bld20060544 Ray.doc
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Plan Review Corrections
Application #: bld20060544 (05-177) Date: October 3, 2006
Project Name/Address: Ray / 15625 75 Pl W
Contact Person/Address/Fax: Phil King / 1527 150 St SW, Lynnwood 98037
Reviewer: Jeanie McConnell Division: Engineering
During review of the subject submittal it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications will need to be addressed:
1. ok
2. 4/17/06 – Based on the surveyed drawing and field observation of the property stake, and the location of the
new garage openings, the owners may want to consider submitting for a street vacation of that small corner.
Without that small corner, the minimum 18’ driveway depth cannot be met.
10/3/06 – A new plot plan was submitted, however the issue with the driveway remains the same. Clearly
indicate the boundaries of the existing driveways on the site plan. Is there an existing on site turnaround?
10/3/06 - Dimension the distance from the garage to the rockery on the site plan. Also, place a dimension
from the garage to the property line on the site plan.
10/3/06 – The Edmonds Community Development Code, section 18.80.060 requires driveway
approaches to be paved from the edge of the existing street a distance of 20 feet or to the edge of the
property line, whichever is greater.
3. 4/17/06 – Placement or relocation of rockeries in the vicinity of the City right-of-way must meet our current
standards and a copy of the handout is included.
10/3/06 – Provide top and bottom elevations for the rockeries. Provide a cross section of the rockeries
along the driveway.
4. 4/17/06 – Is the proposed garage being extended out to the deck line? A minimum of 18’ of driveway is
required between the property line and the garage.
10/3/06 – Response to comments: “No, 18’6” provided”. According to the architectural plans submitted,
the garage will be extended out further than its original location. Please refer to the first bulleted item
under correction #2.
5. 4/17/06 – Since the proposed driveway slope exceeds 14%, a request for driveway slope waiver is required.
The request must include a justification why the 14% cannot be achieved.
10/3/06 – Reponse to comments: “Request for waiver applied for”. I have not been able to locate a
request for waiver in the file. I did find a note on the plans that indicates a 12% driveway slope. As the
site plan is not accurate with regards to the west line of the garage it is difficult to confirm driveway
slope. Please revise the site plan accordingly and recalculate the slope of the driveway.
The Edmonds Community Development Code does not allow for a driveway slope to exceed 14%
without first obtaining approval by the City Engineer. The maximum allowed driveway slope is 20%.
Adjust the slope of the driveway to reflect a 14% grade or submit your request in writing to the City
Engineer with an explanation as to why the required 14% slope cannot be achieved.
6. ok
7. 4/17/06 – Show all proposed grading and grading quantities.
10/3/06 – Response to comments: “No change to existing grade”. There will be some grading with this
project due to the garage expansion and main level entry/kitchen expansion. Please provide bottom of
footing elevations for both of these additions.
10/3/06 – The crawl at the back of the garage is also to have a new 4.5’ wide footing placed under the
existing footing. Please provide the bottom of footing elevation for this as well. Also, how is this footing
proposed to be constructed? Will the slope to the east be cut back to allow for construction or will there
be temporary shoring?
8. 4/17/06 – Show existing and new tightlines. Show footing drain and tightline locations and connect to public
storm system. Per the geo-tech report, roof drains are not to connect to the footing drains.
10/3/06 – Tighline and footing drains have been shown on the site plan. However, it is not indicated
which drain lines are new and which are existing.
10/3/06 – The connection to the City’s storm system in 75 Pl W shall be made directly to a City catch
basin. Show the location of this catch basin on the site plan. Provide RIM and invert elevations.
9. 4/17/06 – Show erosion control fencing along the westerly and southerly property lines.
10/3/06 – The silt fence as shown will prevent access to the driveway and garage along the southwest
side of the house. If this driveway will not be in use during the construction project then the silt fence
location is okay as proposed. However, if you intend for the driveway to remain in use then the silt fence
location shall be revised accordingly.
10. 10/3/06 – Clearly differentiate between the new structure and the existing structure in the elevation views on
the architectural plans.
11. 10/3/06 – The site plan needs to be accurate. Please revise to include:
Kitchen bumpout (bay)
New deck
The old deck shall be labeled as “to be removed”
New garage line below the deck
Chimney bumpout
Driveway boundaries
12. 10/3/06 – A site restoration bond in the amount of $50k is required due to the project location in the Earth
Subsidence Landslide Hazard Area. Please contact Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator, for the appropriate
bond forms.
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Marie
Harrison is your Permit Coordinator for this project. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.