514 Main traffic impact.pdfo/ m, % U) DIE P A)", lM, F 1� T, C" _DS 117V OF EDMON TILAYFIC! IMI"ACT'ANALYS11,I& NVORK SHEET' Name of Proposed Project: Owner/Applicant: Mune SiTeetf,Nlalling Addiess State ZIP Telephmw� VS �i72 Applicant Coutact Person: Name StreelfMailing Address ,ftate Zip Toleplime: c",ii,/ Trat",fic Exit gin eer wh o prepared the Traffic Impact Annlysis Firin IName Contact Name I PROJECT DESCRIPTION ,4 a. Street address ffknown): b, Location: "I'C"tephone 64 mir, h a vichi UJI, m, ali an d site polml) c, Spec ify existi ng land use I d, Spe(, a, � E cify proposed t.yj_�e a,nd size cdclevelopment: CI ..... ...... C'. WhC11 Wfl] fllCpl'(�ed begin C0jj.StrjjCt1c)jj and when will it, becompleted? f. Derkic proposed access locations', A-1 z ef r" / )Ce6 v, g. Define, proposed sight distancc at sito egess R) a i I , C t ons Five Years After OjLcqjjjg LOS- W i III P.r,o.j ect: Witflout Project, Note any analysis defauft, Values and justifil cad oils � 7. MITIGATION RECOACWENDATIONS Stwe re-com.n.lended nicasures alaid fees required to initigale pyo j ect specific traffic hripacts,. Traffic impact b fec shall be calculated froni the Edmonds Road Impact, F'ee Rate Study Table 4 (attached),mid as identified in E(',,DC 18,82120, except as otherwise provided f6r independerit.fee calculations 4) EICDC 18,82.]X I �V iNAW"A -W-up, sce I 4iAtWirt,01, 9,) . ........ ...... iql, I q .... . . .... . .. . .. ... ...... tol, o � 514 Main street edmonds, wa ® Google Maps Address To see all the details that are visible on the screen,use the Trint" link next to the rnap. lit 1pP/maps.cloogIc.com/ Page 1 of 2