810170.pdfUSE ~ CITY OF EDMONDS ZONE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION — NAME TOR NAME OF BUSINESS) ADDRESS It Rl THE x, OSIER [ /Ii R D LEGAL DI W MAILING ADDRESS Z PERMIT NUMBER 8 10 1 •i Gz,2 S 0.6 V 1 C W `) R. PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY PER OFFICIAL STREET MAP O CITY ELEPHONE NUMBER E %ISTING ED�o�yDs 77� i.z� VfiOPOSED NAME DEFICIENCY OF RIGHT OI' WAY h V W ADDRESS h CHECKED BY SEE ENGINEERING MEMO DATED_ R REMARKS NAME METER SIZE IeUILDING SUPPLY SIZE I FIXTURE UNI TS ADDRESS D SIGN AREA E.V. REVIEW '-"•"-" U STATE LICENSE NUMBER CITY LICENSE NUMBER COMPLETE EXEMPT ALLOWED PROPOSED SHORELINE # Legal Description of Property (Show Below or Attach Four Copiesl VARIANCE OR Cu PLANNING REVIEW BY DATE Z LOT COVERAGE U O YARDS Z_ h y FRONT SIDE REAR Z Z U REMARKS W w 6 O ❑ NEW DENTIAL PLUMBINGCHECKED BY t", N-RESIDENTIAL Ir7-7�fIPM ECH AN ICAL ADD E] DEMOLISH J.-� SIGN SPECIAL INSPECTOR AREA OCCUPANCY OCCUi REQUIRED GROUP rf l� LOAD �L ❑ NOR ES D ALTER ❑ EXCAVATE FILL ' ENCE X—�) ❑ O MA[R�K�S� ❑ �YES S AA.X — Per- REPAIR COMPLIANCE INS,. ❑ POOL Z NUMBER OF STORIES NUMBER OF 1,1,- VrTOLG REIN � O DWELLING UNITS h n NATUREOFW RKTOBEDONE.IATTACH PLOT PLAN) U N W D M PLAN CHECK FEE O VALUATION FEE BUILDING PLUMBING MECHANICAL This Permit coven wo. herk to be done on private property ONLY. driveways, FENCE Any �rletrT marquees, etc.) will requ ei seperete permission SIGN Permit Application: 180 Days Permit Limit:1 Year- Provided Work is Started Within 120 Days RETAINING WALL h "Applicant, can behalf (iI his or her sptluse, hells, assigns alld SY IMMING POOL W successors in Interest, agrees to indetnnify, defend and hold harmless J P the City of Edmunds, Washington, its officials, employees, and E agents from any and all claims fnr d:mlages of tt•h;rtever nature, a issuance of (his 11 titlit. Isslr t% CCJ- x :wising directly or indirectly fiscal the active or reduce TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (lJ p ance of This perntil shall not he deemed (o modify, 'ally lIt lit ill any Way' lie J any requirement ofCity ordinance nor APPROVAL i City's ability to enlbrce any ordinance provision" ATTENTION APPLICATION I h2rcb)acknowledge that I have read this application that the 111• THIS PERMIT Till$ uplllliallUll is IIUI - a Iieltll ll formation given is eltrrel'l; and It at I :Till'he "caller, car the la aI1 until signed h till Building' Official or g ' 1e rcgu• AUTHORIZES iLed agent of the "Weer. I agree I en.111,I)' Willi ail)' and Malt' laws rl gV- and alld 11is Depull'. IeeS are paid, lating construction; and In doing Zile work authoriied thereby', it,, person ONLY THE Lab+u f-(ids' RI till' Stall` of Washington WORK NOTED lel'L'ipt is acc� llowledged Ill space IIr0- be employed in violation of ilia Vlded. relating to Workmen , i'Itillp'nSallull In+llr:mce' INSPECTION SIGNATURE (OWNER AGENT) ' DATE SIGNED DEPARTMENT DIRECT R'S SIGNATURE /OR G.l 3 - J �� CITY OF U,�ILI� syL�Cc Gam'-t�-f •-' eLii EDMONDS DATE HIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY 775-2525 �u( OF EDMONDS. LOCAL SALES TAX SHOULD 13E CODED 31.04. ORIGINAL - Flu YELLOW In••PI'�'I�++ ATTENTION TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PINK — Uwnel GOLD — Aurssot IT IS UNLAWFUL UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED. UBC 304. 306. 1a2 IN u +; 4 I I I l I 1 1 l I i