City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Engineering Division
Engineering Plan Review Comments
Application : Date:
# BLD20090743 December 18, 2009
Project Name/Address:
Isaacson 16007 73 Pl W
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail:
Consolidated Review: Theresa Umbaugh, DST
Reviewer: JoAnne Zulauf Division:Engineering
During review of the civil drawings for the proposed subdivision it was found that the following
information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed. Please resubmit 3 copies of the
revised civil drawings and associated documents with a written response to each item to an Engineering
Technician. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
General Comments:
1. Please provide a copy of the recorded covenant for Lorian Woods. Snohomish Recording number
2. Please provide copies of both public and private easements and other homeowners association permissions,
and/or agreements related to the subject property and the proposed construction.
Civils and Site Plan General:
1. Please revise all Civil plans and Site plan to show current site conditions. Significant drainage
improvements have been completed and are showing as proposed within this plan set.
2. Remove all notes and objects from all plans that are not applicable to the current project.
3. Remove references to BLD20070833 and BLD20070834, replace with current building permit application
4.Please revise clearing and grading limits (eg shouldnt include the parking area or upper slope).
5.Clearly show all easements and tracts and identify City utilities versus privately owned and maintained
Targeted Storm Drainage Study:
Storm drainage report and associated plans were reviewed by Stormwater Program Manager, Jerry Shuster.
Comments are as follows:
1. This project is required to address the stormwater management requirements in ECDC Chapter 18.30.060.
The report doest not contain the required information. The report must include the following:
A description of the existing site conditions (not just "vacant land" - describe the vegetation and other
prominent features)
A tally of the new impervious surface proposed by the project
DATE E-MAILED 12/23/2009 PAGE(s) 1 of 6
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Engineering Division
Engineering Plan Review Comments
A discussion of the minimum requirements in ECDC Chapter 18.30.060 that are triggered based on the
quantity of impervious surface area
The proposed stormwater management techniques proposed to meet the applicable minimum
requirements or a detailed explanation why certain requirements do not or should not apply.
The reason why the applicant is proposing not to connect to the plat detention system (normally a
requirement when a new house is added to a previously approved plat)
2.If a waiver from the detention requirements stated in ECDC Chapter 18.30.060 is proposed, a capacity
analysis for the downstream system must be included, as well as a formal letter requesting the waiver.
3.Section 3, Section B. Downstream Analysis refers to a map "...attached in the next page..." This map was
not included in the copy of the Targeted Storm Drainage Study that I received, but should be.
Impervious Surface:
1. Provide proposed impervious surface calculations on drainage plan and site plan as shown below;
Proposed Impervious: Roof outline: xxxx
Patio: xxx
Driveway xxx
Walkway: xxx
Etc. xx
Total: xxx
Please consult City of Edmonds Storm Water Management handout #E72 for information regarding
what counts as impervious surface (i.e. pavers, gravel..).
Sheet 2 - Grading/TESC Plan
General Notes
1. Please make the following changes to the :
(#2) Revise: shall conform to current WSDOT standard specs . . .)
Insert as #3: All construction and construction related activities shall conform to provisions set forth for
the Earth Subsidence Landslide Hazard Area (ESLHA) in Edmonds Community
Development Code section 19.10.
(#4) Replace City right of way with public and private easements.
(#6) Revise: . . . .does not enter the on-site storm system or natural drainage . . .
(#9) Revise: All roof and footing drains shall be connected to an approved storm drainage system.
(#13) Revise: Standard polypropylene ladder . . .
(#16) Remove detention/retention.
DATE E-MAILED 12/23/2009 PAGE(s) 2 of 6
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Engineering Division
Engineering Plan Review Comments
(#17) Add to first sentence per City of Edmonds standard details.
(#21) Change contract to contact and replace engineer for a field change item with
Engineer and Geotech of record. ADD: City of Edmonds shall approve any revisions prior to
construction. Revised plan submission to Engineering Division for review and approval may be
required prior to construction of the contested item.
Contractor Responsibility
2. Please make the following changes to the notes:
(#2) Replace Snohomish County with City of Edmonds.
(#5) Replace on site with in designated laydown area.
Grading, Drainage and Erosion Maintenance Notes
3. Please make changes to the :
(#2) Add Weekly reports shall be submitted to the City of Edmonds Engineering Division.
Add additional note: During times that site is not active (work will not be performed for more than
3 consecutive days), site will be inspected weekly by the designated erosion/sedimentation control
supervisor and reports shall be submitted to the City of Edmonds, Engineering Division.
4. Please make change to :
(#2) Please change note to read: LID 210 system 1-A improvements have been removed or are
inactive and have been replaced with a private drainage system.
1. Please provide revised grading plan that clearly identifies the property and the portions of the common area,
Tract A, that will be affected by the scope of this permit.
2. On revised grading plan, please use one line type for existing grade and another line type for proposed
3. The existing grades should be consistent to the elevations on the site now. The existing elevations shall
reflect changes made during grading/clearing and drainage system installation. Grading calculations shall
revised as needed.
4. Terra Associates Geotech report dated June 2, 2009 state that 450cyds of soil is the total of the cut for the
house. Total grading amount shall also include all cut/fill that will be necessary for landscaping, driveway,
entry stairs, retaining walls front and back, patio, stairs and walkways along outer edge of house. Please revise
5. Provide bottom of footing (bof) elevations for each step, if any, in the foundation and for patio, retaining
walls, etc.
6. Show proposed location and elevations of swale along upside of catchment/retaining wall as required by
geotech report.
7. Per geotech report, no fill may be placed that will raise existing grades other than backfill of foundation
except in a few specific areas, please indicate the areas to be filled and the amount of fill on grading plan.
DATE E-MAILED 12/23/2009 PAGE(s) 3 of 6
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Engineering Division
Engineering Plan Review Comments
1. Please show on TESC plan the specific stockpile location consistent with geotech report.
2. Please show all erosion control measures on tesc plan and provide reference to standard details.
3. Remove Catch Basin Insert detail on Sheet 3 of Civils and replace with City of Edmonds (C of E) standard
detail E1.3.
4. Add C of E standard detail E1.1.1 Straw Bale Dam Filtration on Sheet 3 of Civils to correspond with #13 of
Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control notes.
5. Add C of E standard detail E1.2 for Stabilized Construction Entrance and show location on TESC plan.
Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control
6. Please make the following corrections to the notes section on
Sheet 3 of the Civils:
(#3) Add to first sentence and requirements of Terra Associates geotechnical report dated
March 31, 2008 and June 2, 2009.
(#8) Replace County with City.
(#9) Replace safe areas with only in area specified in geotech report. Add Stockpiling not
allowed on site during wet season Oct 1st to April 30th.
(#11) Replace county with City of Edmonds.
(#12) Reference detail.
(#13) Reference detail.
(#18) Remove all and replace with All fill material and fill placement shall meet requirements set
forth in Terra Associates June 2, 2009 geotechnical report.
(#23) Replace references to the UBC with appropriate section of the 2006 IBC and add and/or the
ECDC Section 19.10.
(#25) Replace the inspector for land development division with the Building and Engineering
Inspectors for the City of Edmonds.
* Add note: Weekly field reports shall be submitted by the geotechnical engineer monitoring
compliance with the geotechnical report.
* Add: City of Edmonds Erosion Control Notes verbatim from ECDC 18.30.050.
Twelve Elements
7. Please make the following changes to the notes found on Sheet 3:
(#3) Update to reflect Storm Engineer comments if necessary.
(#10) Revise de-watering plan to meet ECDC 19.10.070 D which prohibits discharge of
collected surface or storm water to ground surface or subsurface within ESLHA.
DATE E-MAILED 12/23/2009 PAGE(s) 4 of 6
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Engineering Division
Engineering Plan Review Comments
(#12) Replace county inspector with city engineering inspector.
Retaining Wall(s):
1. Please cross-reference catchment/retaining wall and stone retaining wall with detail and sheet number where
detail can be found as well as design calculations.
2. A portion of the catchment/retaining wall is shown outside of property line. Please provide easement or
other recorded documentation specific to construction of privately owned retaining wall within the Tract A
Common Area.
3. For catchment/retaining wall and planting area retaining wall, please note top of wall (tow) and bottom of
wall (bow) elevations for every two feet of change.
Site/Utility Plan:
1. Driveway approach for 3-car garage is limited to a 30ft maximum. Please revise plans.
2. Please show location of curb/gutter to be installed.
3. Provide City of Edmonds standard detail E2.26 for standard driveway entrance. Note that as there is no
sidewalk proposed, driveway approach wings can be reduced to 2ft in length. Reference detail on site plan.
4. Provide City of Edmonds standard detail E2.8 for standard curb/gutter. Reference detail on site plan.
5. Add storm system (private and public) to site/utility plan. Label each.
6. Please show all utility and access easements on site plan or create a separate utility plan if too confusing to
add everything to site plan. Label all easements with Snohomish County recording numbers and provide copies
of all easement agreements. (I have attached copies a few easement documents that I was able to obtain).
7. Water meter shown at edge of road. Meter shall be located at the east edge of the water line easement.
8. Private water line shall not be located within public easements (easement boundary is probably 6ft on either
side of water main, confirm with easement documents) and shall not be constructed parallel to property line
unless within private property. Please revise.
9. Please label private water line and side sewer with pipe material, size and proposed depth of lines. Any pipe
placed beneath a drivable surface must be SDR35 and have a minimum of 2ft of cover.
10. A 6 side sewer clean out with cast iron lamphole cover must be installed at the east edge of easement. A
4 clean out must be installed at the house. Note requirements on plans.
11. Water line and side sewer must have a minimum of 10ft of separation horizontal. Plans show water and
sewer crossing perpendicularly. Water line must be located above side sewer and water line shall` have 20ft
PVC sleeve centered at point of crossing.
12. Please add reference on site plan to the Grading/TESC plans.
13. Add note to site plan All utilities shall be installed underground.
DATE E-MAILED 12/23/2009 PAGE(s) 5 of 6
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Engineering Division
Engineering Plan Review Comments
1)This sheet shows a portion of the site drainage flowing to a catch basin near the southwest corner of N.
Meadowdale Rd. and 73rd Place W. (rim elevation 115.52). The connection from this CB to the City's
system on N. Meadowdale Rd. must be shown on the drawings to verify that the site drainage indeed enters
this system.
2)Please confirm if there was detention system constructed with the plat. If so, show on this sheet.
1)Where other plan sheets are referenced, include plan sheet number.
Attached: Copies of Public Utility Easements recorded in 1992.
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to the Development Services Coordinator
assigned to this project, Theresa Umbaugh. Please contact me by email at if
you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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