B2019-0506 Monson,Eric and Leah.docx DATE:May 14, 2019TO:David Gettsdavid@davidgettsdesign.comFROM:Donovan Akau, Plans Examiner RE:Plan Check: BLD2019-0506Project Address: 6916 160th St. SW, Edmonds Scope: Demo existing master bathroom/laundry/closet, reconfigure walls/space for new bath/laundry/closet. Demo existing kitchen wall/dropped ceiling/cabinets, install new cabinets. Living room beam/posts to be retrofitted per Engineer’s specifications. Please be advised that the building plans for the above referenced project have been disapproved for the purposes of obtaining a building permit. During a review of the plans by the Building Division for compliance with the applicable building codes, it was found that the following information, clarifications, or changes are needed.Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Engineering, or Fire, may result in additional comments that require attention beyond the scope of this letter.Items that recur on this list appear in italics. A complete review cannot be performed until the revised plans/documents, including a written response in itemized letter format indicating where the ‘clouded’ or otherwise highlighted changes can be found on the revised plans, have been submitted to a Permit Coordinator. Resubmittals must be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd Floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th, & F from 8am-4:30pm and from 8:30am-12pm on Wednesdays.General:The Structural calculations provided are faded and difficult to conduct a proper review. Please make corrections, so that information provided is legible and readable.On pages S2.1 and S2.1A the scale on plans indicate ¼”= 1’-0” and 1”= 1’.0”. During review these scales appear to be incorrect. Make corrections and indicate on plans. Local exhaust shall be provided in the kitchen and bathroom. Please indicate on the plans, cfm rating of local exhaust fans within renovated areas. Structural Plans S1.1 thru S2.1A:Structural sheet S2.1 and S2.1A indicate two methods of construction. On sheet 3 in Calculation packet it indicated that the Beam is not adequate. Please clarify/provide what method of construction will be used for the Beam in the detail for Partial roof framing plan @ kitchen. Please indicate this on the plans.Structural S2.1 states that at the curb less shower that the existing 2x10 is to be sistered the entire length with a new 2x10, Structural calculations page 9 indicate that the floor cutting of existing 2x10 joists ins not adequate but appears that (2) 2x8 joists @ 16” OC is. Please clarify as to which method is to be used. Please indicate this on the plans.Sheet S2.1A indicates that a channel is to be attached to the beam. I did not see any calculations for the channel in the calculation packet provided. Please provide/clarify calculations for the channel. Notes: As state earlier. I do understand that there are two methods being proposed as a method of construction based on findings. If the preliminary plan is to be used, then please indicate that there is a “Plan A” and a “Plan B” and if so please just indicate that on the plans and provide clarity and calculations for these two methods of construction. Upon review of the resubmitted documents, additional comments may be generated. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Donovan Akau