DATE: June 23, 2010
TO: Lydia Marshall
Red Cottage Studios
FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
RE: Plan Check #: BLD20100345
Project: Stewart Single Family Residence
Project Address: 919 Cedar Street
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections,
or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents
with a written response to each of the items below to Linda Thornquist.
City of Edmonds handouts and standard details can be referenced on the City website under
Development Services Department, Engineering Division.
1.Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 18.30 Stormwater Management revisions were
adopted by City Council and became effective June 1, 2010. Some of the stormwater management
techniques provided throughout the subject permit submittal can only be considered if being
reviewed under the new storm code and the application was accepted on May 21, 2010. Please
submit a letter to the City stating your intent and desire for the subject permit application to be
reviewed under the new storm code, ECDC 18.30, effective June 1, 2010.
2.ECDC 18.82 requires payment of traffic mitigation fees with the construction of a single family
residence on an undeveloped lot. Please submit a traffic impact analysis worksheet addressing
items #1 and #7. A copy of the worksheet has been attached to these plan comments.
3.Please complete the attached rain garden covenant and submit to the City for approval. The final
approved document will need to be recorded at Snohomish County and can be processed by the City
(for a fee) or by the applicant. Please inform of your preference when you return the covenant.
4.The LID pilot program documentation is still being worked on by the City. Additional information
will follow these plan comments.
Stormwater Engineer Review
City staff received an e-mail from Robert Foley of Robert Foley & Associates on June 8, 2010
informing that the stormwater management plan is still evolving. Therefore, review of the subject
drainage plans by Stormwater Engineer Jerry Shuster is limited. As noted below, certain items have
been flagged as requiring additional work by the design team.
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1.Under the new storm code (eff. 6/1/10) permeable pavement is allowed to mitigate the runoff from
impervious surfaces. The permeable pavement can only mitigate for itself and not receive runoff
from any other part of the site. The flow control credits for this pavement are as follows:
Flow Control Credit
Minimum Design Soil Aggregate (up to <5,000 square
Slope Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Depth feet of pavement)
Up to 2 % 0.13 3 inches 100 %
>2% to 5% 0.13 3 inches 94%
>5 % Not recommended without detailed engineering analysis
2.The plans mention a green roof. More detail on the design and intent of this roof is needed.
3.The Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement provides details on using rain gardens at single-family
residential sites. The design team should read these details carefully before designing any rain
gardens on the site.
4.It is recommended that the design team visit the City website to look at the Stormwater Code
Supplement for more information ( on all these
Sheet A1 - Site Plan
1.Please state the scale on the plan sheet, which appears to be 1=10.
2.Show the north and south edge of pavement of Cedar Street. Plans currently only show the south
3.The proposed extruded curb is shown to be floating in Cedar Street. Please show how the curb
will tie into the driveway approaches on either side of the cedar tree landscape area.
4.Please refer to City standard detail E2.7 for construction of extruded curb. Extruded curb will only
be permitted along the south edge of the cedar tree landscape area.
5.Standard concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed at the driveway approach and towards the
west, connecting to the existing curb and gutter per City standard detail E2.8. Please revise plans to
show the new curb and gutter section and incorporate standard detail E2.8 into the plan set.
6.The City of Edmonds does not have a standard detail for pervious concrete sidewalks. A detail will
need to be included in this plan set consistent with King County pervious concrete construction
7.The sidewalk shall be constructed to be consistent with City standard detail E2.13 for all aspects
beyond the pervious concrete and subgrade. Please note the sidewalk cross slope shall not exceed
2%. Please revise plans to clearly show these requirements have been met and include a modified
version of standard detail E2.13 as part of the plan set.
8.The driveway approach shall be constructed consistent with City standard detail E2.26 for all
aspects beyond the pervious concrete and subgrade. Please revise plans to show ramps at the
approach and to show how the east end of the sidewalk will tie into the existing driveway. Please
include a modified version of E2.26 in the plan set.
9.A pedestrian easement will be required for that portion of the public sidewalk located on private
property. An easement document is currently being reviewed by the City attorney and will be
forwarded to you for review once complete. Before the easement can be finalized I will need a copy
of the new legal description for the subject property. Snohomish County records do not appear to be
up to date with this information. The easement area is proposed as the south seven-feet (7) of the
east thirty-feet (30) of the subject parcel. Please show the easement area on the site plan.
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10.A sewer easement will be required for that portion of the sanitary side sewer that crosses the subject
property in benefit of the adjacent parcel. Please show the limits of the easement and add notes to
the plans regarding recording of the easement prior to final construction approval.
11.It is acceptable to show utility lines on the site plan, but construction notes pertaining to the utilities
should be shown on a separate utility plan. Please remove utility notes and add them to the civil
construction sheets.
12.Provide top and bottom of rockery elevations so it can be confirmed there is no surcharge on the
13.Clearly show the revised boundary of the driveway on the adjacent parcel.
14.Near the midpoint of the east property line there is a note that states Existing rockery to remain on
adjacent property. This rockery is not shown on sheet C-1 and appears to be in conflict with the
proposed dry stream channel. Please revise accordingly.
Sheet C-1 - Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans
1.Please provide a specific section with Construction Sequence notes. Some of the construction
sequencing has been provided under the BMP - ESC Notes. The Construction Sequence shall also
include specific construction timing relating to the installation of rain gardens, pervious pavements,
etc. In addition, the first item in the sequence shall state Call for a pre-construction meeting with
the City of Edmonds Engineering Division at 425-771-0220 x1326 and 24-hours in advance for all
required inspections prior to backfill.
2.For clarity, please provide one plan sheet that shows drainage and utility improvements. Water,
sewer and power construction notes should be moved from the site plan to this plan sheet.
3.The water meter shall be located in the City right-of-way at the edge of the property line.
4.A 6 cleanout with 12 CI lamphole cover shall be provided (if one does not exist) on the sanitary
sewer line on the right-of-way side of the property line. In addition, a cleanout shall be provided
where the new side sewer for the subject property tees into this line. Another cleanout shall be
provided on the outside of the house within 2 of the structure.
5.Please add a note to the plans that states the existing sewer lateral shall be TVd from the sewer
main to the property line by the City Public Works Department to determine if its acceptable to
reuse. Contact Public Works at 425.771.0235 to schedule the TV inspection.
6.Please add a note to the plans that all new utilities shall be placed underground.
7.Impervious surface area calcs shall be provided on the drainage plan (as well as on the site plan).
8.Refer to note #10 above regarding a potential conflict between the dry stream channel and an
existing rockery that is not shown on this plan sheet.
9.Add reference to silt fence and rock construction entrance details provided on sheet C-2.
10.Rain garden and stream channel construction details, including cross sections, shall be included in
the plan set and referenced on this plan sheet.
11.Indicate on plans point of connection from roof downspouts, driveway drains, etc. to the rain
12.Indicate on plans point of discharge for footing drains.
13.Provide bottom of footing elevations for each step, if any, in the foundation so grading quantities
can be verified.
Sheet C-2 Drainage and Erosion Control Details
1.Revise silt fence and construction entrance details to be consistent with City standard details E1.1
and E1.2 unless an alternative is proposed to protect soils for future pervious pavement
construction. Sheet C-1 currently refers to the BMP manual. Please revise plans accordingly and
reference and incorporate these standard details into the plan set.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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