bld20070331 & 20070686 - Pt Edwards Bldg 10 _2_.pdf City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Review Comments Application : Date: # bld20070331-Grading, bld20060686-Condo Bldg March 21, 2008 Project Name/Address: Pt Edwards – Building 10, 50 Pine Street Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Valerie Sargent / vsargent@weberthompson.com Reviewer: Jeanie McConnellDivision:Engineering During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to Marie Harrison. - GENERAL - 1.ok 2.3/21/08 – Sheet 14 does in fact show the parking lot, however it does not provide any detail with regards to drive aisle widths, stall dimensions, etc. Please provide. 8/9/07 comment - Please include plan sheets specific to the parking lot layout and striping with the civil · plan set. 3.3/21/08 – The lighting plan indicates a couple of decorative street lights, but the property line is not clear on this plan sheet so I am not able to tell if they encroach into the right-of-way or not. Please revise plans accordingly. Along with that, a street lighting encroachment permit was started in 2006 and it does not appear to have been finalized. Lyle Chrisman was originally dealing with this, but I believe this to be the status. Do your records indicate otherwise? Road & Storm Drainage Plan – Sheet 14 1.ok 2.3/21/08 – One note still needs to be removed. It is located on the west side of Pine Street. 8/9/07 comment - Please clarify the note: Existing curb ramp to be approved by the City of Edmonds. · st 3.Please clarify the note: Remove existing curb & curb ramp up to 1 expansion joint & replace. I am not st able to tell by looking at the plans where the 1 expansion joint is and what the intent of this note is. 4.ok 5.ok 6.3/21/08 – The sidewalk still does not follow the curb line. Is there a reason for the separation between curb and sidewalk? 8/9/07 comment - Please revise the sidewalk as shown on the south side of the upper parking lot · driveway. The sidewalk shall follow the curb line. DATE E-MAILED 3/21/08 PAGE 1 of 2 7.3/21/08 – Easements have been provided. It appears as though Easement “D” and Easement “C” are not labeled correctly on Exhibit B. Also, Exhibit B should be enlarged to Easements “E” and “F” can be seen. The civils don’t appear to show sidewalk on private property in the areas of Easement “E” and “F”. Also, please revise the civil plan to simply indicate an easement versus specifically calling out a 5’ easement. 8/9/07 comment - A 5’ public sidewalk easement is shown in a couple areas along the frontage of this · building. However the arrows that indicate the area of the easement don’t seem to follow the sidewalk location and are not directly adjacent to the property line. Please clarify easement areas and provide copies of easements for each. 8.3/21/08 – Please show storm line connections at the building for all CB’s that have internal connections and indicate direction of flow on the line. 8/9/07 comment - Please clarify the note: Connect to internal storm drain line. The note appears to be · directed at a connection that is on the exterior of the building and then flows to a CB in the street. 9.ok 10.ok 11.ok 12.ok 13.ok 14.ok 15.ok 16.ok Sanitary Sewer & Water Plan – Sheet 23 1.ok 2.3/21/08 – Thank you for adding the Fire Connection note to the plans. For information only - the Fire connection permit has not yet been submitted. 8/9/07 comment - A Fire Connection Permit is required for the fire line and installation of the DDCVA · and vault. Please submit for this permit prior to issuance of the civil plans for this building and note this requirement on the civil plan set. 3.ok 4.3/21/08 – The irrigation meter has been shown on the west side of Pine Street, which will not be acceptable for this property. An irrigation meter and backflow assembly will need to be provided on the east side of Pine Street. The backflow assembly shall be located on private property. 8/9/07 comment - Please show the location of the irrigation meter and required backflow assembly. · 5.ok 6.3/21/08 – At this time the required encroachment permit has not been submitted. 8/9/07 comment - An encroachment permit is required for the private sanitary sewer lateral that crosses · Pine Street. Please submit the encroachment permit application for review and approval prior to issuance of the civil plans. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE E-MAILED 3/21/08 PAGE 2 of 2