750202.pdfF -A. -N- G DEPARTMENT Applicant APPLICATION Inside Heavy I ME OF BUH1N ) is REee- STELEPHONE NUMIlk !� NADDRESS D / J C CITY TI NAME Cd 2.� GJ ADDRESS C C7T'Y I T STAT LICENSE NUMBER C Legal Description of Property (dhow Below or C D U a W LE F Plan Check N0.1.47.......'.jr' F LINE NEW BUILDING �RESIDENTIAL 4 PROPOSED USE NON-RESIDENTIAL I7() 626N ADD FlDEMOLISH Y❑—'`WALL ANG ALTER EAVATE [:] FEN Cx PLAN (Indicate Building setbacks, abutting streets) ❑ OR FILL .......... Fl.) REPAIR ❑ PRE -MOVE F1P0OL 9P FENCE IUMHER OF BTORtEs NUMBER OF SIGN DWELLING I RETAINING WALL UNITS ---� N IATU OF WORK ONE LE F Plan Check N0.1.47.......'.jr' BUILDING 4 PROPOSED USE PLUMBING aPLOT PLAN (Indicate Building setbacks, abutting streets) HEAT A: GAS LINE m FENCE SIGN RETAINING WALL N SWIMMING POOL DEMOLITION PRE -MOVE INSPECTION EXCAVATION OR FILL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE �/ t heresy acknowledge that t have read thl. application; that the 1n- / O tormntlon given Is correct; and that I am the owner, or the duly author• [zed agent of the owner. 1 agree to comply with city and state law' ""ATTENTION APPLICATION luting construction; and In doing the work authorized thereby, no person APPROVAL will be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the Stale of Washington TIUS PERMIT This application is not a permit until relating to Workmen'' Compensation insurance. AUTHORIZES eigned by the Building Official Or his Dep. NOTE: Permit Limit One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which ONLY THE Ut and fees are 61dr and receiptie 6C - y: P shall be completed in nlnely day.; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be Som• WORK NOTED knowledged In space provided. Pleted In six months.) SIGNATURE (OWNER OR AGENT) DAT BIG NEll— INSPECTION DIRECTOR'S a ON U E 3 / r DEPARTMENT cGJ CITY OF NOTE: Applicant thject to Plan Check Fre EDMONDS DATE L Thi. Permit rovers -,k to be done on prlvate property ONLY. 775-2525 Any ren.trnrllon nn the puirlle dmm�ln ten't's, nlAewniks, drtyew'.ys, ,r'lerr�, rtr.).., ill riyulrr nelmnrtr I,rrrol..lnn. FILL: l