BLD20060537.pdf� r Ay 01: ED,I,O� CITY OF EDMONDS I21 5'I'II nVJiN11E NOR'1'II •J:DMONDRWA 93020 I'I IONE: (a'5) 771-0221) -PAX: (a251 771.0221 STATUS: ISSUED P.ermiY#:'rSLD20060537 BUILDING Expirati0nDate:8/2/20 Proj6ciAddress:11?09KAIREZDR,EIDM NDS Parcel No:00914200000500 •' D 1' MILLER IIOMES LAC' APPLICANT U I' M1111, I.I.I(I IOGI I:S I.I.0 O P MILLER HOME'I.I.0 I6622 AUROKAAVI:N IG622 AURORA AVE ?/I401-t>5, LJA. Cleo?-(0 SIIOKI:LINIi. WA 98133 SIIORELINE. WA 93133 425-776-8943 425.776.8943. 423-776-8943 LICENSE#: DPMIl.M11963K1. EXI':51132008 VALUATION: $518.310 I'I'RMI'r rYLPE: Residemlal PERAIIT GROUP: 6J - Single Family Residence New GRADING:Y CYDS: 650 'TYPE OP CONSI'RUC'I'ION: VR RETAINING WALL ROCKERY: N OCCUPANT GROUP: R3 OCCUPANT LOAD: PENCE: N 1 0 X 0 P'I'.I CODE: 2003 OT I IER: N ------ O'1'I11:R DESC: ZONE: RS12 NUMBER 01: S1'ORIES: 2 VESTED De\'I'li: NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS' I BASEPII:N'r:0 ISI'FLOOR: O 2ND FLOOR BA5EMEN'1':2598 ISI'PI,OOR:2GJ5 ''-ND FI.00R:O 3 RD FLOOR:0 GARAGE:() DECK:0 OTIIER:(I 3RD PI.O011 Cu\RAGE: 611 DECK: 693 O'rHER: 0 I AGRI, , COAII'I.Y WIT II CITY AND SI'ATIi LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCT' ION AND IN DOING'r I IE WORK AUTI1OR17. , L-1-S-APPLICATH)MISNO1 II:REIIV'.. NOPERSON WILL III: EMPLOYED IN VIOLAl1ONOFfill: LARORCODI: OF'IIIE SI'A'1'liOFWASIIIN(iI'ONKI:I.A'I'INGWORKMI:N'ScoNii,i:NSATIUNINSIIIL\NCI:ANDRCW1827. APERRNIAT UN'rii. SIGNED BY T I W BIJII.DING OFFICIAL OltIIIS'III: DEPUTY ANU AI.I.I il:S RE PAID. Signalur I . Print Name Date Re Z�jATTENTION rrISUNLA\rrVUR USlinROCCUPYA RUILDIND OR SIxrcl\!RE UNTILA FINAL INSPEVOONIADI: AND APPRMU-URA 0; nFICA'n3OP orcurascYUns m.I:N r,RANntD. ulR'um uR-nnIReno ARCIIIVE. APPLICANT ASStSSOR O'riwx NA STATUS: ISSUED BLD20060537 • REQU1RM SPECIAL INSPISCI'IONS FOR 1141S PRO.IECI': 1) Fivcavation, grading. & site pmparalion 2)1'empomry Shoring (ecoblocks - if inquired, seprrrrle permit) 3) Foundation subgmde verification 4) Retaining walUrockery placement 5) Placement of fill & compaction 6) Subsurface drainage installation - 7) Temporary and FinalF3rosion Conuol • Lot line stakes must be in place at the time of foundation/setback inspection. • All new. extended, re -built or mlocated electrical Utility andlorservice shall be placed undcrigmund. • Approval ofthis foundation design is conditional subject to inspection ofemsting site soil conditions. Retaining Walls must be designed and conslmeted to resist the lateral pressure ollhe miained noterial. Provisions must be made for the control and drainage ol'surfacc water around buildings, • Installer shall provide the tranufactumes installation, upending instmctions, and a whole house ventilation systemoperation description. A label shall be aW)xed to the whole house tinercomml that roads "Whole [louse Ventilation' (sec operating instructions). • Maximum I]eight 25 Icct. Measured frotnaverage elevation ofundisturbed soil at comers ofexlended building rectangle. Subject to field check by building departnent. • Special inspections have been called foron this project and are noted on the approved construction plans and building permit. It is the owner and/or contractor responsibility to assure that mpons am provided to the City on a weekly basis. Be advised — if special inspection mpons am not Ibnhcoming. the Building Official my issue a "Stop Work" and no City inspections will be provided until such time us the mponing agency has complied and mports arc reviewed and approved by the City. Close Bibbs (exterior faucets) are required to have a petnanently, aflimd anti -siphon device installed. In addition to the mquimd pressure/mlict'valve, an approved listed expansion tank shall be installed on all hot water tanks. Per UPC 608. • Type Bar Lvent connectors required on fuel -bunting appliances passing through unheated spaces. Per IMC 803.2 • Obtain Glcctrical Permit from Slate Department arLubor& Industries. 425-290-1309 • Personal. to UPC 605.2 a water service shutoll'shalf be installed un the water line as it enters the building. • Cos pipe test must be observed by City Building Inspector. atlidavits shall not be accepted. City approved plastic piping may be used in xvaterscrvice piping provided that whom metal waterservice piping is used for electrical grounding purposes. replacement piping shall be oflike materials (UPC U9.8). A state electrical permit and inspection is requited ifelectrical grounding is allcmd. mmoved, improved. oradded. Contact State Dept. oflabor& Industries Ocelrical Division at 425-290-13W9. • Submit all special inspection reports to the City Building Inspectoron a dtekly basis. Any inquest Ibr the mrdilication, variance or other administrative deviation Ilicreb idler"variance") must be specifically called out and identified. Approval ofany plat or plan containing provisions which do not comply with City code and tar which a variance has not been specifically identified. request and considered by the appropriate City official in accordance with the appmpriatc provision ofCity, code or State law does not approve any items not to code specification. • Pursuant to UPC 608 a pmssure mgulatorvalce(PRV) shall he installed neurthe water shut011: • Sound/Noise originating from tempmary constriction sites as a result ofconslmction activity am except from the noise limits ofECCChapter 5.30only during the hours ol'7:(OYamto 6A8)pmon weekdays and 10:(Shrmand 6:00pmon Saturdays, an:luding. Sundays and Peeleral I lolidays. At all other limes the noise originating from construction sites/activites must comply with the noise Iimils of Chapter 5.30. unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ITC 5.30.120. • 48 hours notice is requited when mqucstine your FINAL lirginccring Inspection. 425-771-0220. est.1326. INSPECTIONS THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY. ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (CURBS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, MARQUEES, ETC.) WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMISSION. PERMIT TIME LIMIT: SEE ECDC 19.00.006(A)(6) 0 CALL FOR INSPECTIONS