75th Pl W-15625-BLD20080376-Rayresidence-stormwater_memo.doc
(425) 771-0220
City Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
DATE: October 3, 2008
TO: File
FROM: Jerry Shuster, P.E., Stormwater Engineering Program Manager
RE: Application #: Bld20080376
Project: Ray Residence
Project Address: 15625 -75th Pl. W.
Item reviewed:
Drainage report dated September 15, 2008
Plan sheets 1-2
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed.
The major items regarding site drainage that require revising include: connecting the piping for
roof runoff to the upstream side of the proposed detention tank, providing more detail on the
design of the interceptor trench, and providing a note for minimum cover on a pipe that is
proposed in the right-of-way. In the erosion and sediment control plan, several steps in the
construction sequence need to be added as well as more clearly defining the limits of clearing and
the location and extent of the temporary filter fence.
These items and minor revisions are detailed in the enclosed checklists.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at shuster@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.