7031 182 PL SW-SITE PLAN.PDFON F"LAN NOTES PROPERTY LINE 1, This site plan was generated with the benefit of a surrey. However, all items shown shall be Verified in BUILDiNG SETBACK LiNE the field by the contractor. LIME OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT 2. All information shown on the drawings relative to existing LINE OF BUILDING OVERHANG conditions is given as the best present knowledge, but without -� -� - LiNE OF ROOF OVERHANG guarantee of accuracy. 'Where actual conditions conflict with the --i drawings, they shall be reported to AREA OF NEW CONCRETE PAVING, RETAINING WALLS, OR the architect so that the proper _ STAIRS ON GRADE revisions may be made, 3. All existing items shall be verified in AREA OF NEW the field by the general contractor DRIP -THROUGH DECKprior to construction, 4, See sheets A2,01-3 sheets for ROCKERY enlarged plaits. 5. A pre -construction meeting is - - PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE rewired between architect and contractor. EXISTING CONTOUR LINE 6. Take necessary precautions to - REMOVED CONTOUR LINE protect existing Vegetation from damage. 's --- COMBINED SEWER LINE S SIDE SEWER D--- PERFORATED FOOTING DRAIN CALCULATIONE GRADE Elevation 98.5 V 99.42' 99.04' 99.00, 395.97 RARE mm 98.99, LDING HEIGHT = 121.41' -LCOWABLE HEIGHT = 123.99' - -9z 7 2_.sq_ft Coverage Area Area Beyond Roof (Const. 1 61) 887.6 sq ft Beyond Roof (Const. 1961) 387 sq ft i (Const, 1961) 1849.5 sq ft area (oast. ?) 17.5 sq ft area (oast. r) 59,3 sq ft rea (Const. ?) 97,7 sq ft Area Beyond (E) Roof (Const. 1961) 63.7 sq ft Of Area. Beyond (E) Roar 116,E sq ft 3,481.1 sq ft Pi/ a L 6' irnh 110 0," hp gyJ + G $ 1 t \ S $` irc o _05A 0g u, ee _ - ----_ - gg. COP Z3 I �1 IEx X -;tin-istina Patio ! ncrete 6 , a �p�gg i "a; y¢G ggG1 1gGA -r k�G LAa!Ln g� Shed #1 - 1 11111 Lot Size 9,670.2 sq ft Lot area modifications Total Lot Area 9,670.2 sq ft Percentage of actin! Lot Size 100.0 % Coverage Component Area - -- - (E) douse footpring (unchanged) - -- - --- 1,520,1 sq ft (E) Shed #1 97.7 sq ft (E) Shed #2 17.5 sq ft (E) Shed #3 59.2 sq ft Total Covered Area 1,694q ft Total coverage% 17.5% allowable 35.0 % BUILDING AREAS Measured to inferior ,surface of exterior walls. ,Area DescrigAllon Area ML (E) Floor Area 1,210.3 sq ft UL ( ) Floor Area 1,325.6 sq ft Total heated space 2,535.9 11L (E) Garaqe Area 309,7 soft Total unheated space 309.7 sq ft FILL CALCULATION TOTAL CUT (new footings) 3.0 cubic yards TOTAL FILL ((neap footings) 0.5 cubic yarns T*TAL EXPORcubico -Aotfilng in 4h' *!' s 49 ,� vv�l' process shall be 01 lnterPrete P lc t a t Tx rTI Itting tine r1ainteHance ei't(y existing ill hence rtnit > up, g ;i �y z�l f p ��� (Existing Yard gain) `� a I ,sin g cr i pemipp, p� yM ,01i yyivt f cl{{ i�$ �zta Eyyf(ey scope ypq®} 118E 9 = 98.71 �g�Q S of ®y�lryJgp. building, itruc r - j7 colidUbC)a is shown on the site Z Tn oru'T=c ..` ���3�f� '�3ttldiflg,CD con �tioD \pap D m G ts isu.-,e pf'i s �a_ anfo r mpni N" ` Scale: 1l3" = 11-031 w 10 3 '-6 / " 53-11 3/8" a W 40 FT Project Number 7031 182nd Place Southwest Edmonds, WA, 98026-5634 PARCEL NUMBER: 004994-00000500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT5. LORE -ONTO PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THERE OF. RECORDED IN VOLUME 20 OF PLATS, PAGE, 63 RECORDS, SN`iOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTiON. SITE! s E IN THE COUNT OF SN(OHOMI SH, STATE OF WASHINGTrON PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Second story addition to an existing family residence. --- ZONING - - - - RS-8 Zone 35% maximum of Coverage ??% maximum Impervious Coverage Street Setback = 25' Side Setback = 7.5' Rear Setback = 15' BUILDING NOTES: 2012 International Building Code (IBC) 2012 International Residential Code (IRC) 2012 international Mechanical Code (IMC) 2012 International Fuel Gas Code 2012 International Fire Code 2012 Existing Building Code 2012 internation Property Maintenance Cade 2012 !CC Performance Code 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code 2012 Washington Mate Energy Code, (WSEC) Residential Provisions 2011 National Electrical Code Construction type V_B Occupancy class, SINGLE FAMILY Leo and Mierrylin Vergara Existina SIF 7031 182nd Place SW Residence Edmonds, INA 98026-5634 - (206) 786,4265 leo@escremodel.com PROJECT I' 537 Ntn v v. 2D OWNER/CONTRACTOR IS EROSION CONTROL ESC remodel L LC Leo Verg ara e s i h fi ire a ;t 7031 182nd Place SW f Edmonds, WA 98026.564. (206) 786.4265 Ieoa)escremodel,com u _. WA State Contractor Lic: -- - -- - - Monday, May 12:44:22 PM INDEX:DRAWING E' Civil 1521 /ergara cN Landscaping - Passive € °use 15-21 Architectural A 1,01 r- } Site Plan &Project info Al.02 ( ) General Notes CA, CD 9 e°_ A1,03 (-) General Notes JUL r x A1,04 ( ) General Notes A1,05 (-) General (Notes A2.02 (-) Main LevelPlan Permit A2,03 f,--3 Upper Level Plan A2.04 ( ) Roof Plan A2,05 O Schedules Site . A3.01 (-t BuildingElewations �e A3.02 (; Building Elevations Prop A3.03 (m; Buildingsections A8.01 (-_) Architectural[Oetails As2,02 (; train LevelPlan i Structural � � r g �, N AlIkY Lea �e this space S1,01 (m1 Structural Notes O 1` 11 .. �-'-�� 5 $ ,.,1,02 {__) Sfiruct�aralNclfies 9 _-------_� 02,01 (--) Foundaticanlaian ' a2.02 O Main FloorFrarning Plan 1 U-3 5/6" 52,03 (--) Upper FloorFraming Flan 52,04 (--) Roof FrarningFraming Flan 58.01 ( ) StructuralDetailsSTORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES rr Electrical 1, This project will include 113.3 square feet of new Mechanical additional reef (impervious) area. See impervious area calculations this sheet, 2, Existing reef outlines and proposed roof outlines are indicated on the site plan as well as the upper floor plan on sheet A2.03 and reef plan on sheet A2.04, 3. Existing downspout locations will be used typical. ­­'-­­"_1_'-­_ � 4 Existing downspout tight lines will be used typical. f1 J � . No stormwater management/mitigation methods S H E E 1 are proposed for this project.a �. 5 z z C 0 P y R i G H I RA. WHITNEY A Whitney Architecture Paul Whitney 1537 NW Ballard Way, Seattle WA, 98107 206.789.3934 (o) Paul @whitneyarchitecture .co STRUCTURAL I Bykonen Carter Quinn Nick Carter 820 John Street, Suite 201 Seattle WA 98109 206.264.7784 (203) (v) 206-264-7769 (f) nvc@bcq-se.com