DATE: October 12, 2010
TO: Bill Arens
FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
RE: Application #: bld20100646
Project: WA Federal Savings Bank
Project Address: 229 Main Street
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised
plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to Theresa Umbaugh.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City
1.Please provide an itemized cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on-site and
off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control.
A separate breakdown shall be provided for the curb and gutter improvements along the
frontage of the Post Office. If this work is not completed by the Post Office within 2-years
after final acceptance of the WA Federal project, WA Federal will be required to provide
permanent restoration of the frontage.
A bond is required to be placed for all right-of-way improvements. The amount of the bond
will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for all right-of-way improvements.
The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate.
Bond forms can be obtained from Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator 425-771-0220 or
Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 2.2% of the 120% City approved
estimate for all improvements.
2.Please submit a traffic control for review and approval. Individual plans shall be provided for
all elements of work to be completed.
3.Submit a haul route plan for review and approval. The haul route should run from SR-104 to
Dayton Street, to 3 Ave and back out the same way. Construction vehicles are not to access
the site from Main Street.
bld20100646-WA_Fed-E1 Page 1 of 9
4.Please provide a separate site demolition plan sheet and then remove all elements of
infrastructure, striping, etc. that are to be removed from the other plan sheets in order to
provide clarity.
5.These plan comments indicate the corner planter bulb-outs at the intersection of 3 & Main are
to be installed. With the installation of these bulb-outs it is assumed that the existing signal
light pole will not need to be relocated. Please confirm that ADA clearances can be met at the
corner ramps and along the back side of the signal light.
6.Please add notes to the plans indicating the City is to provide storm pipe and catch basins for the
storm system improvements along Main Street, as previously agreed upon. Please include an
itemized breakdown of materials needed. The contractor shall coordinate delivery of materials
with the Public Works Street Division. Contact phone number is 425.771.0235.
7.With regards to the traffic impact analysis please note that the mitigation fees have been
revised to reflect 2004 Impact Fee Rates for the prior use (at $10.03/sq ft) and 2010 Impact Fee
Rates for the new use (at $7.00/sq ft). There ends up being a net negative and therefore no
traffic impact fees will be due with this development.
1.Please remove civil plan notes from this plan sheet and add a note that refers to the civil
construction drawings for all engineering requirements.
2.Please add a Do Not Enter sign at the south end of the drive-through planter area.
3.If this plan sheet is to be incorporated into the civil plans as a reference sheet for signage,
striping and parking lot layout, please ensure all information related to these items is provided.
For instance, yellow curb paint shall be shown on this plan as well as location of 3-hour parking
signage, etc.
4.Please confirm placement of monument sign and light pole near entrance on 3 Ave is not in
conflict with proposed irrigation meter and backflow assembly.
1.Please revise the landscape notes to include:
a.Street tree species designated for the Main Street frontage of the property may be
revised by the City of Edmonds. Consult with the City prior to purchase and planting
of trees.
b.Trees planted along the frontage of the property and adjacent to driveway approaches
shall have a 7-foot branching height.
c.A root barrier shall be placed along the sides of the tree pit for a minimum depth of
18 from finished grade.
2.Please revise the plant schedule as follows:
a.Street trees (planted along the frontage of the property) shall be a minimum of 3
b.Add a reference note adjacent to the Main Street tree designation that refers to the
appropriate landscape note discussing potential revision of the street tree species.
c.The tree species identified along the frontage of 3 Ave is not consistent with the
Citys street tree plan. Please revise to show installation of Pyrus calleryana
Capital / Capital Pear.
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1.Irrigation lines are shown to extend into the City right-of-way, which will require a separate
encroachment permit. Please either keep all irrigation lines on private property or apply for an
encroachment permit. Refer to City handout E26 for additional information.
2.Please revise the Irrigation Notes to also state A separate irrigation permit must be obtained
from the City Public Works Department. Prior to final acceptance provide the City Cross-
Connection Control Specialist with a copy of the backflow test report. Test reports can be faxed
to 425.744.6057 or e-mailed to Backflow testing will be
required on an annual basis thereafter.
The following comments are provided from Jerry Shuster, Stormwater Program Manager, in review
of the drainage report and associated civil plans, dated 9/9/2010, for the subject development. If
you have specific questions regarding these comments, please contact Jerry directly by e-mail at or by phone at 425.771.0220.
1.Page 2, Minimum Requirement #6, Runoff treatment - The Edmonds Stormwater code
supplement requires two types of treatment for non-residential sites with 5,000 square feet or
more of pollution generating impervious surface (PGIS) (See Section 5.6): a) Meet the
requirements of the 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington
(SWMMW); b) For sites with 5 or more parking stalls, oil control catch basins with down-
turned 90 degree elbows on the outlet. This site has over 5,000 square feet of PGIS. The
Drainage Narrative states that 0.5" of sediment storage is designed into the proposed detention
system. The Drainage Narrative must demonstrate that this storage volume meets the the
requirements of the 2005 SWMMW. The Drainage narrative says oil control catch basins will be
used. The plans do not call out the down-turned 90 degree elbows on the outlets from the catch
basins. Please include the call outs in the plans.
2.Page 2, Minimum Requirement #7, Flow Control - Include a statement that says this site is in a
Direct Discharge Basin. Based on the Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement, the allowable
discharge rates are: 10-yr event = 0.25 cfs/acre impervious and 100-yr event = 0.45 cfs/acre
impervious. Multiply the site's impervious area by these factors to get the allowable discharge
rates specific for the site. This methodology assumes assumes the pervious areas on site have
compost-amended soils per the 2005 SWMMW. Include this in the plans as well.
3.Page 2, Modeling- Methodology and Procedure - The table presented on this section on the areas
used in the WWHM3 modeling do not match the areas on Sheet C04. Reconcile the areas and
re-model if necessary.
4.WWHM3 Modeling, page 1: This modeling uses a 12 inch diameter riser at a height of 4 feet .
Sheet C04 shows the riser at elevation 46.20. This elevation translates to a model elevation of
3.7 feet not 4 feet. Reconcile and re- model if necessary.
The WWHM3 modeling in the Drainage Narrative uses a 12 inch diameter riser pipe.
Sheet C04 -
The pipe exiting the Flow Control Manhole is a 6 inch diameter pipe. Reconcile.
The section and the plan views of the detention tank and the Flow Control manhole are
Sheet C06 -
not detailed enough to use for construction. Remove these generic drawing and draw the actual
designed system with proper elevation callouts, material callouts, and the other necessary
information for a contractor to properly construct the system.
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1.Label plan sheet as Site Development Plan to differentiate between the architectural site plan
and the civil site plan.
2.Please clarify impervious surface calculations and incorporate the following table (also found in
handout E72) into the plan sheet.
Type Area (square Feet)
Exempt Non-Exempt
Total Replaced +New (Non-Exempt) =
(add numbers in blue boxes)
3.Revise plan sheet so elements proposed with this project are clearly shown.
4.Please clarify what the circular symbols numbered 4, 10, and 3 are.
5.Label the AC Condensor & electrical area and callout type of screening to be provided.
6.Please confirm foundations for columns along Main Street will be located entirely on private
7.Show parking lot layout, striping, signage, etc. or include a copy of A1.1 with the civils and note
as reference only on the plan sheet.
8.Please revise the pavement legend to note asphalt pavement as NEW.
9.Could the hatching for asphalt overlay and new asphalt pavement be varied more so it is easy to
identify the areas on the plan sheet?
1.Revise plan sheet so elements proposed with this project are clearly shown and elements shown
on other plan sheets are grayed out or lightened.
2.Show the location of chain link construction fencing, if any, to be provided around the site
during construction.
3.Please show the existing CB on 3 Ave (near Main Street) as bold to indicate CB protection.
4.Show the existing CB in the alley (on the west edge of the bank property) that currently receives
runoff directed by the rolled asphalt berm. CB protection shall be provided at this CB as well.
5.As construction vehicle access is to be limited to 3 Ave, orange barrier fence or chain link
fence should block access off the alley. Please revise plans accordingly.
6.A silt fence should be shown along the west edge of the site, at the limits of soil disturbance.
7.Construction entrance:
a.Please confirm that the construction entrance will be installed as shown on the plans.
The location depicted for installation of the rock entrance is also shown to remain in-part
b.If vehicles can enter the site on the asphalt and remain on the asphalt, then a construction
entrance would not be required.
c.The removal of any portions of the asphalt (currently shown as receiving an overlay)
would effect the impervious surface calculations.
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d.If there is insufficient room for construction vehicles to turnaround on site, then flaggers
shall be provided.
1.Revise plan sheet so elements proposed with this project are clearly shown and elements shown
on other plan sheets are grayed out or lightened.
2.Detectable warnings (truncated domes) will not be required at the alley or at the driveway
approach on 3 Ave. Please revise.
3.Note that tree grates shall be 3x3 ADA compliant grates.
4.The appropriate species of tree to be planted along the Main Street frontage has not yet been
determined. Please add a note to the plans that states street tree species to be determined by the
City of Edmonds prior to planting.
5.Revise note that states . . . if curb and splash are removed, temporary curb shall . . . to read . .
. temporary asphalt curb shall . . .
6.Callout width of driveway approaches.
a.The approach at the alley is proposed at 22-feet in width, which appears to mimic the
existing conditions. As the alley is only 16-feet in width, the 22-foot wide approach
promotes public travel across a portion of private property. The desire for a wider
approach is understandable with the drive-through configuration, but it seems
appropriate to establish a public access easement across this SW corner of the property.
7.Please revise driveway/alley approach on Main Street to allow for a continuous 5-foot wide
walking path through the approach that remains at a constant grade with the sidewalk to the east
and west sides of the approach, as shown below. As can be seen, the only ramped portion of the
approach would be from the street to the south edge of the sidewalk.
8.Please provide a cross section of the alley, showing cross slope and grind/taper and overlay
specifications. Has any coordination with the Post Office Development occurred?
9.Brick crosswalks:
a.A 2-foot wide ACP patch is not required at the corner of 3 and Main in the vicinity of
the existing brick crosswalk. Enough bricks will need to be removed to allow for
placement of forms, but 2-feet is not required.
b.Please provide additional notes on the plans regarding the restoration of the brick
crosswalks following installation of the required frontage improvements.
c.The existing bricks shall be carefully removed and replaced at completion of the frontage
d.The existing bricks are bedded with granular sand.
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e.Please contact the Street Maintenance Division of Public Works to return any excess
bricks to the City. Streets can be reached at 425.771.0235.
10.Corner planter bulb-outs will be required at the intersection of 3 & Main. A schematic and
photos of what this might look like have been attached to the last page of these plan comments.
11.Add note to plans requiring removal and replacement of the existing curb & gutter at the south
driveway approach on 3 Ave with standard curb & gutter for a sidewalk.
12.Show location of 3-hr parking signage, no truck turning movement sign and hanging planter
baskets. New signage installed shall be on unistrut sign posts consistent with City standard
detail E8.4.
1.Revise plan sheet so elements proposed with this project are clearly shown and elements shown
on other plan sheets are grayed out or lightened.
2.Please note, catch basins placed within the City right-of-way shall have vaned grates.
3.Please add an additional catch basin in Main Street right-of-way in alignment with the western
edge of the alley. The CB shall be placed to collect any runoff from the alley that could
potentially bypass the existing catch basin in the alley.
4.Show the existing CB in the alley (on the west edge of the bank property) that currently receives
runoff directed by the rolled asphalt berm. It appears as though a couple of storm conveyance
pipes have been located over the top of the CB. Please revise accordingly.
5.Please clarify what the dark hatching over the storm drain line to the west of the AC/electrical
pad represents.
6.For clarity, please number all storm catch basins and manholes.
7.You may consider adding additional catch basins instead of cleanouts in order to gain access to
the storm system. It is typical to have cleanouts located within the tightline system that is
provided for draining of roof downspouts, but in other areas catch basins are typically installed.
8.Please provide a legend indicating line-types representing storm tightline and footing drains.
Also, add a note that roof downspouts shall be connected to the tightline system, which drains to
the detention system and footing drains shall bypass the detention system.
9.A reference to detail A/Sheet C06 is provided by the detention control structure notes. Please
revise to reference the appropriate detail depicted on sheet C06. Note, there are two detail As
provided on sheet C06. See comment under Sheet C06 below.
10.2-feet of cover is typically required over all storm pipe unless ductile iron pipe is used. Some
pipe sections are shown to have less than 2-feet of cover. Revise plans to indicate proposed pipe
materials. If ductile iron pipe is not proposed, provide manufacturers specifications allowing
less than 2-feet of cover.
11.Please show the existing storm drain line that runs under the sidewalk between the two catch
basins at the corner of 3 and Main.
12.With the installation of the corner planters, the two existing catch basins at the corner of 3 and
Main may need to be relocated so they fall outside the corner planters, in the flow line of the
gutter. For the CB on 3 Ave, the City will allow a bend in the main line in order to move the
CB further to the north.
1.Revise plan sheet so elements proposed with this project are clearly shown and elements shown
on other plan sheets are grayed out or lightened.
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2.A side sewer cleanout shall be installed on the sanitary sewer line on the right-of-way side of the
property line.
3.The proposed side sewer crosses the storm conveyance system in several locations. Confirm
proper separation between pipes can be achieved.
4.Revise the Power Note to state . . . contact PUD . . . instead of PSE.
5.Please add a note that all utility services shall be placed underground.
6.A double check valve assembly is required on the irrigation line, on private property,
immediately after the meter. Please add note to plans.
7.Please add a note that relocation of the water meters will need to be coordinated with the City
Public Works Department 425.771.0235. The irrigation plan indicates placement of the meter
and backflow assembly to the south of the monument sign. It is possible that a new tap off the
main line will be required.
1.Revise details to reflect numbering of catch basins & manholes.
2.Revise the storm drain profile sheet reference to sheet C04.
3.Revise the flow control manhole detail & storm drain profile detail lettering so both are not
shown to be detail A.
4.Details P & Q do not appear to be shown on sheet C02. Please revise accordingly.
5.The portion of the existing parking lot that is to receive an overlay should match up with the
finished grade of that portion to be reconstructed with this project. Details P & Q indicate the
overall thickness of asphalt on the overlay section will be greater than that of the new pavement
section. If the intent is to taper the overlay at the joint between the two, then please provide a
taper grind detail and indicate such on the plans.
6.Please revise the detention tank and flow control manhole details to be reflective of the proposed
project. The following information should be provided in the details:
a.RIM & invert elevations
b.Orifice sizing
c.Pipe material and diameter
d.Pipe connections at structures
1.Please refer to City standard details, as appropriate, for the details provided.
2.Please include standard detail E2.8 for curb and gutter.
3.Revise ADA ramp detail to show location of existing signal light pole, actual limits of the
sidewalk and corner planter bulb-outs.
1.Reference City standard detail number where applicable.
2.Revise catch basin inlet protection to show the CB grate slots.
3.Callout Vaned grate in detail M, when used in the ROW.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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3 & Main Corner bulb-out schematic.
Turn radius to be confirmed using program such as Autoturn.
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Photos of similar corner bulb-outs and ramps Intersection of 3 & Dayton
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