AFN7901020099.pdfM DECLARATION OF S11Okf M:01'11610% AND Or COA 4 T i� Knew 411 ,can by then* presents: I— That we, the undersigned, I r, I Interest in the ff" t of lend des- cribed by this declarition; And do twr't duct to ti t��nreln descr Iod division of land approved as short plat number 52_ n 11 the day of V.0 lq_(-_' by the Planning er3rtne-7 of :Snohomtfih County, subJtPt to the following covenants and conditions; 1) Thzt the land described by this declaration t,a., not be further sub- divided In Any manner exceeding a total of four ( - I p.ircv i;: by anyone within five (3) yearn of the above date of appr4ival wic),mt .1 1 plat, having been filed for record with the Auditor of Snohm. IMi Ctittnt.% t pursuant to the provisions of Ch. 58.17 R(14, and the vv.,,olutions of ,nohrdsh County, and subJect to the penalties attendant thereto. 2) That all subsequent deeds will contain provisions for private roads in the manner described herein. 3) That all maintenance of any private road described by this declaration *hall be by 0,11 owners of the rarceis having legal P.rcess therefrov, or their batirso assigna, or successors, unless and until such roads are improved to Inoisomish County standards, and dedicated to and accepted by Snohomish County. 4) IWt any private road will be subject to a utilities easement L. favor of the grantor or his successor and of any electrict telophonep television cable, gas, water, or sewer company, public or private, or their permittees oe assigns to install, construct, operate, maintain, alter, and repair their respeL;Uue utilities, together with tharight of ingress and egress for said purposes. 5) '"RAL with respect to any privact, road d,,:icribed by this declaration whather It remains private or becomes a dedicatci county road, there is the additlovatt right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills; and the right to continue to drain said reads and ways over and across any lot or lots wherry the water might take a natural course upon reasonable grading pur- sud"t to improvement for dedication of the roads and ways shown herein, fol - Lowing reasonable grading pursuant to improvement for dedication of the rossia and ways shown herein, no drainage waters c1l"sav lot or lots shalt ba, diverted or blocked from their natural course an as to discharge upon my public road &LThtr-of­way or to hamper proper road drainage. 6) Th -at the legal description and the illustrative map attached hereto of this short av:NdivivLon(are) (are-TAK) based upon accurate surveys. 7) That the legal description of the land herein subdivided into not more them four (4) parcels is attached hereto and Incorporated by reference as though fully set our herein. 8) That additional covenants, easements, and restrictions, if any. solely Lor the benefit of the grantor, and his heirs, successors and assigns enforceable only by such persons, are attached hereto as and 'n"'Y"r"ed by reference as though only set out herein. 9! That existing dwellings will be connected to public sanitary sewer system.. CJ lit r'i CI 1442 7901U'6099 M-1 4 im I That, but got the exception containvIl in PAX36VA0 (6) Above, these covenants are for the mutual benefit of the grantor and his heirs, stlecessQrs and assigns And are for the further purpose of compliance with the resolil- tions and regulations of Snohomish County and the county and such persons ions aro specifically given the right to enforce theserustfictit'"A an.: ' "'ervat by injunction or other lawful procedure and to recover any damages reaulting frogg such violation- / Dated this day at 19 St.inke Me, Gerald Lo Rdrjorle J. Lovell OLYMPIC YANK State of Washington) So. (Aunty &,e snoliomish) On this day personally afwpeared before me J,irven P. Sauerlan! 'Yt— —0 to me known to be the individual described in and who e-.,tecuted the 11 hi. end ioregoins instrument and acknowledged to me that signed the sane as --hi:3 ---fB:ee and voluntary act and deed for trig purposes therein mentioned. C A ,,Given M#der my how OW official seal this day of /. IC in and for t e state of 11asbingtoo, rasldit% In ;tate of Washington 1 33. .;aunty of Snobom r' I on this day personally appeared before me Melvin J. Steinke and Diane J- 3teinke, hitt wire, and Gerald W. Lovell and Marjorie J. Lovell, his wire, to me known to oe th, individuals de:icribed in and who executed the within and fore- poing instrument and acknowLcdr,ed to me that they signed the same a:3 their free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. CUven under my hand ani official. seal this, day of "rte 19 7 AR P LIC . n an 3r� I(. State of We ton, residing in 4911 J"�. le LIC i r W r ,ton, 5 r. 4 R STATE OF WASHINCTONI I COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH) On this __2=_ day of ecembwr 1978, before me personally appeared Larry Beach, to me known Zo be the Assistant "tanager of OLYMPIC BANK, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the cog® porate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. w ot&d'Public �nand for CEie :tate 0 residing at E dMan as *1442 rw7O3 901020099 �1 I (3) RE VED SP AUG 2 1978 F' 49� ,'1IOHT SIJKnlVISI()tj APPLICATION snahomiSh COuntY planning nepartmeriL CO. PLANNING OFFICE Snohomish county court Hous F.Veratt, Washington 98201 (Home) 7-"49 - —X' -157X phone: 259-9311 PHONE; (Business) 10KI. Ra V"ef­ .rtigli; of Property ne cT of water Supply xe"V None of Water District, if M..thod of sewage Disposal 9&' PA.-tes" —': indicate suitability Of rheas I�ts NOTL: Health District signature does not f.)r septic 3YALCIRS. This review appl es only to the plat as a whole, and that sewage disposal requirements for each lot shall be subject to soil analysis as "etermitled by tests pertomec: on individual lots - Nat" Of `fewer District, if 4,1Y Io Par signed by the applicant: i heretly certify that t�' legal description Of te land beingland in dividedwhich and panying this 8119lihc.4tion allows Ole entire coilntiguous t [',ere is an interest by re&s 'n of ownership, contract for purchase, earn*,s agrvvment , or opt ion b-, all, person, ligm or corporation in any manner c on t,VCted With the development® . and listed bk-low are the names, addresses, and c flep4on. slumbers of all such Persons, firms or corporations. (If same as 4 .applicant named above, leave blank.) I Phone:_---, Name Address Phone: of -�i�)pa —(Date Property Acquired) --------------------------------------- ---------­---------------- - Z --- Provide suilicient d -tail to -AllOw fiel.d inspector to locate site' 7 qrj 1;AOM4 020099 U42 4 In b FILE Ho, 4 SNORT SUBDIVISION FOR Y 2 1 Exist. 8400@__1- U 14OUSO va Existing +v 6V 6_�Y � � xOdt30s t �Dp' X97.8 9, ' Ito tK 8e 20® t wro 6#L�.' f"® 50 N 8400* 1C e 10000` T-t,PAR^7 AREA SHOWN FOR CEL 4 SNOT I14 CLeS1D� AREA W1T8i1N ACCESS PANHANDLE AS 01 DEL.621EATED• i ®, . to C 84000 30, 244111 STREET SWC (� NO. CoD N COMPLIES 'lrITN IVISIGt1I1 , TIT@E 209 AII9 ri CMTIFY IIIAT 1t�if15 T • ojInWRY 07Fs Si 'CT "Efo III a2 7 1I Y OF lir c a -'ice' i ' , CwDLT1otYa AS T FORTiiWWO 15ir%r sp 1 TO C"g 1 TIE, �TTRLCi1F.0 is ATI�1 3T LVLSLON® SET RI December 13, 1978 File No, 78273 LEGAL DESCR�IPIIMS 1011 S.L.S. COWAUY SHORT SUBOIVIS1011 ENTIRE CONTIGUOUS OWD'2_'T West half of Lot -2 and east half of Lot 3; Block 319 Hanhury's Sound View 1 Tracts according to Plat thereof recorded It, Volume 7 of Plats. Page 20, record, of Snohomish County, Washington. PARCEL I The south 84 feet of the west half of Lot 2 and the south 84 feet of the east half of Lot 3, Block 31, Hanbury's Sound View Trdets, acceoedicordsn(i ofto the plat thereof recorded In Volume 7 of Plats, on page �O, r Snohomish County, Washington. SU83ECT 70 and TOGETHER WITH the terms and conditions Of that certain "Notice Of Easement dud 11aintenance Agreement filed under Auditor's file No. 7812260153 , records of Snohomish County, Wdsh'ngton'l .PARCEL 2 east half of Lot 3, That portion of the west half Of Lot 2 and of the CJ Block 31, Hallbtiry's Sound View Tracts, according to the Plat thereof re - 1 ?fichomish County, corded In Volume 7 Of Plats, on page0, records of S Washington, all more particularly described as follows: Beginninq at the southwest corner of the cast half Of said Lot 3; thence N 0'52'56" F, along the west line of the east hair of said Lot ), a distance of N4.00 feet to the True Point of nglnnlpq of this description, thence colitintlinq H 0*52,56,,v,along said west 'Ine, a distance of 46.00 feet; tl)crlcc S 89907,041, E, parallel with the south line of said Lots 2 and 3, j dis- thence 14 37145'os" E. a distance of 55.00 feet', thence c tance of 30.00 feet ance of 67.11 feet to an Inters c tion with the east N 87040'13" E, a dist (11 W, alonq said cast line of the west hair of said Lot 2; thence S CP52'5 ce 11 49007104" W parallel with the line, a distance Of 93.76 feet; then ; feet to the True south line of said Lots 2 and 3, a distance of 130.0 Point of Beginning. SUBJECT TO and TOGETHER WITH the terms and conditions Of that certain "Notice of Easelent and Maintenance kqreement" filed under Auditor's File No. 7812260153,ilrecords of Snohomish County, Washi""Iton' PARCEL 3 That portion of le ptile east half of Lot 3, Block 31, Hanbury's Sound view Tracts, tilat thereof recorded in Volume 7 of Plats, on page 20, accorjIng to Sh County, Washington, e"inninq records of Snohoml described as follows: Lot 3; thence N, 0* 52156" C. t the southwest corner of the east half of said L 6 air of said Lot 3, a distance Of 150.00 along the west line of the east h t of Beginning of this description*, thence continuing feet to the Troe Point t to an inter - fee N 0R5215611 E. along said west line, d distance of 150-00 along the section with tho north line of said Lot 3; thence S 8'X'07'04" E, north line of said Lot, 3, a distance of 65.00 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence S 0*52'56" W along the east line of said Lot 3, a ect; thence S 3i08"distance of 75.00 feet; distance of 90-00 f a thence h 8900710411 W. parallel with the s0utl' line of said Lot 3, distance of 20.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. SM3ECT TO and TOGETHER WITH the terms and conditions of that certain oNotIce of Easement and Maintenance Agreement" filed un No. 781226015), records of Snohomish County, Washingtonder Auditor's File. Page I of 2 PoqC3 1901020099 a PARC_EL4 That Portion of the West hair of Lot ? And of the oast bJJF of Lot j to the Pidt thereof re. Block 31, Hdnb"rY'S Sound View Tracts , corded In Volume 7 of plat3, of, P4(le ?Oaccurdinq records Of Snohomish C Washington, all more P"rtiet'Idrly l .�Jntyl " the southwest corner of the cast h"dIf Ofescribesad idds Lotfoi3 'WS: ile(jinninq at along the west line of feet to the True Point olf'%"st half Of said Lot j thence 11 eglnnIn(1 of distance of 1)0.00 Ing N 01521561, E a' this deserlp # long said west line, a distance tic"; thchfo continu. S 89*07104" E, Parallel with the so of M-00 feet- thence tance Of L0.00 feet "th Line Of said Lots ? and 3" 1) dols Intersection with thence 14 )7*451091, Ua distance of the line common 75.00 feet to along said common line, to said Lots ? d 3, thence tj (r 5p 4 distance or 90-00 feet to 561 coffnOn to said Lots ?and 31- thence S 89 07'04" F, the northcr6 corner - 4lonq the north said Lot 2, a distance of 65.00 feet. thence 5 005?l5or,, %,, line Of the West half Of said Lot along the I'ast line of ej distance of 1?,'.,?4 feet; thence S 87&40R13#- W, d distance of 47.11 et; thence 5 370451041, jv, of 55-00 feet; thence N 890070041, W, parallel a distance Lots 2 and 3, a distance of 30.00 with the south line Of said SU83ECT TO and TOCETHER WITH feet to the True ['Olnt Of Beginning. NO- 7812260153 the terms and condJtl,)n5 Or that certdln "Notice Of t,"ement and 14dintendnee Ayreement" fli,d under AudJtor,3 file records of Snohomish County, Washington. I 0 EoM P10510"I" Ill AAA12 sage ? of 2 pages 4 °. RED ®C 26 P41� NO'I IGi; OF t.A,St s�F£ '"I UI t: �� AND DEC 2b MA r,�IN'Ph.tanNr:E AGRh:Et�VN1 ! IW ,'• 1 ne�t wr, g,®urtY � olnnay N. 1 CONCERN: B.OVELI., his t TIB£Sa' PRESENTS IORIF' . TO AL1 4J140M and MAR+ GERALD W I.OVF,i,I that his •;rife, and JURG£N P• Notice is hereby Riven STFINKE, property situated E and pIWN£ J• dr, ribcd PrcR wife, and ME014 J. 3TELN®avers of the nti,dt"g f wan, i,°n, to 4]1.t r, .^in4'� of Washing gAUEB:iWND, ohomish, State a Sound or Sn 61ocK 3r> NaP1h1�ryoi' Plata, g' in the County of Lot 3, e,m t half recor&,d in Volu'l t of Lot 2 and cast. thereof t,n. ° ` West Malt' Wash'inP ' a , according top County. heirs® P3 a Vida Trar.ts, of Snohomish their x .. page 20, records future owners, property, s' .unto all Present and rd roP do hereby reserve and convey rtiun=z of the above dener;b P M all or any P° COUNT°t, and unto OLYMPIC i of 1 OF SNO"oMISI1 FST, INC. o successors tend assiC',drs, NY OF TIIF NORTNW UTILITY DISTRICT No TEIF•PNONE CCMIA and N and an PUBLIC unto GENFRAI. Ingress and eKress asige�s, 'n e' Rema nt for °ver, under, A'D VIEW WATh:R DISTRICT, andunto ar,J a. ter: and intenan« of utilities, ted in the v their respective succes�pYrtY, situs , strttcLion, operation ' eon the following described P �r for t7ve e.m and upon to w'1Ld acrossa throughWashingt•°n, t 3, Siatc of ttre deet h.elf Or thereof " County of Snohomish, th 150 feet of the P T13e wit 30 feet ®s thesou5View on Tracts, ?.Osording -1 uhomish County, Of Cts, records of Sn nb ory e d°i,naVolume 7 of Plats, constructed or inslallex'" washington' or utilities i.. of any roadway shall be the resPonW tion ed herein. ointlY and °r reconstruc Convey borne J ;Iainteraanee easement reserved and reconstruction gsiFs® or within the maintenance °r and a upon costs of said their heirs, suceessury bility of ands future owners, property- , wally by the present and described P' shall be talrediagf a any portions of the above e land and nt rur,nint with th Of d11 or` a covens assigns, forever. This instrument shall be y W+ their heirs, successors end hereto, day or upon the par•tles , this set our signatures In witness we hereunto a ° a 197Ee '»D" ✓'-"FiA IE J. Iovet _.n.. OVELL G R DIAN r l WA3HINGTONI ss. W LOVELL and MARJORIE ,g LO"5E1�•a STATE OF SNONOMIS GERALD wife, and JURGEN P COUNT"l OR before me ® STEINKE, his and who executed the ally appeared DIANE ed the same a.> On s day Pers{,VLN J. STEINKE and described they sign tiotac:cl^ °�. shis wife, and MF be the individuals d that urP°ses therm men ! SAUERGAND, a� going inme j<nOwn strumenn' deed. for thwieand acknO e and P within and foregoing seta 'day of _ their free and seal tCtis, 1 under mY hand and official rt�� '. GIVEN e State of Wa�hin�ton ,,,,.... ttarY Pub is 1n d for ��p,10®gad 'd "Sidi . s•itl®//v, ,Can,+•••` e e � L 1'4 L .A PMF.eR NATIONAL ww iNSURANCIE SUpMME,WAL REPORT Ywr Loan No. 'yo: 0,, Order No. _ F7214716 --------- LOVELL AND SAUERLAND (Mortgagor) sTElNKE VEL.L,�5AuERLAND 23108 100TH W. (Purchaser) EDMONDS, WA. 99020 F-fil; ism wpple—tw title report covering char4nSimv out few% d#W ---JMLY- 1 9 -1&— at 7�-�* wc,"(ty co,sad by out prelimirwry fowt, but is not intandaj to repe- Thm following information effects the title to the wd a complate report to do". PLEASE BE ADVISED TITLE IS N . OW VESTED IN MELVIN J, STCpjKi-' AND DIANE STEINKE, HUSBAND AND WIFE AND GERALD W. LOVELL AND MARJORIE LOVELL., HUSBAND AND WIFE AND JURGEN SAUERLAND, A SINGLE MAN. THE FOLLOWING ARE CONSIDERED ADDITIONAL PARTIES NECESSARY TO EXECUTE THE PROPOSED PLAT: OLYMPIC BANK ro A.M. Dozi a of this UIM." of ___DEr I giv 43.741 vm1442 m7O9 901020099 • ®p 04,Y ,g °� g e .m s?� � e • LaP � . i1 Pioneer National Title Insurance Company p' emamOws. COUNW Orrice: IL E.COWNEW COLOY ANO FACIVIC ^ "' 0Ox 940 • 6VEWETY. WA§HiNe•TON 9"00 46LW�p1OHE4•=t:RO•BI a9g•e1111 • GOUYN AREA42OW 7.3•8®Zi JULY 27, 1978 PROFOSF:O SHORT PLAT F-214716 UNIT 2 LnVELL S SAUERLAND 23108 100TH AVENUE, WEST 4 ' EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 GENTLEMEN: THIS IS A CERTIFICATE AS OF JULY 19, 1978 AT 3:00 A.M. FOR FILING A SHORT PLAT OF THE FOLLOWING: AND EAST HALF OF LOT 3, BLOC: 31, BANBURY'S WEST HALF OF LOT 2, THEREOF TRACTS,SOUND VIEW WASHINGTON. RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, 7 OF PLATS,PAGE 20, RECORDS THIS COMPANY CERTIFIES THAT RECORD TITLE IS VESTED IN TO THE COMMUNITY INTEREST OF RALPH HERMAN, PRESUMPTIVELY SUBJECT DECEMBER 1, 1943, DATE OF ACQUIRING TITLE, HIS WIFE IF MARRIED ON BY DEED DATED DECEMBER 1, 9143, RECORDED IN VOLUME 323 OF DEEDS, PAGE 471, UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 763383. q, AND THAT THE FOLLOWING ARE CONSIDERED ADDITIONAL PARTIES NECESSARY TO EXECUTE THE PROPOSED PLAT: CONTRACT PURCHASERS' NONE Ii ,. NO SEARCH MADE AS TO TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT PURPORT TO REFLECT A FULL REPORT ON CONDITIONS DF TITLE AND SHALL HAVE NO FOgCE OR THE CERTIFICATE APPLIED FOR. EFFECT EXCEPT AS A BASIS FOR PIONEER NATIONAL "TITLE INSURANCE CO. SNOHOMISH COUNTY OFFICE AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY q �.. CHARGE: S%5.00 $3.84 SALES TAX I F ' JM/MB.1442 lti�p rod. L j 1901020099 .t a. 9 .. a :n.,fr �b .. ., ,.... , o , ✓... a.,F w i,x, .. r a'