7101 OVD- Houshidar.pdf1)� C. 1 g()0 CITY OF EDMONDS GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR 121 5TH AVENUF NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • 425-771-0220 m FAX 425-771-0221 Website: www ci.edmonds.wams PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMFNT Lngineering Division **CERTIFIED MAIL** February 2, 2010 Sheri Houshidar P0Box 901 Lynnwood, WA 98046 RE: Olympic View Drive Special Sewer Connection Fee Dear Ms. Houshidar: On Sanuaiy 19, 2010, the City of Edmonds approved the implementation of a special sewer connection district, which includes your property at 7101 Olympic View Drive. The sewer improvements for this district were recently built as part of the Olympic View Drive (OVD) project between 168t" Street SW to 76`i' Avenue West. Anew sewer lateral has been installed to serve your property from the sewer main in OVD to the edge of your property. With this sewer improvement in place, you will now be able to connect to the public sewer system. The City of Edmonds is implementing the special connection fee to recover the actual costs to construct the new sewer lateral benefiting your property. Special connection fees are authorized by the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 35.92.020 and .025 to enable cities to recover costs of such utility irnproveinents from private property owners. The special connection fee for your property is $4,015.85. In accordance with City Ordinance No. 3777, you will need to connect your properly to the public sewer system and pay the special connection fee within 60 days after the City of Edmonds declares the construction of the new OVD sewer lateral as final. You have the option to receive a four month time extension to connect your property to the sewer main, if 1/3 of the special connection fee is paid to the City within the initial 60 day time period. The remainder of the fee will be due at the time of connection. The anticipated acceptance date for the lateral is now expected in March of this year. The City will notify you in writing of the acceptance date and the start of the 60 day time period. Prior to connecting to the public sewer system, you will be required to pay the City's adopted regular system connection charge (currently $730) and secure a side sewer permit from the City's Engineering Division. The side sewer permit and inspection fee is $95 and covers the new sewer pipe you will need to install on your property to connect your home to the new OVD sewer lateral. If your property is currently undeveloped, the special connection fee may be deferred until the time when the property is developed. At such time, however, the special connection fee will be increased based on a cumulative multiple equal to the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for construction for the Seattle -Bellevue -Everett area. Incorporated August 11, 1890 Sister City - Hekinan, Japan If you have questions, please call Pam Lemcke or nie at 425-771-0220. Sincerely, ih) r Robert S. English City Engineer c: Noel Miller, Public Works Director Pam Lcincke, Capital Projects Manager Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager C:lpocuments and Settings\eurlis\MyDocutnentstHngsec1PROJECIS5E36B.OV D Sewer Latera11E3GB.SeweACaTegory A%Holtshider Cat. A - Notiiicalion uT ordinnnce.DOC