20 ft. After 20 ft the driveway can be reduced to a minimum width of 10 ft.
The driveway has been revised to meet the minimum 12'. and shown on C3.0.
1. Please replace the standard detail for the filter fence (E1.1) with the New City standard detail
found on the City website, link at top of page.
The standard detail for the biter fence has been updated ER-900. See Sheet C2.1.
2. Orange protective barrier fencing shall be placed at the drip line of trees to remain and around
areas proposed for low impact development techniques, such as rain gardens, infiltration
systems, etc., to protect the area from compaction.
Orange protective barrier fencing is now specified on Sheet C2.0.
3. Please provide the location of the temporary stockpile. Add a note that the stockpile is to be
covered within 24 hours.
Done, see sheet C2.0.
4. Please add a note to the plans that all disturbed soils will be compost amended per BMP T5.13.
Done, see sheet C2.0.
5. Add note: Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved plans, City of
Edmonds standard details, and all other measures that may be required during construction.
The note was included in previous submittal and can be found on Sheet C2.0, Note #2.
1. It is required to have a source of water during the construction process. If the existing water
service line is to be re -used, the line must be disconnected at the meter during construction.
Please install a hose bib with an AVB at the meter during construction.
Noted to install hose bib with an AVB at the meter during construction, see sheet C2.0.
Note #3.
2. Show existing utilities on the plans.
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S�/4 1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
Everett, WA 9 8 2 0 1 F: 425.486.6593
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The existing utilities are now included on Sheet C2.0.
3. The project is located within the downtown area. Please show and/or describe the haul route.
The haul route for this project of imported and exported material shall be via the arterial
roadway of 196m St SW (SR 524). Route has been noted on C2.0.
1. As indicated by the Fire Department, a fire sprinkler system is required for this property.
Typically if there is an existing water service line from the water main to the meter, the
water service line/meter will not be the appropriate size and a new tap will be required.
The applicant will be required to pay for the new tap on the main and the new meter.
Please revise plans to include the following:
a. Show the water meter located in the right-of-way, such that the back of the meter
is on the property line. The water meter shall not be located within the driveway.
b. Please show a 1-1/2" water service line to be installed from the back of the meter
to the house (as required for a combination fire and domestic service).
c. The water line connection in the road is not installed with a curve. Please revise
to show a straight pipe connection from the water main to the meter, and;
d. The water line from the water meter to the property must also be straight and
cannot run parallel to the property line in the right of way. The best option (and
not any more costly) would be to have the meter installed on the south side of the
driveway for a straight shot to the water line.
e. Please show the new water meter located in the right of way against the property
The water line has been updated per comments and can be found on Sheet C3.0.
2. It is not clear that the joint utility trench and the water line have adequate room to meet
separation requirements. The gas line requires a 1 ft separation from the other dry
utilities (i.e. power, phone, cable, etc.) creating a trench with at least 1.5 ft width. A
cross section showing the access width, the paved driveway and the trenches would be
helpful to confirm separations.
A cross section of the joint utility trench is provided in Sheet C3.0.
1. Please add the following to the notes "The existing sewer lateral is proposed to be
reused, the City's Public Works Department will need to TV the lateral to determine if it
is acceptable to re -use. Contact the Edmonds Public Works Sewer Division, 425-771-
0235, to schedule inspection."
A note regarding the re -use of the side sewer was included in previous submittal and can
be found on Sheet C3.0, note 7.
2. Running the sewer line under the stormwater facility is not ideal. If it is an area drain
that is to be installed (as opposed to a catch basin) and at least one foot of separation
can be attained it would be acceptable. An additional cleanout within a foot of the
stormwater facility would be wise. Then if the sewer line needs to be repaired it may be
possible to avoid disturbing the stormwater facility.
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SDA 1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
Everett, WA 9 8 2 0 1 F: 425.486.6593
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There is approximately 1.9' of separation between the bottom of the proposed dispersion
trench and the top of the 4" sewer line. Per the BMP T5.13 detail, the 50' long dispersion
trench is required to provide a Type 1 CB. The proposed dispersion trench was shifted
northeast so the CB Type 1 placement would not impact the sewer line beneath.
City wants another sewer cleanout for trench.
1. Provide invert elevations for the trench drain connection, the two clean outs and at the
Invert elevation is now provided on dispersion drain Sheet C3.0.
Reviewer: Zack Richardson, P.E.
Drainage Report:
1. The report notes a small manmade creek which is not reflected on the plans; update plans and
report to show and identify the creek and any associated improvements and address how creek
is fed and discharged.
The small manmade creek is part of a landscape water feature that is not used for formal
stormwater mitigation purposes. The landscape water feature begins at a waterfall
mechanism where the water flows downgrade to a shallow pond. From the shallow pond,
water is pumped back to the top of the waterfall mechanism where the water will be
continuously looped within the system. The landscape water feature will remain on the
property and no associated site improvements will occur in this area.
The report is now updated to expand on the landscape water feature in more detail. The
plans have been updated to include additional information regarding the water feature.
2. Provide additional information about existing site improvements and their classification as
impervious surfaces and update retrofit mitigation value as needed:
a. The existing "pond"; typically standing water or lined ponds are considered impervious
The pond is part of an overall landscape water feature that is not used for formal
stormwater mitigation purposes. The report has been updated to describe the
existing landscape water feature as an impervious surface. See Section 5 of the
b. Gravel area north of pond; unclear if this is a walkway or the "manmade creek" but it is
not shown on the plans and needs to be identified and addressed accordingly.
There is no gravel area north of the pond, however there is rockery surrounding
the perimeter of the landscape water feature. See response to comment #1 for
additional information. The plans have been updated to include additional
information regarding the water feature.
3. Clean-up and clarify the interchanging use of trench drain/French drain in upstream analysis
The report has been updated with the terminology trench drain for consistency.
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SDA 1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
Everett, WA 98201 F:425.486.6593
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4. Expand description of drainage system to clarify how surface flows reach Fruitdale Creek and
note any potential existing structure which could be impacted.
a. Ensure description reflects, or debunks, the local depression noted in the geotechnical
The description of the drainage system downstream has been expanded. See Section 1,
Appendix IC in the report.
5. Include a table of impervious surfaces in the MR #5 section.
An impervious surface table is now included in Appendix 5A the report.
6. "Not favorable" infiltration rates may not be sufficient to declare bioretention infeasible; revise
report to list an infeasibility criteria from Edmonds Addendum Appendix A specifically or propose
bioretention design. Provide supporting information as needed.
The Flow Control BMP infeasibility table has been update to provide supporting
information for the bioretention infeasibility.
7. Include a sizing calculation for each BMP based on the square footage of impervious proposed
to be routed to it; trench may exceed this length, but the minimum required length must be
established in the report.
The sizing calculation for each BMP has been included in Section 5B of the report.
8. It is unclear why the engineer routed more than 700 square feet of impervious to the
concentrated dispersion BMP; while mitigation is only required for 25% of the surface, the BMP
must be designed per standard which restricts only 700 SF per outfall. Revise to a dispersion
trench if over 700 SF and/or revise grading as needed to isolate 700 SF of impervious surface
The total combine, existing plus proposed driveway (PGIS) area is 2,844 sf. Only 168sf of
that is new impervious. The existing driveway will remain in place, so it will not be
regraded. With that considered it is not obtainable to meet the minimum 25% mitigation
using the trench drain. Instead an asphalt berm will be installed between the east portion
of the asphalt driveway and the concrete west portion of the driveway. This will make it
so the trench drain will be collecting approximately 1,573 sf of the driveway runoff. The
runoff will be collected and tight lined with c/eanouts to a proposed dispersion trench.
The 23-foot dispersion trench has been designed to accommodate 1,573 sf of runoff.
9. Update report (and plans) to discuss or show how the vegetated flow path meets the required
conditions (max sloping, existing vegetation, etc).
The report has been updated to discuss the vegetated flow path with additional detail.
See Section S.B. The plan also calls out the proposed path length.
Plan Sheets:
10. C2.0: Update sheet to show proposed grading (ie. proposed contours), and identify trees
requiring removal:
a. Note that the dispersion system for the driveway appears to require additional tree
removal which could be avoided.
Sheet C2.0 is now updated with the proposed grading and the removed trees. The
dispersion system for the driveway has been relocated to prevent the additional tree
removal. There is minimal grading on the site. Since the proposed footprint of the house
is roughly the same as the existing, there isn't much grading proposed other how the
house ties into the existing grades.
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SDA 1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
Everett, WA 98201 F:425.486.6593
CVAnhcr 10, 201 f3
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11. C2.0: Add notes/callouts as needed to clarify that all disturbed areas are to be restored with
BMP T5.13 and add details/specifications sufficient enough for the contractor to install soils
meeting the requirements of the BMP.
Done, see Sheet C2.0.
12. C3.0: Update plans to show the location and full length of vegetate flow path from each BMP
with dimensions or notes as needed.
The plans have been updated to :show and note vegetated flowpath lengths.
13. C3.0: Replace "downspout" with "driveway' in the pipe callout for the driveway dispersion
system (east of house).
14. C3.0: If trench drain is new, additional saw cutting may be required; update callout as needed,
show saw cut limits, and update impervious surfaces values (replaced vs existing) as needed.
The existing trench drain will remain, and sawcut limits have been shown. The amount
of impervious surface removed was 91-sq.ft
15, C3.0: Provide enough grading information (including top of drain elevation), and/or add curbing
as needed, to show how driveway runoff will be directed to the drain as intended.
The existing driveway will remain in as shown and currently slopes to the south &
southwest edge. An asphalt thickened edge will be constructed along the
south/southwest edge to direct the water to the existing trench drain.
16. C3.0: List the top elevation of the dispersion trench (assumed to be equal to CB rim) but should
be listed separately.
Top elevation of the dispersion trench grading is now provided on Sheet C3.0.
17. C3.0: Add note., "Footing drains shall be set at XX.XX' or above." And replace XX' with a value
6" greater than the top of dispersion trench elevation (ie. Ensure contractor maintains 6"
freeboard above full dispersion trench).
A note regarding the footing drain is now provided on Sheet C3.0.
18. C3.0: Add note/callout along frontage where cuts are planned: "Maintain or restore existing road
surface drainage controls (curb, berm, etc)."
Callout on sheet C3.0.
Reviewer: Not provided.
Reviewed: Approved. A residential fire sprinkler system is required. A recommended flow -through
design will meet specifications and reduce equipment and continuing maintenance requirements.
ECDC19.05.020C. Provide a minimum combination water service of one inch (1") meter and one and
one half (11/2") service line, or show that domestic and fire protection needs can be met with a smaller
The water serviced has been specified to a 1 "-meter and a 1-1/2" service line. It's also been
noted that residence shall have fire sprinkler system installed. See sheet C3.0.
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SDA 1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
Evereft, WA 98201 F:425.486.6593
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Any questions or comments please don't hesitate to call me at (425)486-6533 x 111 or email me at
areaves(a).isda(en. ingerscom.
Andy Reaves, P.E.
ROW permit
Side Sewer Permit
Declaration of Covenant
Construction Plans
Stream Determination Map
N M I %Affff1f)IN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I YffjVfrffffffffffffffffOIf,
1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
SDA Everett, WA 98201 F: 425.486.6593