750319.pdf� I BUILDING DEPARTMENT ONE NUMBS 750310 Applicant Fill — PERMIT APPLICATION I Inside Heavy ImeB ,DB 71 Q,__� ADDRESS c F Kran NAME (OR NAME OF BUSINEE;A / / PE RMIHBIHLE LOT COVERAGE 35 G ACTUAL I.OT COVERAGE `hom^ SrI\ MAILING ADDRESS 7. �rtttT_3 7 4 22 nl Y�—LL—r ` PERNIII38IBLE HEIGHT r C ACTUAL LOT AREA PROPOSED HE'OR TOTAL BLDG. /CITY/REQUIRED CITY YARDS PROPO E YARDS WW LEGAL LOT VARIANCE OR CONDITIONAL USE ADDRESS Id YES [I NO PERMIT NUMBER taw Ptn Vac 68th So.GAS PLANNI7r DE 'pROVA DA CITY TELEPHONE NUMBEfi I STREET"/V�� //LL EXISTING STREET R/V6/.2/!2/0/�nI5, DEFICIENCY PROPERTY NAME /^tTHIS COMP. PLAN ST. R/Vh:...(5f::,FT. ..`J......FT. San Juan Pool Corporation C ADDRESS 0 S� 735 N. E. 198th C CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER F Seattle 363-5151 I LLJ—U L7U—LJ I Legal Dc.criptlon of Property (Show Below or Attach Four Copies) Meadowdale Beach 0 Rik 000—D-02 w Th Ptn Lot 146 Ly WlY Co. Road a wt- fr R T.n `t ISI O.K. to connect into sanitary sewer wl SD lot and less N. 192.24 ft thof FIRE ZONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION STREET IMPROVED ..T� ij�aa l� �cB ❑ xo taw Ptn Vac 68th So.GAS SPECIAL INSPECTOR REQUIRED OCCUPANCY GROUP I RESIDENTIAL YES YO ❑PLAN !/ I L1 NEN INE CHECKED THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY I i NON-RESIDENTIAL❑ BION . OF LOCAL SALES TAX ADD RETAINING 7w RA KS OUEDMONDS. SHLD BE CODED 31.04. ElDEMOLISH WALL ❑ 2-� EXCAVATE❑ FENCE / 700 e- /��SI%LA/ �� ALTER F-1OR FILL L.......... .......... Ft.) ' SWIM UREPAIR E] ❑ INSPPOOL &,7) �� i I L NUMBER ORSTORIES NUM 1F 6t) At� �rr,Xl DWELLING uCLACO95 I 6T GJUNITS ( NATURE OF WORK TO BE DONE Valuation Fee Receipt No. Install private swimming pool Plan Check Na.. .................. BUILDING PROPOSED USE PLUMBING l O PLOT PLAN Indlcnto SUIW Ind eclbaclte, nnut[ing alrcete) HEAT & GAS LINE FENCE i ['L e:r SIGN RETAINING WALL SWIMMING POOL / /�. Uu DEMOLITION / /- x Is rj,4 PRE -MOVE INSPECTION f�✓tr-1J�J , EXCAVATION OR FILL - I� '��/• 171 f TOTAL AMOUNT DUE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application; that the In- t formation given Is correct; and that I ame the owner, or the duly author- Ized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and state law. regu. ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL - lating construction; and In doing the work authorized thereby, no person will be employed In violation of the Labor Code of the State of Weahmgton TIHH PERMIT This application is not a permit until relating to Workman's Compensation Insurance. AUTHORIZES signed by the Building Official or his Dep- NOTE: Permit limit One Year (Except DEMOLITIONS which ONLY TILE WORK NOTED utyc and fees are paid, and receipt is ac- _ —'--- .hall ba completed In ninety day.; MOVED -IN BUILDINGS shall be cam- knowledged in space provided. pleted In six months.) BION U _(OWNER Olt AGENT) DATE SIGNED INSPECTION DIRECT BIG TUBE /��/ ^ l ,/ �� DEPARTMENT z �4//�J `DC7 ✓ 7 ] -S CITY OF EDhiONDB DAT — NOTE: Applicant Subject to Place Check Fee 775.2525 Tld. Permit coverswork to be done on private properly ONLY. Any const "lethal an las public domain (rurbe, sidewalks, drlyeway., FILE „ilo.rs, ..i- ,,m rrnalrr -rami,-