BLD20061167 Stevens Pharmacy TI.doc
Date:November 1, 2006
Development Services Lead Marie Harrison
From:Fire Marshal John J. Westfall 425.771.0213
Subject:BLD20061167 Stevens Hospital Pharmacy TI 21601 76 Ave
The following has been reviewed under the 2003 International Codes and Edmonds
Community Development Code. Please provide clarification and corrections.
Sheet A0.10 Sprinkler modification permit is required. Sprinkler work shall be performed
by a technician licensed by WA State to work on fire sprinkler systems.
Sheet M2.0 Mechanical permit is required. Show how the fume hoods exhaust will be
independent of other exhaust systems. Incompatible hazardous materials cannot be
exhausted through the same system. Provide a list of materials and quantities that will
be used under the open hood system and identify their compatibilities. IMC 510.4
Sheet A1.10 Although the fire hose cabinet may be abandoned of fire hose (Keynote
#4), a wet standpipe connection passes through the cabinet. Cabinet/standpipe
removal making room for the construction access will likely impair all downstream
standpipe connections which impacts the fire protection to other areas of the hospital.
Provide alternative proposal to preserve the viability of hospital fire protection systems.
Sheet A0.10 & A1.10
Clinical Engineering door to Hall (Keynote #14) is locked from pharmacy side for Rx
security as such cannot be considered a usable path for exit access. The existing
distance from farthest point in Engineering to exit access (corridor) exceeds maximum
distance of 250’ provided for in a sprinklered occupancy per IBC Table 1015.1. Add
provisions to temporarily and permanently reduce the maximum distance to exit access
within allowable distance.
Cc: Mr. Philip Carpenter fax (425) 774-7803
Assistant Building Official Ann Bullis
City of Edmonds Fire Marshal