bld20060841a amentities bldg 2- 21 pine st.doc City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Review Comments Plan Check : Date: # BLD 20060841 28 Mar 07 Project Name/Address: Pt. EdwardsAmenities 2: 21 Pine St Contact Person/Address/Fax: fax/e-mail : Ross Woods : ross@triaddev.com Reviewer: Division:Engineering Lyle Chrisman, Engineering Program Manager The subject application has been reviewed but cannot be completed until the following items have been addressed/corrected. Please resubmit 3 sets of revised drawings to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. 1. Original comment #1 still needs to be addressed.- Provide a utility site plan for this building. Drawing 4f submitted indicates some of the utilities installed with the site improvements will be not be used. The utility plan to be submitted needs to address the work to be installed and what will be abandoned/capped, etc. 2. Original comment #2 still needs to be addressed.- What is the impervious surface area for this facility? 3. Provide details for the entrance to the parking lot. Drawing 4f indicates radiused curbs. Will this be a commercial type entrance or residential? 4. Please indicate the limits of the loop road improvements that will be done under this permit. 5. Where does the drainage swale, next to the parking lot retaining wall drain to? Show swale, flow direction and where it drains to on the drawing. 6. Indicate where the retaining wall drain to. 7. Does the pool drain connect to the pump house so the water can be regulated going into building sewer line, especially since everything goes to the sewer lift station? 8. Is the segemented block wall the same used for the outlooks? If not, provide details on the civil drawings. __________________(Attach fax transmittal) DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___ C:\\Users\\mcadmin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\bld20060841a amentities bldg 2- 21 pine st.doc_153156\\bld20060841a amentities bldg 2- 21 pine st.doc