BLD20100133 Plan Review Comments #1.pdf CE ITY OF DMONDS PLANREVIEWCOMMENTS PLANNINGDIVISION 425.771.0220 DATE: March 4, 2010 TO: Island Dog Sign Company shintzke@islandogsign.com FROM: Kernen Lien, Associate Planner RE: Plan Check BLD20100133 nd Aegis Sign Application, 21500 72 Avenue West On behalf of the Planning Division, I have reviewed the above building permit application. During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications need to be addressed. Please respond to the following items, so that I can complete my review: Number of Signs 1.: Pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Coded (ECDC) 20.60.045.F, each lot or building site is permitted to have no more than one freestanding sign. An exception to this limitation is only for lots within business or commercial zones that have frontage on two arterial streets. Since the subject property is located within a multi-family zone, only one freestanding sign is permitted. Please revise your application so only one free standing sign is proposed. Sign Type 2.: The application showed two signs and indicated each sign was a monument sign. ECDC 20.60.005 defines monument signs as “freestanding signs that have integrated the structural component of the sign into the design of the sign and sign base.” While the sign identified as the “primary monument” sign meets this definition, the sign identified as the “secondary monument sign” does not fit the definition of a monument sign. The “secondary monument” sign is a pole sign which ECDC 20.60.005 defines as “freestanding signs where the structural support for the sign is a pole(s)”. Pole signs are not allowed in the multi-family residential zones. So when the application is revised to include only one freestanding sign as mentioned in comment 1 above, please ensure it is designed to be consistent with the definition of a monument sign. Setbacks 3.: Freestanding signs must meet the minimum required setbacks for a property unless the sign is under three feet in height from original grade. The required setbacks for the subject property are 15 feet from the southern and eastern property lines and 10 feet from the northern and western property lines. Please show that the proposed sign either meets the minimum required setbacks or that it is less than three feet in height over original grade. Sign Area 4.: Maximum allowed for site a.: The application indicated building frontage as 160 feet. The site is zoned multi-family residential (RM-1.5), and according to ECDC 20.60.005.B.4, conditional nonresidential uses in residential zones are subject to the maximum area and height limitations established for signs in the BN zone. The maximum total permanent sign area allowed in the BN zone is one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of wall containing the main public entrance to the primary building. It appears the main nd public entrance is located on the portion of the building facing 72 Avenue. The distance between the two walls containing this entrance is approximately 151 feet. While the proposed sign area does not approach 151 square feet, note the proper building frontage number. Sign area calculation b.: The sign area calculation for the primary monument signs seems to be off. ECDC 20.60.005 defines sign area as “the maximum actual area of a sign that is visible from any single point of observation from any public vantage point. Supporting structures which are part of a sign display shall be included in the calculation of the sign area.” As discussed above the monument signs are defined as “freestanding signs that have integrated the structural component of the sign into the design of the sign and sign base.” Since sign area includes “supporting structures which are part of a sign display” and monument signs by definition integrate “structural component” in the sign base, the entire sign, including base, needs to be included in the area calculation. Maximum allowed for freestanding sign c.: As noted above in 4.a, conditional nonresidential uses in residential zones are subject to the maximum area and height limitations established for signs in the BN zone. Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.045, the maximum area for a free standing sign in the BN zone is 24 square feet. The “primary monument sign” in the application materials is approximately 35.75 square feet. Please ensure the proposed monument sign is no larger than 24 square feet. Landscaping 5.: Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.045.G.1, each free standing sign must have a landscaped area twice the size of the sign area at the base of the sign. Please show that the proposed sign is located in a landscaped area twice the size of the sign area at the base of the sign. Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425.771.0220 ext 1223.