950458.pdfl r �(O_•�� tom`. USE PERMIT pp'' CITY OF EDMONDS ZONE NUMBER CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION JOB OWNER NAME NAME OF BUSINESS ADDRESS %�,""^� i 1 / %• `� � I,^ J�J SUITE/APT M 1�`, LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECK SUBDIVISION NO LID NO w MAII ING AODRCE55 1 (� O G •7 7 �2 . C. • YT 1 nt p 9 e N,1f r`e,- PUBLIC RIGHT F WAY PEA OFFICIAL STREET MAP, T5•CP Approvatl ❑ t'ITY ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER �L — RW P P,.A,,,.,,,, tl EXISTING _ REQUIRED DEDICATION I Slrael U" Permit Raq'0 .71� •1•^c �1.. •'L �S l l j (!) In! ocllon A NAME PROPOSED p eouuatl Side-11, Requeatl n W 1 [' \ A ._{� , L. F! XJ jL• :J M�EI7E LINE ISIZE NO wi FIXT RE PRV %U2 OOED ADDRESS YS/ N REMARKSL mV < { ❑ Z . DI a !•r ta, `4z TELEPHONE NUMBER k�� 1. T!"-' •UF�!!CI(( (,3 K 7PQ/ I w NAM ._l Cg' vr, "d WAbICW,&Y A't.ONq ftar"jr. OL• *4,01 y. TlN9t� nc, INSP. GR+rt,- Rime a4 0• � O �•� ` y� �J� �'/` ENGINEERING MEMO DATED REVIEWED BY r CITY - ^ `. ZIP _ Ill HONE NUMBER I Auc, uc, O/ �y��I�}{� Al tl��'\ y�L .i\� —, FIRE MEMO GATED REVIEWEDBY S E LICENSE ,UMREn 1 \} EXPIRATION DATE 1{--� ' �)r �?{ j•Y ��_� + 7 j ? �/ SIGN AREA SEPA REVIEW A08 t 1 Legal MCH n Of Proerg p�, p y - '•include all easements 11 ALLOWED PROPOSED COMPLETE EXEMPT 1 A _ i` ti-'� r $- '1 Za• t7t.f1 •{_ ITSHOR I Er O AEXP VARIANCE OR CUA Y'!)t'.:II b,---)EW 6Y,OAk SETRAC //5JJ—FEETHEIGHT LOTVE A i I Property FRONT "/iJ SIDEZ/ Z TaX Account 2 ' REMARKS g Parcel No. rj 1 p1 ^ 0 Z �( ` (=•C7 "' C7nV U I L / NEW RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING ElADDITION 0 COMMERCIAL MECHANICALEl , 1 1 1' REMODEL APT. BLDG. Ln J SIGN . < P 11 J�-- G DI FENCE CHECKED Y TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CODE OCCUPANT El REPAIR ® CYDS (—X_Fn '�n�w�t� �,� I GRO P GLCr71 � i DEMOLISH ❑ WOODSTOVE IM PCUPANT El OOL CINSERT SWHOT TUB/SPA SPECIAL INSPECTOR ARE REQUIRED R 1�7! �X^ LOAD GAnAGE ❑ O RETAINING WALL/ El YES (.•4 /J',Y 1E3 CST ROCKERY RENEWAL REMARKS s (TYPE p usE. BuslNEss OR ACT VIrY Ex PLAIN: PROGRESS INSPECTIONS PER USC 305 0 a �� L✓[� E7f/liFi/_.!/t Lll C—/ G S w NUMBER NUMBER OF CRITICAL ,�(%J S /OF x-1W %-O/W5C?-✓ //� 0 Of Z DWELLING /�/�/L AREAS _ �-�! /�� y STORIES UNIT$ !�`/ • %� NUMBER % l��r�\ .�S/+•%l�!yC%/�r� / Cr L7• :ZIWQW &V40- �E DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE (ATTACH PLOT PLAN) S(!f0 rue ;) Y d;.V7-C ' ei>•qSL! tS M-CI a..; j/e U 1 • " ' ' V- e' - FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED /G'TaitliE 7.1 'c VALUATION FEE /n r/5 cYds PLAN CHECK FEE 690 BUILDING • HEAT SOURCE' A GLAZINGj' G /a T CrJt c+ l Z'Y IN) PLUMBING Plan Check No. `7 Y Z MECHANICAL L This Permit covers work to be drone on private property ONLY. GRADINGIFILL Any construction on the public d0main (curbs, sidewalks, driveways, marquees, etc.) will require separate permission. STATE SURCHARGE Permit Application: 180 Days 30 Permit Limit: 1 Year - Provided Work Is Started Within 180 Days STORM DRAINAGE FEE "Applicant, On behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns and ENO. INSPECTION FEE 514,. m successors In interest, agrees to Indemnify, defend and hold _ harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, Its ollicials, / ,f 'U' CC' i employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of�1•';%' a whatever nature, arising directly or Indirectly from the issuance x of this permit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT omodify, waive or reduce any requirement of any city ordinance x nor limit In any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance TOTAL AMOUNT DUE �' C!( provision." I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application; that the ATTENTION APPLICATION APPROVAL( information given Is correct; and that I am the owner, or the duly authorized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with city and THIS PERMIT slate laws regulating construction; and In doing the work authoriz• AUTHORIZES This application is not a permit until ed thereby, no person will be employed In violation of the Labor ONLY THE signed by the Building Official or his/her -- Code of the State of Washington relating to Workmen's Compensa• WORK NOTED Deputy: and fees are paid, and receipt Is lion Insurance and RCW 18.27. INSPECTION acknowledged In space provided. SIGNATURE (OWNER OR AGENT( DATE SIGNED DEPARTMENT i A,` �E 9 CITY OF ONATURE DATE j EDMONDS OWN CALL FOR C. ELEA 11a CA ATTENTION /--Sr✓ IN PECTIION '/t ' , ;.•J IT IS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR 7�'� ®�o ORIGINAL — Fde YELLO:V — Ins GERALD & SARAH BERNSTEIN 6653 N.E. WINDERMERE RD SEATTLE, WA 98115 February 10, 1995 RECEIVED FEB 1 3 1995 PERMIT COUNTER TO: CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON BUILDING DEPARTMENT, PERMITS RE: APPLICANT/OWNER LIABILITY & LANDSLIDE ACKNOWLEDGMENT We the applicant/owners of the site (•15912 75th West) acknowledge the following: a) That the accuracy of all permit submittal information is warranted by the applicant/owner In a form which relieves the City and its staff from any liability associated with reliance on such permit application submittals. While an application may reference the reports of prior public consultants to the City, all conclusions shall be those of the applicant/owner her/his design professionals (ECDC 19.05.030) and, b) That the applicant/owner understands and accepts the risk of developing in an area with potential unstable soils and that they will advise, In writing, any prospective purchasers of the site, or any prospective losses of the structures on the site, of the slide potential of the area. (ECDC 19.05.040C) G� Gerald Bernstein, February 10,,1995 Sarah` Bernstein, February 10, 1995 State of Washington County of ra,� Wined or atte t/e7d before me on �c �7Lh, ✓ 49 YS by Title My appointment expires WP COVENANT OF NOTIFICATION AND INDEMNIFICATION/BOLD.RMi,ESS... Under the review procedures established.pursuant to the State Building Code, incorporating amendments promulgated by the Cityqtq • of Edmonds, and as a prerequisite to the issuance of a building CQ per -,tit for the construction of a residential structure and attendant facilities, the undersigned OWNERS of property do hereby covenant', stipulate and promise as follows- .� 1. Description of Subject P=o^arty. This covenant of notification and indemnification/hold harmless rel'a"t�es.! to a tract of land at the street address of /J �/� % .YUPSI ..•� (insert street address), Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington and legally described as: Lofs jand lc/ 131c;d•k �27 Plej. cf %�ie�u�c�o�lale Bcach� TO 7-/�c, lal. Melii_ta� rrcnkdr�! ;h I ?/�rn�G S d./��cu/n�ily /tJ�r.shM��i/CrJ> 06-e7-Hc:c 1N, i­�-1 b�2cctTc�{ :j�cLS C�e /7i2'.1tu GiL U/i1�Jllcj ��y�rt Imo . 2. Notification and Covenant of Notification. The above referenced site '(hereinafter "subject site") lies within an area ' which has been identified by the City of Edmonds as having a potential for earth subsidence or landslide' hazard. The risks associated with development of the site have been'evaluated by technical consultants and engineers engaged by the applicant as a part of the; process to obtain a•building permit for the subject site. The results of the consultant's reports and evaluations of WSS52079A/0006.040.034 WSS/klt 02/08/90 -1- VOL.3073PAGE 643 BUILDING FEB 9 - 1"0 r ,vr4. i. nil - i..:..r..:'. - ��.--1 ., -:. .!-`:�...'--_•.._ .,... ....--.__. �. ..n' ✓�'..�=.. _ �: �, '1 :.mot the risks associated with development are contained in building permit file number /`5�� (insert number) on file with the City Edmonds Building 5 Yj� r ,�''�•. t Uk,�;ctt . of Department. Conditions, limitations, or: prohibitions on development may have been imposed in accordance with the recommendations of the consultants in the course ofS�sM1. permit issuance. The conditions, limitations, or prohibitions may require ongoing maintenance on the part of any owner or ii rk,Me�f"i lessee or may require modifications to the structures and earth stabilization matters in order to address future or anticipated changes in soil or other site conditions. The statements and conditions proposed by the OWNERS" geotechnical engineer, ;+`..,�L'•�-t'..ya.. geologist, architect and/or structural engineer are hereby•t,��y�4�,. incorporated by reference from the contents of the file as fully as if herein set forth. Any future purchaser, lessee, lender or Y any other person acquiring or seeking .to acquire an interest.in' i the property is put on notice of the existence of the content of,. the file and the City urges review of its contents. The file may tK be reviewed during normal business hours or copies • obtained at. the Planning Department, City of Edmonds, 505 Bell Street, Edmonds, Washington 98020.hx,. 3. Indemnification and Hold •Harmless. The undersigned r OWNERS hereby waive any and all liability associated with - development, stating that.they have fully informed themselves of all risks associated with development of the property and do''- therefore waive and relinquish any and all causes of action rr{asT against the City of Edmonds, its officers, agents and employees WSS52079A 0006.040.034 WSS/klt 02/08/90 rl3 x v 9509 � 0462 4 .5h £ tt�af{r, .. VOL. J®'7JPAGE%fj44 -777-- - , arising from and out of such development. In addition, the OWNERS on behalf of themselves, their successors in interest, heirs and assignees, do hereby promise to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, its officers, agents and employees from any loss, claim, liability .or damage of any kind or nature to persons or property either on or off the site resulting from or out of earth subsidence or landslide hazard, arising from or out of the issuance of any permit(s) authorizing development of the site, or occurring or arising out of any false, misleading, or inaccurate information provided by the OWNERS, their employees, or professional consultants in the course of issuance of the building permit. 4. Insurance Requirement.. In addition to any bonding which may be required during the course of development, the Community Services Director has/ham-art (strike one) specifically required the maintenance of an insurance policy -for public liability• coverage in the amount and for the time set forth below in -order to provide for the financial responsibilities established through the indemnification and hold harmless agreement above•: %/.tom 711 ci 3r1 Ci ics(% ti [insert insurance..requirements.and time -period, if ... any--if-no--insurance.-required, so state..] WSS52079A/0006.040.034 -3- WSS/klt 02/08/90 4 4G1.3073PAGE264 S. Covenant to' Touch and Concern the Land. This covenant of notification and indemnification/hold harmless touches and concerns the subject tract and shall run with the land, binding, obligating and/or inuring to the benefit of future owners, heirs, successors and interests or any other person or entity acquiring an interest in property, as their interest may appear. This provision shall not be interpreted to require a mortgagor or lender to indemnify the City except to the extent of their loss nor to obligate such persons to maintain the insurance above required. DONE this 25- day of //('L'ad , 199_. 1' OWNER(S) 7 By: By: By: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) � - COUNTY OF •</7 ss: 1 ) I}certify that I . know or have satisfactory evidence that Cl�ll�il� �L�'//S/f/'1 signed this instrument and acknowledged' WSS52079A/0006.040.034 -4- WSS/klt 02/08/90 VOL. 30'73RGE264G --7.- 77=:r it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED this day of d 1ZL?; 'L71 NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ) ss: COUNTY OF Z l "l ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 2'60141signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED this ,2E� day of l�' 199 55 =Al4 NOTARY PUBLIC (. My commission expires: STATE OF WASH INGTON ) )ss: COUNTY OF �� ) I' certify that I /know or have satisfactory evidence thatsigned this instrument, on oath stated that A& (he/she) was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the _�J/C•iIf/S (title) of (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed)- to be the free and voluntary act of such.party for ; the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED this 2Z day of /lea,"'t ,� t — , 19�. t i NOTARY PD�LIC / My commission expires: WSS52079A/0006.040.034 -5- WSS/klt 02/08/90 ,,-01,vi, al 6L.f,•.b7 A VOL.3®r1 PAGE2b4`� I RECORD OF INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE APPROVED SETBACKS...................<S- C FOUNDATION: Footing .................... Wall....................... Pier/Porch ................ Retaining Wall............ Slab Insulation ............ PLUMBING: Underground ..... . ...... . Rough -In ..... I .......... 4- Commercial Final ...`... HEATING: Gas Test.............�.......5 l ° rr3 ` hGv Gas Piping ................ Equipment ................ Commercial Final......... --. — —� EXTERIOR SHEATHING�C� NAILING ................ FRAMING .................lam_! INSULATION: Floorinsulation......,,.�..--�-- Wall Insulation ....... l2, •r1G Ceiling Insulation... SHEETROCK NAILING SPECIAL INSPECTION RADON MONITOR AT SITE. FINAL APPROVAL FOR OCCUPANCY. a�vss✓ 1. x3� U h� Ca` a�iM�E�'f kS ,. r fyi 'fhx71�i' ,