City of Edmonds
Plan Review Corrections
Plan Check #: Date:
BLD20060982 December 4, 2006
Project Name/Address: Bill and Joan Martin / 16905 - 76 Avenue W.
Contact Person/Address: Joan Martin / e-mail:; 16905 – 76 Avenue W.,
Edmonds, WA 98026
Reviewer Department
: Meg Gruwell: Planning
I have reviewed the above building permit application and resubmittals for the Planning Division. Before
I can sign off on it I still need the following:
1.Edge of Roof and Eaves: Please show on the site plan the outline of the existing covered deck that
extends to the south.
2.Height Calculations:
a.Datum Point: Thank you for specifying that a spike has been placed in the power pole to serve as
a datum point. Since it still says the datum point is the base of the power pole, I am wondering
why the elevation changed from 186 to 192? Having an inaccurate elevation for your datum point
can wreak havoc when our inspectors check the height of the peak of the roof.
(i)Please make sure that the elevation for the datum point is correct.
(ii)If the spike is not at the base of the pole, please change the description to describe it better.
b.Topography: Overlaying the additions onto the LIDAR map I calculate the height rectangle
corners to be (starting at the northeast corner of the carport and going clockwise): 216 + 214 +
198 + 199 = 827 Dividing that by four to get an average grade yields 206.75 (see attached). The
proposed 229 ridge height is still within the allowed 25 foot maximum. If you use these numbers I
will agree with you. I don’t know if it is easier to adjust the topography lines on your plot plan to
more closely resemble the LIDAR map, or overlay the new additions and other items on the
LIDAR map.
c.On the building elevations (sheet 1 of 5) show the revised average grade, maximum grade and
actual elevation. Be sure to carefully measure. Be sure the numbers on the elevations match the
plot plans.
3.Reduced Copy: Your reduced copy was a copy of the old site plan.
a.Please reduce the new site plan to 8.5 by 11 inches.
If you have any questions, please call me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1330.
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Please make all submittals to the Development Services Permit Coordinator, and provide two copies of
any revised plans or elevations and three copies of any site plans. Your existing plans and elevations may
also be red-lined.
Thank you.
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