bld20090841-Health_Wellness_TIA.pdf... .......... " CITY OF EDMONDS TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS WORK SHEET Name of Proposed Project: ONyner/Applicant: Applicant Contact Person: Name Name Street/Mailing Address Street/Mailing Address t -A City State Zip city State Zip Telephone: Telephone: 2-,l Traffic Engineer who prepared the Traffic Impact Analysis - 1 -s- -..- 1-- - JXj- 0 Th- J , - �, . 1-,� ff-, -z -------- 2 a6 Firm Name Contact Name Telephone 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. Street address QJ'knoivn): b. Location: (Attach a vicinity inaly and sitelylan.) c. Specify existing land use: d. Specify proposed type and size of development: 's e. When vvill the project begin construction and when will it be completed? 151. ", C f. Define proposed access locations: 7' Pf -1V 'J'r ep cy. Define sight distance at site egress locations: ex, -- / , ( t , e, 4, t Toposed &,/e 0 6)Page I 2. TRIP GENERATION a. Existing Site Trip Generation Table: M Peak -Hour Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) �IN----•---�-�Tr b. Pro -Dosed Project Trip Generation Table: PM Peak -Hour Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) OUT c. Net New Project Trip Generation Table: d. State assurnptions and methodology for internal, link -diverted or passby trips: Page 2 19 PM Peak -Hour Trips Land Use Daily (ADT) OUT )A d. State assurnptions and methodology for internal, link -diverted or passby trips: Page 2 19 3. TRIP DISTRMUTION j j I fk (/--%, a Prepare and attach a graphic showing project trip distribution percentages and assignments. 4. SITE ACCESS ROADWAY/DRIVEWAYS AND SAFETY a. Have sight distance requirements at egress location been met per AASHTO requirements? b. Intersection Level of Service Analysis ® Existing Conditions LOS Delays ® Year of Opening LOS Delays _ w Five Years Beyond Change of Land Use LOS Delays t (Intersections to be evaluated shall be determined by the City of Edmonds Traffic Engineer.) c. Describe channelization warrants: (Attach siriping plan.) d. Vehicle Storage/Queuing Analysis (calculate 50% and 95 % queuing lengths): 50% 95% Existing Conditions Year of Opening Five Years Beyond Change of Land Use e. If appropriate, state stop sign and signal warrants: f. Summarize local accident history: Page 3 5. 'TRAFFIC VOLUMES 10 1 P�r a. Describe existing ADT and peak -hour counts, including turning movements, on street adjacent to and directly impacted by the project. b. Describe the estimated ADT and peak -hour counts, including turning movements, the year the project is fully open (with and without project traffic). c. Describe the estimated ADT and peak -hour counts, including turning movements, five years after the project has been fully open (with and tivithout project traffic). d. State annual background traffic growth factor and source: 6. LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALNSIS /V /ti Summarize Level of Service Analysis below and attach supporting LOS analysis documentation. Provide the following documentation for each arterial street or arterial intersection impacted by ten or more peak - hour trips. Other City-plarmed developments must also be factored into the LOS calculations. Existing LOS• Existing Condition: Year of Opening LOS: With Project: _ Without Project: Page 4 l?JveYears ALtqQpeLi!i LOS, M� j\J With Project: Without Project: Note any assumptions/variations to standard analysis default values and justifications: 7. MITIGATION ItECOMMENDATIONS State recommended measures and fees required to mitigate project specific traffic impacts. Traffic impact j fee shall be calculated from the Edmonds Road Impact Fee Rate Study Table 4 (attached) and as identified In. ECDC 18.82.120, except as otherwise provided for independent fee calculations in ECDC 18.82.130. ---- - f7" ----------- Cit). of D1111011(is a u 10112illeedill-I PI'an Review (-,. ctintnents Pertnit Apphca6on -t: -.B1-D `0(0084 ", °!09 . . ....... . L,� Ply4eco C Wad PersoWWW", Fax or Wa& jy4plyng Fqqi " ( N Revivl�ev� i°N !1, Durbig iviiem, of dw W!"I W)WIA it kva,, tomid thm Ow foNoWng hdonwHAs convoOnq ot, clarifications, woffld need to be addo essed. All Handour wf" i "I 0o in fl*co w, oniments can be accessi?d at our 1spbsW jq%yA Ndmandy" any unAi C hy Govei ntnw C ity Depai linent, Nblk Works J Enon"Ong DRAW 'Traffic 1-inpact is req u�etla-, Jxio of ihi--, him nmy End le WHO O~# SIM Ke aQuawn U1 MW MTN& M Smod aww.� plea w rHUWWf 3cpm fw < of tile 91,101c tulpact ajqAicadou to as permit cooixHuator. Please contacl inn at 4217714220 ext 1324 or by ennad at zInhuf QQOpppUy aw if ymi, have spPcific quesdons regarding these 1011 colTecOnly As we dkAswd Nw Cqy d EdmmWs I Wc hMmd lie 0 bowd at AMC Wo d�,,ita, flrw 6'" FdRhn M the WhAe of TpumpmUm, Fugmnvs 01 Q I hp 13enonTon Ib manual No been u�)dadcd twice. a I ms H m daW ; no Hri Gm (Ays .Traffic h �? hs rot n "flective, of cmn-carat datn I he fokwlkig is U-flcen h (An Me I aNe 4 n[ Me konmW JAW h MW Re Rate o S tE.Jdy. 620 11n4v Irl me 0120 IARE,a 4;'1A7 117 1xd IWAII I per be I d PACT r -EF FAT[b ITE I FE Land the Code Cate QQ Rate' St Nen LuMh TrG2s' Factor No W, QpA Fm Unit of Mcar,ore Impad Fee fOr LhOt 00 f;3 bwy �cr Trite I 10 LWA WdWil 0.98 1 -q ft 119 her Suam Mot 620 11n4v Irl me 0120 10015 4;'1A7 117 1xd IWAII I per be I d I S 0 s.49 DJ)00 iq ft 449 per !',(Iua#,0 fooq 820 Shql&g cow 114 BIB 440 tmm so n 41 tl3 po SWMU Nor 832 R . Wmu= sit- 1 M86 56V imG AS 1400 :iq ft 4.92 per square foot Y'hc new N]­Edzitri (see Wdwd) shom, fhe, ditp ratty,, foMcdrcafl c"Ifficc" !1 [� (',ode o'20 cA :3 46 vmsus Hut 166 used in Hie (DAyl Fabk; 4 Spact I ec RaWs I he Vq) qcnei,,bm R)u Office IT 7 d 0 did ncl� Shyl pw4atul to Via gman0m; HT ,s yelds a wnudud unpal hq: hdu No NMDH of $3 96 (3,46/3,J -.3C5 x $4.19) per foot. V LflldEffStjMd tiolt YOU p, an on cunveyting I Sf cFi 0[iiGc, ,lM(V' USE,-, thUS the calcula� ed wsing B � F d,',ita would hu $1334 65 ([196 - 1 81) x 1 101) TWs cubuWbw ckes wt hke Vo accouid the Act people schodule umdow Xc(,� on thek vvay hog nu 40m nava or Who; ad&Hy Okowe hips me pass hy aml am int nmm h) Hw sy&ryi). Rassi on p% pmj(,-nct a IW% pmw by tons Mr MOB has Nan awyiAwl !be hodsv Mark±,Jacolm, PE, PTDE.-.' Frow: CC: U.5 d I'l f Fac,�c6mj in the Ki(X, pns,,-, hy i,Ae yields a fee iWo of 3064 Ra Te hAM (3 96 x n 90y LNhg 001AS a TO (I S2,720AS ((3 5QA 1 81) x 1401), Bawd on my Rwiew Hw appynVe rill Un the pHjmned tme convNsym is 15 An .45, C'cwtn,ac,t mc,, with any cluestions Maik NI"'Irk J Jacoi)s, FIF F, JAKE TRARIG ENGNEEMNG, MC� 261d Q Ave QV S Mw 4, WA 98 f f 6 20&Y6Z 19Y8 2M3 l9abG92 ceH