840324.pdfIRIGHT - PERMIT CITY OF EDMONDSP,S� 7 NNMDER,�,,,N CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLI - NAME TOR NAME OF BUSINESS) ESS �, (J_ ;'- t /3 i; .r i. L.DESCRIP ION CHECK SUBDIVISION HO, LID WO cc MAILING ADDRESS S J CITY t TELEPHONE NUIC RIGHT OF WAY PER OFFICIAL STREET MAP. 7 r / - _ / 1ING _.. .. REQUIRED DEDICATION OSED __.. NAME .__. T OF WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT REQUIRED ET USEPERMIT REQUIRED w ADDRESS SEE ENGINEERING MEMO DATED. .. U -- riTc �—T7 ELEPHONE NUMBER SEE PIl"r' DEPI REVIEW: GiiECK LIST DA?E9D � ,,,r _ �� •', j'.T/- (fir t� i It I, :,:1 r ADDRESS ii.,'W.% •mil :' �l METER SIZE F!ZF F '-URE UNITS 'IX:1 CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER -"�• ply(; STATE LICENSE NUMSEP C!TV LICENSE NVIJ c"NV. REVIEW ADB NO. POSE" COMPLETE EXEMPT Legal Description of Property p include all easement (show below or attach four copies)� SHORELINE" 4' VARIANCE PLANNING RF' IEYN BY �TFLID COVERAGE `.'�IUE RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING ADD,ALTER � NON RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL REPAIR RETAINING WALL. SIGN '—' ETCA\'ATE (—� FENCE CHECKED BY I tP:%E O' i'O!aS Tii C'C;TION CODE NEIGH? Li DEMOLISH OR FILL (_f i FT l V PRE MOVE INSP; SWIM SPE01.41 INSPECTOR %•RE4 OCGUPANCYOCCUPANT COMPLIANCE INSP POOL REQUIRED 'GROUP LOAD^....I �, YE5 NO CSIDE SEINER I `:DATER LINE RE!'-!ititi ❑ L El U IY LLL1NLi VNII� tJA iliRE OF I.^. EE DONE jATT AC!i FLOT PLANT FEE -1 MECtiAri l; /. I 0 2 S This Pem ;; c.r:Prs •vork to be done on private property ONLY'. GRADI,:i; `I_ --- -}-- An; ci'.st c +.' on the public domain (7!:rbs side'::aik.s, drive+:2y5, nara.Jees. etc.) :'•ill require separate permission. I Pet'r,-; Appllratig,;a' t 50 Oays Permit Limit. T year . Proaidee 4VOrk is Started vV'ith!n 180 Days cn behalf of his cr ner spouse. hears. assig4ns and essors Ir. Intares;. agrees to indemn!f,. Ccfenu" and 'hold 5�ha;rnless the Cit4' of Edn iond$. :�'aShirlgt Oln, 119 v1fIC131 S. eR10IQI,ee5. and a enr.z, trom am ,n d all claim`; f0 u a' ages 04 I Yhateler nature. arising, dir lily or Inclre 1 rom he issuance Of this Derml+. IsSUa'..e O+ !his permit snail nor h„ 'dee .ed i0 i ,( �` '( EI[_ m odlf';. .A aiee Or reduce ariv requirement of a1' Gh� ordinance 't nor Emit in am' ::'ay the Cit';s ab1!!ty ra enForce a ordinance 7OT.AL Ah10U(%iT DUE I _ Drovis1 on. I hereby acNnoly!edge that 1 have rea0 t" s , �ca,lor- that trio information giver is correct and that I a- nE ii rer, of the duty ITENTIOIN I APPLICATION APPROVAL authorized agent of the oI•:rcr. I acree to om„iy vith city and state lar,s reculat!ne co�s;r,c!to". and n dcinu the :vork a-utnonz. F This application is not a permit until ed there"';. ro zerson vil; ce employe; in iolanon of line Labor ;E ! signed by the Building Official or his Code of the State of IYas n.ngtcr: !? ting tc 1'•; Orkmcn's Compensa "r L, _ f Deputy; and fees are paid, and receipt IS tion Insu an c , acknowledged in space provided. _CITy OF OFFICIAL 5 StGNATURE �{ ram,, ATTENTION L G �? 4 IT IS UNLyIIPU O USE ? .;C..UPr A L 'DING � STPUCTURE UNTIL A FINAL IN St ECTION -+AS E': ` ":)E AND APPROVAL 0 J 19C�4 ORIGINAL — rile YELLOW — Inspector A CER.irICATE .O- O.�UPANCf ,AS t?: un tVTED U3 ,'T` j C i 4 PT ER 0 PINK — Owner GOLD — Assessor i I 5 i I g In 1 . Name of Proponent T3�c°Jl.c �: %r /� r' 6 c� rt�rti 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent44949 Kiel , r 3. Date Checklist Submitted 4. Agency Requiring Checklist ,F y 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable 6. Nature and Brief Description of Proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature: 7. Location of Proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal, as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental im- ! pacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate under- standing of the environmental setting of the proposal): / of f!xi' L`� ! !'? = / ,. lf. ". / ;7d r 05 r'�" '-> L�G/G'�C'" (�°l �> f f"� -°' � i�/.S J -�-%- � Lt `•i;C � �.-,.,T'.�� I`: %. 8. Estimated Date for Completion of the ProposalZ4(() 9. List of all Permits, Licenses, or Government Approvals Required for all. Proposal (federal, state, and local -- including rezones): (JJ^• { t l 4 10. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. 11. Do you know of any plans by others which may affect the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain.. 17G4.t;f, '; ! 1: 4 7-1.= •/1 /,.7 i !? pG 61' 40 v 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the proposal, if none has been completed, but is expected to be filed at some future date, describe the nature of such application form: