bld20070331 & 20070686 - Pt Edwards Bldg 10.pdf City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Review Corrections Application : Date: # bld20070331-Grading, bld20060686-Condo Bldg August 9, 2007 Project Name/Address: Pt Edwards – Building 10 / 50 Pine Street Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Valerie Sargent / vsargent@weberthompson.com Reviewer: Jeanie McConnellDivision:Engineering During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to Marie Harrison. - SHORING / RETAINING WALL PLANS by Ground Support - 1.Drainage is required to be placed behind each retaining wall. It appears as though an extension of the drain line along shoring wall A has been shown on sheets SH2.0 (shoring wall plan) and Sheet 14 of 30 of the civil plan set, but the line has not been labeled as such. Please clearly identify the storm drain lines for each shoring wals and their point of connection to the storm system. 2.Sheet 4J of the civil plan set shows a retaining wall along the south edge of the L3 driveway and along the walkway just to the north of this driveway. It is noted that the retaining wall design is by DCI Engineers. Please reference and provide copies of the plan sheets and calculations pertinent to these retaining walls. Drainage will also need to be provided for these walls. - GENERAL - 1.The architectural plans reference the civil plans for the parking garage oil/water separator. As the oil/water separators are required to tie into the sanitary sewer system on the interior of the building, the point of connection should be shown on the plumbing plan. Please revise the reference accordingly. 2.Please include plan sheets specific to the parking lot layout and striping with the civil plan set. DATE E-MAILED 8/9/07 PAGE 1 of 3 - CIVIL PLAN REVIEW - Grading and TESC Plan - Sheet 4 1.Please revise the note for the existing 8” water main “to be abandoned” to show as abandoned as noted on Sheet 23. Building 10 Interim TESC Plan – Sheet 4I 1.Please note all TESC measures are to be installed per City standard details: filter fence – E1.1 · filter sock – E1.3 · 2.Please include ESC requirements verbatim from ECDC 18.30.050 1-17. Fine Grading & Excavation Cross Sections – Sheet 4J 1.Plans indicate a new rockery per detail Sheet 8. Please confirm that the rockery will not be located so as to support a surcharge from the parking lot. 2.Prior to Lyle Chrisman retiring he mentioned to me the potential need for a perf drain along the north side of building 10 frontage to Pine street, at the toe of the slope and behind the sidewalk. Has this perf system been considered or installed? Has the geotech addressed the concerns at this location? 3.Please reference specific plan sheets with details pertaining to the construction of each retaining wall on this plan sheet. The design for each retaining wall is required as part of the shoring/grading submittal.. 4.Please callout topography contour elevations along the west side of the property, near the L3 driveway. The elevations cannot easily followed in this area. 5.Please clarify the note for X-Section B-B – “portions of the existing asphalt, curb and walk to be removed to avoid shoring”. Will this effect the current use of Pine Street? Will additional measures be necessary to protect this area? Grading, Rockery & Site Details – Sheet 8 1.Please remove details that are not applicable to Bldg 10 or place a note indicating which plan sheets they pertain to. Road & Storm Drainage Plan – Sheet 14 1.Plans note that footing drains for the retaining wall along the walkway & L3 driveway are to connect to building footing drain. Please shown the point of connection to the building footing drain for each. 2.Please clarify the note: Existing curb ramp to be approved by the City of Edmonds. All ramps are required to meet ADA standards, which at the intersection of the Loop Road and Pine Street would require the installation of truncated domes. After a visit to the site, it is clear that some of the curb/gutter, sidewalk and ramps previously installed have been damaged and require replacement. Please note on the plans which ramps require replacement. Also place an additional note on the plans that states: Curb, gutter and sidewalk to be removed and replaced as required per City inspector. If the ramps at this intersection are removed they shall be replaced per current City standards. DATE E-MAILED 8/9/07 PAGE 2 of 3 st 3.Please clarify the note: Remove existing curb & curb ramp up to 1 expansion joint & replace. I am not st able to tell by looking at the plans where the 1 expansion joint is and what the intent of this note is. 4.The south end of the sidewalk along the east side of Pine Street is showing the requirement for a curb ramp type 6.1 per COE standard E2.21. This standard detail no longer exists. A concrete or asphalt ramp from the sidewalk to the asphalt road will be required. Consistent with the note on the plans, the ramp shall not exceed a 1:12 slope. 5.The same curb ramp and detail noted in the comment above is called out at an entrance to the building from the upper parking lot. Please revise accordingly. 6.Please revise the sidewalk as shown on the south side of the upper parking lot driveway. The sidewalk shall follow the curb line. 7.A 5’ public sidewalk easement is shown in a couple areas along the frontage of this building. However the arrows that indicate the area of the easement don’t seem to follow the sidewalk location and are not directly adjacent to the property line. Please clarify easement areas and provide copies of easements for each. 8.Please clarify the note: Connect to internal storm drain line. The note appears to be directed at a connection that is on the exterior of the building and then flows to a CB in the street. 9.The storm line on the west side of the upper parking lot is difficult to see due to the BSBL crossing over the storm line. Is this the storm line for the shoring wall and possibly for the building footing drains? Please clarify. 10.At a minimum, a cleanout shall be installed at the “T” connection of the 12” private storm line to the drain line referenced in the comment above. Please also indicate pipe material for the 31’ of 12” storm. 11.The 12” private storm drain line is called out as proposed (new), but in looking at the invert elevation provided for Ex. CB 23, the line appears to be existing and is noted as 12” ADS. Please clarify. 12.There appears to be an additional CB shown just north of CB23. Please clarify. 13.Intake 24A w/ trash rack is called out as being proposed (new). After a site visit it appears as though the drain pipe from Ex. CB24 towards the SE to the intake is existing. Will this pipe be replaced? A trash rack has not yet been installed at the intake. 14.Please call out the requirement for CB 46A & 46B shall have solid lids. They are proposed to be within the landscape area behind the sidewalk. 15.Please revise the note: All CB’s to have vaned grates to state – unless noted otherwise. 16.Please revise/remove the note: All of the existing storm to be removed starting at the upstream end. Sanitary Sewer & Water Plan – Sheet 23 bold 1.Please show all proposed utilities in line type. 2.A Fire Connection Permit is required for the fire line and installation of the DDCVA and vault. Please submit for this permit prior to issuance of the civil plans for this building and note this requirement on the civil plan set. 3.Please callout the requirement for a 4” storz adapter on the existing fire hydrant. 4.Please show the location of the irrigation meter and required backflow assembly. 5.Please callout the requirement for 12” locking CI lamphole cover on the sanitary sewer cleanout located at the property line. 6.An encroachment permit is required for the private sanitary sewer lateral that crosses Pine Street. Please submit the encroachment permit application for review and approval prior to issuance of the civil plans. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE E-MAILED 8/9/07 PAGE 3 of 3