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U4'tXejU0AJ1) ,-rdp I--, LSL Q FIRE ZOl�'.0 I TYPE OJB%RUQTION I B"i'RP8 IM0 NO /r1/JINSPECTOR HEAT a GAR LINE FENCE OUP ' SPECIAL REQUIREDV/ OCCUPANCY ,,u,_ SIGN C] YES / PLAN CHECK D n THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY RESIDENTIAL AS LINE Q NEW E] NON-RESIDENTIAL ❑ SIGN OF EDMONDS. LOCAL SALES TAX ❑ ADD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Applicant Fill rT ❑ ❑ PERMIT APPLICATION Inside Heavy Linos I ,OH ADDRESS V DEMOLISH EXCAVATE PRE -MOVE INSPECTION FENCE // y�I 7 / also 1� �/J✓-�y /C�/ ftf"d ! 8f1 also �/ ! 4 NAME (OR NAME OF BUSINESS) _ r ❑ PEAMItldIBLE LOT COVERAGE^ 2l �� LOT COVESYAOE� ❑ I .......... ........... Fl.) REPAIR �� iaL J IC O i3 /N U N ElPOOL / �7-n ,/ �(J 0, J Y rL— I/• �PL,e ✓7U/� t ❑ IN MAILING ADDRESS _ ,•r i (= l '% ry T / P7 SED - PEITM ItlSIHLE HEIGHT DWELLING CIT/Y T/E)LEPHONE NUMHER ACTUAL LOT AREA T TAL .2. AREA „( ��!1 7 S ized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and state law. regu- ATTENTION Valuation Fee Receipt No. NATURE Or WORK TO BE DONE L ✓.v t nom �/ / i� REQUIRED Y ItDB PROP SEI YARD. w will be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the State of Washington Plan Check No ..................... This application is not a permit until NA E AUTHORIZES FRONT SIDE REAR FRONT 9IDM: REAR I llUILDING 3,0 PROPOSED USE uty, and fees are paid, and receipt is Be shall be completed In ninety day.; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be coal- PLUMHIN6 LE L LOT VARIANCE OR CONDITIONAL USE plelcd In six months.) j N ADDRESSN DIRECTO IG •S O PERMIT NUMBER DEPARTMENT Z��r. ✓ (`_ ,1 x'10 � .. l L — �r PL IN DE A VAL D E' ,�'�-� . -- CITY OF EDhrONDB DATE , C CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER �—� Q •— `? j 775-2525 < IRE • t/t EXI O STREET R/W ....,....... DEFICIENCY T�31B PROPERTY Any nrn.ln..Uan ml Ihr 11,11c damaln lcnrhn. Mdrwnik., drlYen'uye' rl r.r „III rrlulr,! ntParnlr prrlrrlrnlmr. Ed S C NAME _ V ......... COMP. PLAN BT. R/W ...._C....FT. •�• � �� REM"R`iH Driveway slopes not to exceed those F CADD1tESS o indicated on Standard Dwg No 103 O w CHECKED BY t G' C!'fY TELEPHONE NUMBER i O � ✓A' I.�lA. I METER SIZE SERVICE 812E CLEARANCE CHEC HY ( U .M y TE LICENSE NUhI➢ER CITY LICENSE NUMBER LICENSE < i Legal Description of Property (Show Below or Attach Four Copied REMARKS ' uV&J ar .r Sv�Jt�'/Si�A/ ,tic c i c°�7-/cars TYPE CONNECTION /� VERIFIED II,1 S EI I Sty:; 7L LM 4- P _ J L ��� f 1 rl G- %! £ n PERC. TESTI PERMIT NUh[IIER (+� V W o REMARKS f 47 U4'tXejU0AJ1) ,-rdp I--, LSL Q FIRE ZOl�'.0 I TYPE OJB%RUQTION I B"i'RP8 IM0 NO /r1/JINSPECTOR HEAT a GAR LINE FENCE OUP ' SPECIAL REQUIREDV/ OCCUPANCY ,,u,_ SIGN C] YES / PLAN CHECK D n THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY RESIDENTIAL AS LINE Q NEW E] NON-RESIDENTIAL ❑ SIGN OF EDMONDS. LOCAL SALES TAX ❑ ADD RETAINING HOULD iiE CODED 31.04. lARK9 ❑ ❑ DEMOLITION —1p C/� ❑ V DEMOLISH EXCAVATE PRE -MOVE INSPECTION FENCE // y�I 7 / also 1� �/J✓-�y /C�/ ftf"d ! 8f1 also �/ ! 4 ALTER ❑ OR FILL ❑ I .......... ........... Fl.) REPAIR MOVE ElPOOL / �7-n ,/ �(J 0, J Y rL— I/• �PL,e ✓7U/� t ❑ IN TOTAL AIIIOUNT DUE i (= l '% ry NUMBER OF STORIES NUMBER OF DWELLING formation given le correct; And that I am the owner, or the duly author- I UNITS ized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and state law. regu- ATTENTION Valuation Fee Receipt No. NATURE Or WORK TO BE DONE lating construction; and In doing the work authorized thereby, no person G ".. ! fJ L. M1'' (: 6 will be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the State of Washington Plan Check No ..................... This application is not a permit until totaling to workmen's Compensation Insurance. AUTHORIZES signed by the Building Official or his Dep - I llUILDING 3,0 PROPOSED USE uty, and fees are paid, and receipt is Be shall be completed In ninety day.; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be coal- PLUMHIN6 plelcd In six months.) LSL Q PLOT PLAN (Indicate Building Setbacks, abutting Streets) HEAT a GAR LINE FENCE SIGN RETAINING WALL N SWIMMING POOL DEMOLITION V PRE -MOVE INSPECTION EXCAVATION OR FILL TOTAL AIIIOUNT DUE I hereby acknowledge that I have reed this sppllc.Ucm: that the In- formation given le correct; And that I am the owner, or the duly author- ized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and state law. regu- ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL lating construction; and In doing the work authorized thereby, no person will be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the State of Washington THIS PERMIT This application is not a permit until totaling to workmen's Compensation Insurance. AUTHORIZES signed by the Building Official or his Dep - I NOTE: Permit Limit One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which ONLY THE wonK NOTED uty, and fees are paid, and receipt is Be shall be completed In ninety day.; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be coal- knowledged in space provided. plelcd In six months.) j IIGNATURE (OWNER OR AGENT) DATE SIGNED INSPECTION DIRECTO IG DEPARTMENT Z��r. ✓ (`_ ,1 x'10 � .. l L — �r ,�'�-� . -- CITY OF EDhrONDB DATE , NOTE: Applicant Subject to Plan Cbeck Fee �—� Q •— `? 775-2525 This fermi,coctre work to be done en private property ONLY. Any nrn.ln..Uan ml Ihr 11,11c damaln lcnrhn. Mdrwnik., drlYen'uye' FILE rl r.r „III rrlulr,! ntParnlr prrlrrlrnlmr. Ed • Parcel No. 1 A portion of Tract 13, Talbot. Park according to the plat thereof as recorded in volume 12 of plats on page 107, records of Snohomish County,Washington described as. follows:' Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Tract 13;thence Northeasterly along Railroad right of way 60.0 feet;thence S 3° 54' 26" W for 131.38 feet;thence S 130 36' 02" E for 63.79 feet;thence S 68° 06' 34" E for 105:351 feet;thence S 17° 24' 52" E for 55.39 feetmore or leas to the northerly i margin of Talbot Road;phence Westerly along said Road margin to the to Sopthwest corner of ;said Tract 13;thence N 4° 51' 00" W along the west line thereof for 283.90.feet to the true point of beginning. oE O m df u O M M rD to u M 0 m N• r° f0 r M m R rt W R n O a p M O rt H W H �D •. • n 00 m R n H H ru n H t N 0 �e• 1 R O 4 P. O r M O• 70 1 0 0 M`G HH� N 7 O Wr•o � as U* m H rD D> rt n W r 00 m rD M t•• Dr H W N O H m Q. O t�+•0 rt •0.1' O rn utW rm't Wr•M 7� MM00 IHD 0 F0. rtOOO 7 h w m O m m 0i H 7 rt < W o w H w m o o N N rD o o n 0 rt � o rt o o. a W F H H ID H O m £ O rr O m W w•w n n. m F o H E h N H H rt a rt 7 H E N t'• W ON rMD r W O M W `wt rmt rro m tr °• rt w 000 :r C71 n °' b rot n rt t+ N O O Oa rDH • OH W°r+ r H o maCOO r G 7 M O NM° 0SNHnO NDH0 K OW7N rD M 7n GQ :3W S O roHC ' m m Dl O R H V O `<M :r O m M H rt o M Ow Mo. O 7 • M m r, o. M � A 9 rt H --N p M H O w OQ sort rt Uro" rt V to rt�r m =' n n tN 0 O. A N F rt H O M O H O n W Mm rt 0 M 1-1M m o v es o m u, ry w ti N y C, w rt G. "O Frt O rP� 'Ct M m m F N 00 m rt :3 0O N O O R n M H m N rD O S rt O •� 174 Cr z a rD .. N M rD O m R O O H rt -• ❑. ut M o0 H a' MR O R-• N O W rt O O h 7•m :r 0 :r9 M, O 0 m MR rt fn rD W 7 m ^J S rD r 0 7 M00 R N t•• r n o v-• N rt rOD 7' fD H �O J 7LI0 315 RECORD OF INSPECTIONS Date Passed 1--: Foundation Plumbing (Partial) Cl (Rough) 7 9 Frame % Furnace & Fuel Lines Final 1 r t REMARKS Legal Description of Property (Show Below or Attach Four Copies) U6JL�TYPE CONNECTION sa�JiL� rlj�SiaVERIFIED F .) 540 SLftvI- /G4- PERU. TEST PERMIT NUMBER REMARKS �b. U►�D�c,� Linin w,�:►N� ���p b, FIRE ZO TYPE OF CONS, RUION ;:E/IT IMPROVED El SPECIAL INSPECTOR R RREQUIRED OCCUPANCY GROUP Y/" V © NEW © RESIDENTIAL ©'GAB LINE YES j e � NON-REeIDENTIALOF SIGN GL BUILDING DEPARTMENT Applicant Fill °�ZOO / PERMIT "i't% NUMBER t PERMIT APPLICATION I Inside Heavy Lines JOB ADDRESS ARKS NAME (OR NAME OF HUSINE88) ElDEMOLISH❑ WALL PERMISSIBLE ACTUAL / LOT COVERAGE .'Li �� LOT COVESYAOE �✓ , N MAILING ADDRE88 j -r 7 S. PERMISSIBLE HEIGHT HT /� . ` �, '!! t/N �� %Q ai.� CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER ACTUAL LOT AREA T(T'[tAL B D AREA / l L'.✓.vtRlbbv i/ REGUTAED Y RU8 PROPOSED YARDS a5 NA EFRONT _3 i- - G, , 7 r BIDE REAR FRONT BIDE REAR � < /? 1 oe 14 o J' + 4 S -VIJL V r rV ADDRESS LE LOT VARIANCE OR CONDITIONAL USE S NO PERMIT NUMBER (i 1 N CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER PL IN DE =AL �, E• J c f I NAM I REL EXI 6 STREET R/W ./.y.... DEFICIENCY T 78 PROPERTY Z. W hL . 1� 1'j COMP. PLAN ST, R/W ."'. C....FT. ............FT, REhfARRI! 4 b I /t/ j O N Driveway slopes not to exceed those o M ADDRESS 10 q aT-� 3Y �— /L. S I indicated on Standard Dwq. No. 103 w eU O 3 — % / - LV C CITY . TELEPHONE NUMBER CHECKE" I ' �y;>,/ry' 444444 METER BILE i SERVICE SIZE I CLEARANCE I CHECICED BY t REMARKS Legal Description of Property (Show Below or Attach Four Copies) U6JL�TYPE CONNECTION sa�JiL� rlj�SiaVERIFIED F .) 540 SLftvI- /G4- PERU. TEST PERMIT NUMBER REMARKS �b. U►�D�c,� Linin w,�:►N� ���p b, FIRE ZO TYPE OF CONS, RUION ;:E/IT IMPROVED El SPECIAL INSPECTOR R RREQUIRED OCCUPANCY GROUP Y/" V © NEW © RESIDENTIAL ©'GAB LINE YES � / THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY PLAN CHECK D II NON-REeIDENTIALOF SIGN GL EDMONDS. LOCAL SALES TAX ADD RETAI❑ KING ARKS HOULD BE CODED 31.04. ElDEMOLISH❑ WALL �J ALTER EXCAVATE FENCE /� . ` �, '!! t/N �� %Q / �J / �p / �[ •(/ G e {O/✓ fez i/ /J(- 670 OR FILL (.......... x .......... Ft.) ❑ ❑ REPAIR ❑ PRE-.a[OVE O swim POOL -VIJL V r rV O`S Y172-, ree ✓-7v),d � 6A6 I (i 1 NUMBER OF STORIES NUMBER OF I f DWELLING / UNITS I NATURE OF WORK TO HE DONE Valuation Fee Receipt No. / / L L✓ Plan Check No ........ ............ f PROPOSED USE BUILDING D O Q_ �) t/ /If PLUMBING T ozI (/ PLOT PLAN (Indicate Building setbacks, abutting streets) HEAT & GAB LINE g, J ' PENCE SIGN RETAINING WALL SWIMMING POOL DEMOLITION I ' PRE -MOVE INSPECTION 1 EXCAVATION OR FILL LF! 1 TOTAL Aa[OONT DUE1 hereby acknowledge that I have rend this apDllentlon; lbnt the In• formation given 1s correct; and that I are the owner, or the duty author. 1 Iced agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and stale law. regu• ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL lating construction; and In doing the work authorized thereby, no person I will be employed In violation of Ne Labor Code of the Stale of Washington THIS PERMIT This application is not a permit until rotating to Workmen's Compensation Insurance. AUTHORIZER signed by the Building 0111Cie1 Or h18 Dep- J NOTE: Permit Limit One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which ONLY TH WORK NOTED uty; and fees are paid, and receipt is ac - shall be completed In ninety days; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be com• knowledged in space provided. pleled In six months.) 3IGNATURE (OWNER OR AGENT) DATE elONED INSPECTION DIRECTO ' !G _ 47�' DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDMUNDS DATE NOTE: Applicant Subject to Plan Check Fee 775-2525 c This Ferns tit r cork to be done an private property ONLY. Any construct! non the public domain (curbs, sidewalks, driveway., FILE ni.trgnr,•.. eIc.) t,Ill r,•qulre erparnlr Verndeslnn. gllDllglllgti®�II�I�AnIIRIIg � __ —_ - n>Mlvgsgta�ss�lengslr. - - r A 'z or Attach Four Copies) ,UPJ[ -Tr .r .`,Uej)I JII IPAI '6F;fr(/1 kT7`' -xjj " TYPE, COVECTION / U I VERIFIED BY pp +7 REMARRB m O FIRE 20NE TYPE0 CONST�RU/FTION , T A ROVED SPECIAL INSPECTOR REQUIRED IOCCUPANCY GROUP JE:]RESIDENTIAL GAS ❑ YES ` p:O +— LINE PLAN CHECKED II THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY ❑ NEW ., - NON-RESIDENTIAL smN )<; •.� SHOULD BEMONDS. LOCAL SALES TA$ ❑ ., 1, _ 1 SHOULD BE CODED 31.04. ❑ ADD ❑ RETAINING REMARKS DEMOLISH ❑ WAIT' ❑ ALT. E]EXCAVATE FENCE � � i�. ; ::' / l ;-.', .: (� i•, :; :.. i C'.. �.� i/ /.-.'. �' (i / �/ OR FILL ❑ (..........x .......... Ft.) ❑REP.\IR E]PRE-MOVESWIM INSP. El NUMBER 71 STORIES NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS NATURE OF WORK TO BE DONE Valuation Fee ReCClpt No. Plan Check N. ............ ........ BUILDING L PROPOSED USE PLUMBING a PLOT PLA (Indicate Building setbacks, abutting streets) HEAT A GAS LINE i ' ) 9 FENCE BION RETAINING WALL N SWIMMING POOL DEMOLITION PRE -MOVE INSPECTION EXCAVATION OR FILL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE I hereby' acknowledge that I hnvo read this application; that the In- formatlon given Is correct; and that I "'the owner, or the duly author- ized agent of Ilhe owner. I agree to comply with city and state laws rag.- ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL tin lag one re tion; end In doles the work authorized thereby, no y."on will by emplo7ed m vlolatlon of the Labor Code of the State of Washington THIN PERMIT This application is not a permit until relntieg to Workmen's Compensation Insurance. AUTIIORIZPal signed by the Building Official or his DeP- ONLY TH NOTE: P rmit Limit. One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which WORK NOTED utyi and fees are paid, and receipt is ac shall be com leled in Nasty days; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be Com- knowledged in space provided. pleted In elx �ticoths.) SIGNATURE (OIVNER OR AGENT) DATE SIGNED INSPECTION DIRECTOR'S SIGNATURE DEPARTMENT CITY OF DATE EDMONDS NOTE: Applicant Subject to Plan Check Fee 775-2525 Thle Per�,t 11cot ere work to be Iona on prlvale property ONLY - Any canelructlan on the public domaln (curb., .Idew•alke, drlve AM INSPECTOR �i:trnore., rir.) trill rronlr,' nrpitrpir t,rrtnl.elen. R11!®IAtlll 1 IarlesY�wes®I�Ira�ise�idt®� B U I L D I N DEPARTMENT UBE PERMIT - AppUcant Fln ZOO ,Q S D NUMBER PERMIT APPLICATION Insldo FIeaYy Linos JOB ADDRESS NAME (OR NAME OF HU81NEeB) PEltatitleIBLE ^ ACTUAL / IAT COVERAGFo �/ •) LOT COVERAGE _1:")�,> r MA1WN0 ADD RESS _ - PERMISSIBLE HEIOIIT / PIiORp[gED HEIOI`�T %f -D 6. 33 O CITY AREA TE EPHONE NUMHEA ACTUAL LOT AREA 1 T ALD DO, AREA • REQUIRED Y RDS PROP 9L YAADH ' FRONT HIDE REAR FRONT 81DE REAR NAME n4� r 3v 30+ s t7 y '7-'� •z ` �j LEGAL LOT VAItIA NCE OR CONDITIONAL UBE ADDRE.- []_NO PERMIT NUMBER t'L NI DO A PFIOVAL 1r• �j DATE. �!-!1 I\ // aO CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER I STREE'TPj'R/W t EXISt! IG STREET R/W DEFICIENCY THIS PROPERTY NAME .�.......FT. COMP. PLAN ST. R/W .`..'.'. �....FT. r ••••FT• ' r U REMARKS Il1'7 VP:!ti './ .;If is .. !'O;. CG C ADDAEgB _ /_.; -�, • .' • �r. •ii ca tr:d on S+.ar, (:.at•a l7•;:rt_ f;n. HEC BY CHECKED f I F CIT TELEPHONE NUMBER i I V __-__ _ ___.-__ _...-....... ,. •„•.• ....o..a�...r•uwc.rt METER elLE I SERVICE SIZE I CLEARANCE I CHECXE SY A 'z or Attach Four Copies) ,UPJ[ -Tr .r .`,Uej)I JII IPAI '6F;fr(/1 kT7`' -xjj " TYPE, COVECTION / U I VERIFIED BY pp +7 REMARRB m O FIRE 20NE TYPE0 CONST�RU/FTION , T A ROVED SPECIAL INSPECTOR REQUIRED IOCCUPANCY GROUP JE:]RESIDENTIAL GAS ❑ YES ` p:O +— LINE PLAN CHECKED II THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY ❑ NEW ., - NON-RESIDENTIAL smN )<; •.� SHOULD BEMONDS. LOCAL SALES TA$ ❑ ., 1, _ 1 SHOULD BE CODED 31.04. ❑ ADD ❑ RETAINING REMARKS DEMOLISH ❑ WAIT' ❑ ALT. E]EXCAVATE FENCE � � i�. ; ::' / l ;-.', .: (� i•, :; :.. i C'.. �.� i/ /.-.'. �' (i / �/ OR FILL ❑ (..........x .......... Ft.) ❑REP.\IR E]PRE-MOVESWIM INSP. El NUMBER 71 STORIES NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS NATURE OF WORK TO BE DONE Valuation Fee ReCClpt No. Plan Check N. ............ ........ BUILDING L PROPOSED USE PLUMBING a PLOT PLA (Indicate Building setbacks, abutting streets) HEAT A GAS LINE i ' ) 9 FENCE BION RETAINING WALL N SWIMMING POOL DEMOLITION PRE -MOVE INSPECTION EXCAVATION OR FILL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE I hereby' acknowledge that I hnvo read this application; that the In- formatlon given Is correct; and that I "'the owner, or the duly author- ized agent of Ilhe owner. I agree to comply with city and state laws rag.- ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL tin lag one re tion; end In doles the work authorized thereby, no y."on will by emplo7ed m vlolatlon of the Labor Code of the State of Washington THIN PERMIT This application is not a permit until relntieg to Workmen's Compensation Insurance. AUTIIORIZPal signed by the Building Official or his DeP- ONLY TH NOTE: P rmit Limit. One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which WORK NOTED utyi and fees are paid, and receipt is ac shall be com leled in Nasty days; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be Com- knowledged in space provided. pleted In elx �ticoths.) SIGNATURE (OIVNER OR AGENT) DATE SIGNED INSPECTION DIRECTOR'S SIGNATURE DEPARTMENT CITY OF DATE EDMONDS NOTE: Applicant Subject to Plan Check Fee 775-2525 Thle Per�,t 11cot ere work to be Iona on prlvale property ONLY - Any canelructlan on the public domaln (curb., .Idew•alke, drlve AM INSPECTOR �i:trnore., rir.) trill rronlr,' nrpitrpir t,rrtnl.elen. R11!®IAtlll 1 IarlesY�wes®I�Ira�ise�idt®� Parcel No. 1 A portion of Tract 13, Talbot -Park according to the plat thereof i as recorded in volume 12 of plats on page 107, records of Snohomish County,Washington described as follows:'; Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Tract 13;then6e Northeasterly along Railroad right of way 60.0 feet;thence S 3° 54' 26" W for 131.38 feet;thence S 13° 36' 02" E for 63.79 feet;thence S 68° 06' 34" E for 105:35 feet;thence S 17° 24' 52" E for 55.39 feetmore or less to -the northerly margin of Talbot Road;xhence Westerly along said Road margin to the to Sopthwest.corner of ;said Tract 13;thence N 4° 51' 00" W along the west line thereof for 283.90 feet to the true point of beginning - 4. 0 eginning— E.O M'Mv O. M hh w W u W W W 0 M M O 9 9•v rT rt w" M ..n o0o M rot Mroti f,Y 01 M r0D W rt A W N o00 m N 0 Oo o n M o 9 M ° 0 M T a M 7 000 rt M 000 M N 41 O. w rt O 0 H W m O m m M M S rt< MW 0� 00 M 0 t0•+0 0•+ M • N F M O N £ p O m 11 M W ,.wn CLW 410 rrz M NH d fMD N O 14 rt M M o' O.M W H rt W O. O oo x rh a, n b rt H O N 0 0 M coo •o°f rot m < 0 M 0 rr O 100 Ea It M. M M rt LA M CD MM .O-. O x M M 0• M M O N 0 01 0µ0 0.7.wM U, R Hf O O 0'0 N A"M m N 0 rt H v0`< rh70 0 00 H O 7 ° M M � ID 0 rt CM'. '0 0. M M F M H -� fOD N y £ rt 00 rt M O 00 - 14 Ln n N O 0 0 '•' C R M O M rt O H N M N o 0 N 0 S b W O M H r0D �O HrnwO M tort M d M d O� �+• rt 0. b A 0 tr M 00 ora M o ° 0 0 ort F M 00 MM R N O nM M mN �rh M K m O 7rt O Fcd Crx :3 M M M.M O M M O O H R .. O. W rh 00 H 7 M rr 0• l0 M,V• N H O M M rt S li O. N4 M rt a rt N M W 0 M S S M O 7 H.. 00 R M 1+ r n O v •' • M rt M x M H H .O . H � •71031'5 RECORD OF INSPECTIONS Date Passed Foundation Plumbing (Partial) A (Rough) -- Frame i�74 Furnace &Fuel Lines Final