BLD-2006-0969 Kone Addition @ 20427 86th Pl W.rtf
Coccia, Gina
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:41 PM
Umbaugh, Theresa; Readwin, Jennifer
BLD-2006-0969 Kone Addition @ 20427 86th Pl W
Hi Alicia,
We just realized that I had signed off on your building permit application for the Planning Division,
however the most recent site plan that was submitted did not show the height calculations this time
around. Please show the height rectangle and the height calculations on the site plan and make sure
that the second story addition meets the 25 foot height limit - you can come in and redline this information
if it's easiest for you. I need to take back my "sign off" until we get this information in, so hopefully it's
just an easy fix. I'm going to put a note in the system about this. Please let me know if you have any
questions. Thanks so much, take care!
Gina Coccia
City of Edmonds | Development Services Department
121 5th Avenue North | Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone 425.771.0220 ext. 1778 | Fax 425.771.0221