BLD060774 & 0775 Point Edwards 6&7.doc MEMORANDUM Date:August 17, 2006 To:File From:John Westfall, Fire Marshal BLD20060774 Point Edwards Building #6 41 Pine Street Subject: BLD20060775 Point Edwards Building #7 31 Pine Street The Fire Department provides the following comments reviewed under 2003 International Codes and Edmonds Community Development Code. 1. Sheet A0.0 CODE COMPLIANCE Application/calculations for frontage increase allowance (IBC 506.2) used in area modification are incorrect. I suggest use of sprinkler increase IBC 506.3 that provides additional 200% increase over Table 503. See Building Div. comments. 2. Sheet A0.0 DEFERRED SUBMITTALS Add text: “19. Fire Protection Standpipe System (CLASS I)” 3. Sheet A0.1 GENERAL NOTE Correction: #28 “…approved by Fire Chief Code Official” 4. Sheet A0.1 GENERAL NOTE Add #x: “Provide lighted exit signs and emergency illumination with battery backup throughout corridors, stairways, parking, storage and common areas throughout.” 5. Sheets A1.1 & A1.2 Correct plan showing dedicated fire department aerial truck access location within 100’ reach of building 7 rooftop. Provide elevation view along centerline of aerial reach over buildings, fences, rockeries, hillside, etc… 6. Sheets A2.0, A2.1, A2.2 “Maintain > 40 degrees F” in RISER ROOM. (Bldgs 6 & 7) 7. Sheets A2.0, A2.1, A2.2, A2.3 Clarify elevator LOBBY separation requirement from corridor. (Bldgs 6 & 7) 8. Sheet A2.0 Label Building 6 RISER ROOM door “C111” City of Edmonds Office of Fire Marshal   9. Sheet A6.09 UNIT DEAN RCP Add smoke detector in third bedroom. 10. Sheets A6.19, A6.20 & A6.21 : UNITs T1, T2, T3 & T4 Provide additional smoke detector in master bedroom for extended ceiling coverage. 11. Sheet A7.1 BLDGS 6 & 7 TRASH CHUTE SHAFT Add note “Automatic sprinkler protection inside chute and terminal room. Sprinklers in chute shall be accessible for servicing (typical).” 12. Sheet A7.1 ELEVATORS #1 & #2 SHAFT SECTION Add elevator notes: -“Pit sprinkler only in shaft” -“Pit and machine room sprinklers will remain normally open plumbed to common supervised valve.” -“Provide valve cabinet identification” 13. Sheets A7.2, A7.3, A7.4, A7.5 STAIR 1-4 LEVEL 2 Add exit signs in stairs at every level 2 exit. 14. Sheets A7.2 STAIR #1 LEVEL 2 / A7.5 STAIR #4 LEVEL 2 Correct location of exit barrier gate to level of exit discharge preventing unintentional exit to lower levels. IBC 1019.1.6 15. Sheet A7.5 STAIR #4 LEVEL 2 Correct stair directions. 16. Sheet A8.3 DOOR SCHEDULE BLDG 6 Door C124 Note: “Auto-closing interconnected to fire alarm system” 17. Sheet A8.3 SIGNAGE SCHEDULE Correct “Emergency Exit Signage per plans GENERAL NOTE and area details” 18. Sheet A8.3 SIGNAGE SCHEDULE & DOOR SCHEDULE Add “FIRE SPRINKLER RISER ROOM” for Bldgs 6 & 7. Sign “FIRE SPRINKLER RISER BLDG 6” for Bldg 6 Door 111 Sign “FIRE SPRINKLER RISER BLDG 7” for Bldg 7 Door C122 19. Sheet A8.3 SIGNAGE SCHEDULE Add “FIRE STANDPIPE OUTLET” at Stairs #1 & #4 as required for visibility/identification. 20. Sheet A9.1 Detail 12 STAIR SIGNAGE Add “STANDPIPE (Stairs #1 & #4) or NO STANDPIPE (Stairs #2 & #3). 2 Cc: Ross Woods, Point Edwards LLC, fax 206 374-0415 Valerie Sargent, Weber + Thompson Architects, fax 206 749-5005 Bruce Moe, Point Edwards LLC, fax 206 770-7761 3