bld20080031-Michel-TIA.pdfName of Proposed Project: Owner/Applicant: COPY CITY OF EDMONDS TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS iStECEIVEE) — KcAa, K("C =7 Street/Mailing Address cl) POO T) ->- city State zip Telephone: -42( lq-(o M � JAN 1 WALMNG DEPARTMEfU Applicant Contact Person: 5C4LURRevLxek, e,,-AM6 Street/Mailing Address city Telephone: Traffic Engineer who prepared the Traffic Impact Analysis: Firm Name i Contact Name a. Street address Qfknown): t 4aW'kk--QUV -57 b. Location: c. Specify existing land use: '5 r- �- 1,AF d. Specify proposed type and size of development: State Telephone am. (A Ita Ch a vicin ity map and site plan.) e. When will the project begin construction and when will it be completed? 50WAW- 20Z)--�- /7tx f Define proposed access locations: g. Define proposed sight distance at site egress locations: '260 1 - 3 c 1 I TRIP GENERATION a. Existing Site Trip Generation Table: Land Use I I Daily (ADT) -s- 3 Mr— C eT) b. Proposed Project Trip Generation Table: PM Peak -Hour Trips IN OUT . 2.Z 2-.63 A.z3 Pr c. Net New Project Trip Generation Table: d. State assumptions and methodology for internal, link.. -diverted or passby trips: V After-QRMW With Project: Note any assumPt'ons/variatiOns to standard analysis default values and justifications: 7. AMIGATION RECOMWNDATIONS State recommended measures and fees required tomitigate oJect be op, rspecific traffic impacts. Traffic impact fee shall calculated frm the Edmonds Rhripact 4 Fee Rate Study Table (attached) and as identified in ECDC 18oad .81120, except as otherwise provided for independent fee calculations in ECDC 18-82.130. —W-VIV—J 0 -74 Jim 8, VYJkAO 1, c.,A?A v6w� I. TV-VV(Z/ ."1 -2-) 1110 &V 7