BLD20080129.pdfOY; Ems` CITY OF EDMONDS 121 STH AVENUE: NORTH - F-DMONDS,WA 98020 PHONE: (425) 771-0220 - FAX (425) 771-0221 STATUS: ISSUED 3/10/2008 Expiration Date: 9/10/2008 LAURIE KING DECKS BY DESIGN DECKS BY DESIGN 18506 OLYMPIC VIEW DR LORI MEREDITH LORI MEREDITH PO BOX 1117 PO BOX It 17 EDMONDS, WA 98020-2349 LAKE STEVENS. WA 98258 LAKE STEVENS, WA 98258 425-508-5889 425-231-5889 425.231-5889 LICENSE N: DECKSD-9810K EXP:9/12/2008 DECK'740 SQ FEET t VALUATION: $12,580 PERMIT TYPE: Residential PERMIT CROUP: 22 - Deck/Porch/Patio Cover GRADING.N CYDS:0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB RETAINING WALL ROCKERY: N OCCUPANT GROUP: R3 OCCUPANT LOAD: FENCE: N ( 0 X 0 FT) CODE: 2006 OTHER:N ------OTHER DESC: ZONE: RS12 NUMBER OF Sr ORIES: 2 VESTED DATE: NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS: 1 BASEMENT: 0 1ST FLOOR: 0 2ND FLOOR: 0 BASEMENT: 0 1ST FLOOR:0 2ND FLOOR : 0 3RD FLOOF.0 GARAGE:0 DECK:0 OT HER:O 13RD FLOOR:0 GARAGE:0 DECK: 740 OTHER:0 REQUIRED :(N)0 PROPOSED: 10 [REQUIRED: (W) 10 PROPOSED: 23.5 REQUIRED:(S)4 PROPOSED: 7.5 HEIGHT ALLOWED:25 PROPOSEDA9 REQUIRED: (E) 10 PROPOSED: 14 3ET BACK NOTES. Front and rear setbacks and lot coverage applied under variance V-16-85. Erosion and sediment control plan to ECDC 18,30 will ratisfy critical area requirements for this permit. Deck replacement will not change setbacks, height or coverage from existing. Existing stairs will not be replaced. I AGREE -T O COMPLY WITH CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION AND IN DOING THE WORK AUTHORIZED THEREBY, NO PERSON WILL BE EMPLOYED IN VIOLATION OF THE LABOR CODE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RELATING TO /-� WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AND RCW 18:27. AIM TCATInN IA NOTA PERMIT UNTIL SIGNED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR HISMER DEPUTY AND ALL FEESARE PAID. Print Date ATTENTION ITIS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED UBC109/IBCI to/ IRCI10. - ARCIWE Q APPLICANT ASSESSOR T_ OTHER f r; STATUS: ISSUED BLD20080129 • Lot fine stakes must be in place at the time of f tundation/setback inspection. • Approval of this foundation design is conditional subject to inspection of existing site soil conditions. Retaining Walls must be designed and constructed to resist the lateral pressure ofthe retained material. Provisions must be made forthe control and drainage of surface water around buildings. • Sound/Noise originating fromtemporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt fromthe noise Units of HOC Chapter 530 only during the bouts of 7:00am to 6:00pm on weekdays and IO..Wam and 6..00pm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all othert mcs the noise ori&atng fromconstruction saes/activies must comply with the noise knits of Chapter 530, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECC 530.120. TMS PERMTAUIHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY. ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC DOWN (CURBS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, MARQUEES, ETC.) WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMISSION. PEiMT MM_ LIMIT: SEE ECDC 19.90AWAN6) PUBLIC WORKS 425 771-M5 I PR&11JEATNffNT 425 672-5755 1 RUCY(7lNG 425 275A801 When calling for an inspection please lease the following information: Permit Number, Job Site Address, Type of Inspection being requested Contact Name andPhone Number, Date Prefereed, and whether you prefer morning or afternoon. • B-Setbacks • B-Isolated Footings/Piers • B-Fra»mg • B-Building Final aoo�- DI a°I of E°M Inspection �O Comments v - r BLD20080129 22 - Deck/Porch/Patio Cover Applied: 02/19/2008 Issued: 03/10/2008 Expires: 09/10/2008 Address: 18506 OLYMPIC VIEW DR, EDMONDS INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR ACTION 1106-B-Setbacks 03/11/2008 TEMP-NATOLA CMP Comment: APPROVED 1114 - B-Isolated Footings/Piers 03/11/2008 TEMP-NATOLA CMP Comment: APPROVED 1142 - B-Framing 03/26/2008 TEMP-NATOLA CMP Comment: APPROVED 1158 - B-Building Final 05/07/2009 steinike CMP Comment: l l/18/2011 2:37:32 PM 121 5th Ave, Edmonds Washington - Phone: (425) 771-0220 Page 1 of 1 I lk _ 20, 'Nothing in tLs permit approval process shell be interpreted as allowing or permitting the maintenance of any currently existing illegal, nonconforming or unpermitted building, structure or site condition which is outside the scope of the permit applicati n, re prdless ofWh —boil ru, se or con ition is shown on the me l in or drawing. Such building, structure or condition may be the subject of a separate enforcement ,action,." APPROVED BY PLANf11ING 3So8 r -?CopFRT't Li me tSTt'KC-t ooc o o c .-- j�W�- F4oL6 1 ° ° 4q5 402 t �yP.oposeD IRf.PtAGENiEI'�7 .4 CIF DEtK v +Sq J4— a Pot.E 'A 83' Dec-�s 1>' L vS\(.t, kIt-442, # WA3gtpC=v o3 65oko 00(t-"k'P%c. v\eN�, C EOMaNv)s I \CIA. a2'J2U S IZ Zone Corner Fla&_ Setbacks Reeuired Actual Front N _ O , p Sides w/E 10 (° 3 S Rear S Other ll 16 BS GZS CITY COPY RECEIVED MAi; 0 4 ", DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CTR. GTY OF EDMONDS