bld20080257_Sound Transit_Detention Waiver Approval.pdf0 =0 Consulting Engineers
TON-VaGap 1=4 .0
Mr. Noel Miller
City of Edmonds Building Division
121 Fifth Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
Subject: Request for Waiver from Detention System Requirements
Edmonds Station, Permit No. blc120080257
Dear Noel:
As requested by the City of Edmonds, on behalf of Sound Transit, we request that the City'
stormwater detention, requirement for the project be waived. Initial direction from the City was that
detention, would riot be required for this project because of its close proximity to Puget Sound.
The project will slightly decrease the amount of impervious surface on the site. We estimate the
before and after amounts of impervious as follows:
Predeveloped 3.62 acres
Post developed 3.58, acres
Based on the reduction in impervious surface, we anticipate slightly less runoff following
project completion. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 622-5822,
Brian Vanderburg, PE
Civil Design Manager
1601 Fiffli Avenue Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 622-5822 Fax (206) 622-8130
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