BLD20100248 Correction Notice for Landscape Maintenance.pdf CE ITY OF DMONDS th •1215AN•E,WA98020 VENUE ORTH DMONDS P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W:www.edmondswa.gov HONEAXEB DSD:P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNING NGINEERING UILDING April 12, 2013 Mr. Scott Anderson Email: scott309@comcast.net RE: CORRECTION NOTICE FOR BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD20100248 GROW WITH US DAYCARELOCATED AT 665 EDMONDS WAY LANDSCAPE MAINENANCEINSPECTION Dear Mr. Anderson: As part of your building permit for Grow With Us Daycare located at 665 Edmonds Way (Permit No. BLD20100248), a two-year landscape maintenance bond was posted in the amount of $1,563.90.Iconducted the Planning Division’s inspection of thelandscaping this afternoon and found just two items that must be corrected before staff can authorize the release of this bond. Please complete thefollowingitems at your earliest convenience before May 10, 2013, and call the Planning Division for re-inspection: 1.A few of the trees at the northern corner of the site (within the play area in the backyard) appear to be in poor health, and one of these trees is dead. Please have these trees assessed and replaced as needed in order to ensure that the trees will survive into the future. 2.Most of the landscape beds are relatively weed-free; however, the landscape beds adjacent to Edmonds Way are beginning to get overgrown with weeds, particularly within the central landscape bed and at the southernmost cornerof the site. Please conduct weeding maintenance as necessary throughout the entire site. I discussed the above items with Anthony when I was on site this afternoon, and he said that there are plans to conduct additional weeding of the site soon and that he has spoken with a landscape professional about the trees at the northern corner of the site, so it sounds like you are already making progress towards addressing these concerns. Please contact the Planning Division for re-inspection once both items have been addressed. If you have any questions, or to schedule your inspection, you canreachme at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, Development Services Department -Planning Division JenMachuga, Associate Planner