740480.pdfi BUILDING DEPARTMENT Applicant Flu °� PERMIT APPLICATION I Inside Heavy Lines JOB ADDRE88 K ,� NAME (OR NAME OF BUSINESS) d / PERMISSIBLE JSp / LOT COVERAGE 3S /o p' MAIL 0 ADDRESS_ PERMISBIHY BIOII T NUMRCITYR ACTUA T AREA S 05 REQUIREDYARDS NAME --r SIDE RI (U,1 ADDRESS LE6 OT VAR1A) 1lY .e NO PE "T V CITY I TELEPHONE NUMBER NAME AZ 7�cesal_ C ADDRESS ,�// -- S'a, F CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER Z. /C�fYlcavl!,� S• V STATE LICENSE NUMBER C 'U-3-0% 7�6y Legal Description of Property (Show Below or l�y n W 7 DPOBED HEIG T z FAL BL.DO. =_� PROPOSED YARDS a' FRONT 8IDE REAR P REE /{V =IS eTREET R/ .OFT. CIENCY THIS PROPERTY COMP. PLAN ST. SO PLAN ..FT. (. ..FT. _ REMARKS Driveway slopes not to exceed those indicated on Standard Dw . No. 103 FIRE ZONE OF CONSTRUCTION STREET IMPROVED HE Bx METER SIZE I-SERVICE1 SIZE I CLEARANCE I 137CJLD REMARKS TYPE CONNECTION I _ 1 I PERU. TEST I P IT MBER REMARKS Plan Check N. ..................... I FIRE ZONE OF CONSTRUCTION STREET IMPROVED BUILDING PROPOSED USE ITYPE C3 YES [3 NO - PLUMHIN6 SPECIAL INSPECTOR REQUIRED OCCUPANCY GROUP M PLOT PLAN (Indicate BSlldlag eelbacks, abutting effects) HEAT k GAB LINE RESIDENTIAL O't8 LINE ❑YES � NO NEN PLAN CHECKED BY THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY RETAINING WALL NON-RESIDENTIAL SIGN N OF EDMOND1 LOCAL SALES TAX ADD SWIMMING POOL RETAINING REMARKS SHOULD BE CODED 31.04. DEMOLITION ❑ DEMOLISH ❑ EXCAVATION OR FILL ALTER EXCAVATE ❑ PENCE ❑ OR FILL FILL ...........Fl.) O REPAIR ❑ I 9EPatOVE ElP OM JUMBER OF STORIES NUMBERF UMUNI ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL luting Construction; and In doing the work authorized thereby, no person NO I will be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the Stale of Washington THIS PERMIT This application Is not a permit until Willing to Workmen's Compen.atlon Ineurance. AUTHORIZES BE NOTE: Permit limit One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which ONLY TILE Plan Check N. ..................... I BUILDING PROPOSED USE - PLUMHIN6 M PLOT PLAN (Indicate BSlldlag eelbacks, abutting effects) HEAT k GAB LINE (%e S-0 O 9 FENCE SIGN RETAINING WALL N SWIMMING POOL DEMOLITION PRE -MOVE INSPECTION EXCAVATION OR FILL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE I hereby acknowledge that I have read thls application; that the In. O formation given Is correct; and that I am the owner, or the duly author- Ized agent of theowner. 1 agree to comply wlth city and &tate laws regu• ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL luting Construction; and In doing the work authorized thereby, no person will be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the Stale of Washington THIS PERMIT This application Is not a permit until Willing to Workmen's Compen.atlon Ineurance. AUTHORIZES signed by the Building Official or his Dep - NOTE: Permit limit One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which ONLY TILE uty; and fees are paid, and receipt is aC- j .hall be completed In ninety days; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be com- WORK NOTED 1mGWledged In space provided. pleted In .Ix monthe.) OR AGENT) DATE SIGNED INSPECTION DEPARTMENT I DI OR'8 NAT SIGUIVNFI1 CITY OF : 14i ." /f, NOTE: Applicant Subject to Plan Cbee Fee EDMONDS . g a 775-2525 This Permit covers work to be done an private property ONLY. Any rant furl len an the pulrllc Amm�ln tenrbn, eldewWks, drhewayn. r r,)�irr�. rt, .1 r, 111 rriui rr xepurafr 1'rnnl..lmr. FILE r 1 1 1 , Yx 1 , PARCEL GC Tho Westerly 100.00 foot of the Easterly 343.00 feet cf, that pori -Ion of Governmen� i Lot 2, fn Soetion 24, fow, nshi 27 Norl•h, Range 3 l nsl, V' M. tri Snohomish Couni'y Washington, doscrIbed .Lis fol Ioyis: "Beg InnIng at tho,NIOI-Thea t`comer of lSold: Governmant,Lot'.2; thence West "for 30.00 feet; thence South for 30;00 feet totho corner'. of the paved rood and Seventh Avenue North produced, in the. City.oi.Edrnonds„I thence S 0°12!00"W, a!on0 lhe`i•lest IIne of Seventh 'Avenue -Mor.th,`produced for 233 G7►y,YtS feet to the True Porrrt of Beginning of this'd crip-H on;, hence N 89°39!00"4l,: -along rqt Ir a Ilel Wiih th' North lino.of said Goverranent Lo,.:2 fo'r fi11.07 fee I ne d t' r av n , p r�, to'an !nter,ectlon with the Easterly margin of Third Avenue North; thence S. 7.?°18'00"V," along said Easterly mar -gin for 86.85 feet; thence`S 89°39'001'E,�for 653:71 feet to:,�rrtl �. Intersec•I•lon with the lest lino of Seventh Avanue North produced; tfienoe`N 0°12'00"E, along soid West line for- 46.00 feet -to the True Point of Beginning EXCEPT that portlon ihereof conveyed to the City of Edmonds for street right -of `w y I• by deed recorded under, Auditor's File,. No.`2270223, records of Snohomish'Coun•ty, Washington - ' I i i jj y(ah � apt J(t,er ` I Cj lz� ( RECORD OF INSPECTIONS I Date Passed f %'! Foundation Plumbing (Partial) --/Q — -79 /�LCJ• i i (Rough) Frame Furnace & Fuel Linesj5? . , C,hw I f Final I V6/D n� v A(r° { '-----'