4323_001.pdfILI CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5'" AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 - 425-771-0220 • FAX 425-771-0221 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division December 19, 2016 Developers Surety and Indemnity Company 17771 Cowan, Ste. 100 Irvine, CA 92614 RE: PLN20070018 23708 1041h Ave W, Edmonds WA Burnstead Construction LLC Performance Bond Account No. 338321 S and No. 338321 SM To Whom it May Concern: DAVE EARLING MAYOR With respect to the above -referenced performance bond (338321S) in the amount of $60,413.62 and maintenance bond (338321SM) in the amount of $114,857.89, for the Woodvale 27-lot Plat, all interested City departments have inspected the site and all improvements have been completed and approved. A maintenance bond shall be posted in the amount of $9062.00, to be held for a period of two -years. Upon receipt of the maintenance bond, the City authorizes release of performance bond no. 338321 SM in the amount of $60,413.62. In addition, at this time existing maintenance bond no. 338321SM, in the amount of $114,857.89, is hereby authorized to be released. Please feel free to contact me at 425-771-0220, x1338 or by email at eanie.mmcconnewllicwallwtacltlswa;.,gov with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Jeanie McConnell Engineering Program Manager c. Tiffiny Brown Burnstead Construction LLC 11980 NE 24" St, Unit 200 Bellevue, WA 98005 File: pin20070018 SAPrivate Development\ADDRESS_FILESWumeric\104_Ave_W-23708-Woodvale P1at\pIn20070018-Bumstead-Subdivision\pin20070018-Maint and Perf Bond Release -also need Maintenance- 12,19,2016.docx