BLD07-018 Manual Alarm Rqrmt Pt Edwards #9.rtf
Westfall, John
Thursday, April 01, 2010 3:29 PM
Smith, Mike
Bjorback, Leif
Manual Alarm Rqrmt
Per Jerry Barbera's original review comments in 2007 wrt exclusion for Manual Fire alarm
system per IFC 907.2.9 exc 2 when sprinkler is installed with notification throughout.
I am asking for 4 pull stations at the 4 (vertical) "corners" of the building providing main paths of
egress in an emergency condition. Given the following considerations: bldg height (4 story);
the size of bldg (32 unit); the length of corridors for sounding verbal alarm; the two separate
levels (stories 1 and 4); and disparate areas of safety for exit discharge (north and south); and
the limitations of familiarity between occupants/tenants in such a large apartment building.
Sprinkler notification is required throughout including any exterior recreational areas within the
footprint of the building.
Noted here for consistency in the bidding process.
John J. Westfall
Edmonds Fire Marshal
425 771-0213 ofc
425 771-0252 fax
425 231-3644 mobile