700223.pdfBUILDING DEPARTMENT I AppItcantFill PERMIT APPLICATION Inside Ifeavy Linea bt ADDRESS 6 o CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER 8 STATE LICENSE NUAIBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER aad-o'a - 3NOo Legal Description of 7roperty (Show Below or Attach Four Copies) O O C C{� ri RESIDENTIAL GAS ❑ LINE NEW NON-RESIDENTIAL a SIGN ADD ElAINING DEMOLISH ❑ WALL ALTER El On FILL EXCIVATE F CE ..xLb. t.) REPAIR PRE -MOVE ^'swim F�INSP, I { POOL DWELLING UNITS 1 I hereby Leknowledge that I have read this application; that the in- formation given Is correct; and that I am the owner, or the duly author- Ized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and stale laws regu- lating construction; and In doing the work authorized thereby, no person will be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the State of Washington relating to Workmen's Compensation Insurance. NOTE: Permit Limit One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which shall be completed in ninety days; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be com- pleted In six months.) _ Wj a, qo NOTE: Applicant Subject to Plan Check Fee Thee Permit coven work to be done on private property ONLY, Any constraclion on the public domain (turbe, sidewalks, driveways, marquees, etc.) will require separate permission, NO,: I PNUMBER 700223 - I 1 I 1 ❑ YES AIJ EXISTING STREET R/W ,...........FT. DEFICIENCY THIS PROPERTY ❑ YES ❑ NO Plan Cheek No, ....... _........ BUILDING A1ft_WTAJ_ NLP HEAT do GAB LINE FENCE SIGN RETAINING WALL 1.114 f'i' 1iN[e-f•I.1.1! EXCAVATION OR FILL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ATTENTION THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORN NOTED INSPECTION DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDBfOND$ PR d-1107 YES ❑ NO I n 9.0 } S y 1 �1Y i I 'tY 1 i. I Y o . i 1 1 1' 3 1 �i 1 J - i 1 gD f — qq: pe IjJ! IPt No. 4 .f 1, 1 i 0 APPLICATION APPROVAL This application is not a permit Lentil signed by the Building Official or his Dep- uty; and fees are paid, and receipt is Rem Imowiedged in space provided. z-�o FILE G ti