bld20100657-Scotts-E1.pdf DATE: October 19, 2010 TO: Craig Hanway chanway@cads-inc.com FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager RE: Application #: bld20100657 Project: Scott’s Bar & Grill – Outdoor Seating & Parking Lot Expansion th Project Address: 8115 Lake Ballinger Way / 8115 244 St SW During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to Theresa Umbaugh. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. GENERAL 1.Please provide an itemized cost estimate, including units and unit prices. As no right-of-way improvements are proposed, a performance bond will not be required o from the Engineering Division for the subject proposal. Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 2.2% of the 120% City approved o estimate for all improvements. 2.Please revise City of Edmonds approval block on all civil plan sheets to state City Engineering Division instead of City Engineer. 3.Please submit a traffic impact analysis that shows payment of mitigation fees for the additional restaurant area. Refer to city handout E82 for additional information. SHEET A1-SITE PLAN 1.Parking stall width should be called out as 8.5’(typical). STORM DRAINAGE REPORT The following comments are provided by Jerry Shuster, Stormwater Engineer, in review of the drainage report and civil plans prepared by JRR Engineering and dated 9/8/2010 & 9/9/2010 respectively. bld20100657-Scotts-E1 Page 1 of 4 1.Site Classification: The report should include a discussion how the site was categorized per Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 18.30 and the Stormwater Supplement (See Engineering Handout E72 for more information). This information should include the amount of land disturbing activity and a detailed accounting of the new impervious surface. Once categorized, each applicable minimum requirement per the Edmonds Stormwater code Supplement should be identified and a discussion on how this design complies with each requirements should be included. 2.Minimum Requirement#6, Runoff Treatment - The presented information in the report does not show compliance with the Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement Sections (oil control) and (phosphorus treatment) (assuming the site has 5,000 sf or more of pollution generating impervious surface - please verify this assumption). Rethink the approach to water quality to comply with these sections of the Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement, if applicable. 3.Minimum Requirement #7, Flow Control - The allowable discharge rates for this site assumes the pervious areas on site have compost-amended soils per the 2005 SWMMW. Include this in the plans for all disturbed pervious areas . Also, if areas are bypassing the flow control facility, include the areas and show what areas are being substituted for these bypassed areas. 4.Runoff Modeling and Detention System Sizing- Section of the Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement lists the approved continuous runoff models. KCRTS V4.4.2 used in the Report is not one of the approved runoff models; only WWHM3 or MGS Flood are accepted using the "Puget Sound East" precipitation time series. 5.The conveyance calculations on page C-12 of the Drainage Report are difficult to follow. It is unclear which of the 6 pipes on the sheet C-3 are described in the table. Include CB#'s "From" and "To" to make this table clearer. SHEET C-1 – DEMOLITION & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1.Please revise the Construction Sequence as follows: a.Move the utility locate note to its own line and revise to read: Call “one call” at 1-800- 424-5555 for utility locates. b.Revise Note #9 to read: Remove TESC measures once site has been permanently stabilized and as approved by the City inspector. 2.Clearly identify the limits of disturbance/clearing for the entire project area. 3.There is a significant amount of information provided on this plan sheet, which is making it difficult to pick out the pertinent details. Would it be possible to lighten the survey information and bold or cloud the erosion control notes? 4.Identify tree removal and retention consistent with landscape plan. 5.Indicate tree protection measures, to be installed at drip line. 6.The impervious area calculations only identify the “improvement area”. Please revise to include the total improvement area (pervious & impervious). In addition, please incorporate the impervious area table provided in handout E72 into the plan sheet. bld20100657-Scotts-E1 Page 2 of 4 SHEET C-2 – DETAILS 1.Please note on which sheets the details apply within the plan set. SHEET C-3 – GRADING, DRAINAGE & CIVIL SITE PLAN 1.Please revise the detention pipe elevation view to include the following: a.Storm filter #2 elevation b.Show polypropylene ladder rungs within the manhole structures c.Add note that shear gate handle shall hang on the ladder rung when shear gate is in the closed position. 2.Revise the location of the retaining walls and rockeries to be consistent with what is shown on the site plan and landscape plan. 3.More clearly identify the detention pipe sections in plan view. As noted above under Sheet C-1, maybe the survey information could be lightened and the pertinent information clouded or bold. 4.Revise the Drainage System Information as follows: a.CB#6- revise to include inlet from the storm filter basin. b.CB#7 indicates connection of a rockery drain, which should bypass the detention system. See also, note #8 below. Please revise accordingly. c.Please indicate where Ex. CB#3 is shown in plan view. d.Ex. CB#2 indicates an 8” outfall to the west, but the outfall has not been shown in plan view. Where does this pipe connect to the storm system? See also, note #9 below. 5.Include a copy of Sheet A1 with the civil plans, as reference only, for parking lot striping and layout. 6.Slopes within the parking lot are in excess of the 6 percent allowed by code. Pursuant to ECDC 18.95.020 the city engineer may waive the maximum slope requirement, up to a maximum of 14 %, if the applicant can demonstrate that an increase in the slope maximum will not result in conditions that may pose a hazard or otherwise endanger the public’s health, safety or welfare. Any request for waiver should address the criteria for approval provided in the code section. 7.Clearly specify new areas of curb to be constructed and reference extruded curb detail as applicable. 8.The plans indicate connection of a 4” PVC drain pipe from a retaining wall in the NW part of the site draining to the detention system. All drains from retaining walls or footing drains must be connected to the downstream of the site's proposed detention system. 9.This sheet does not show the the storm drainage piping all the way to the connection with the City System on 244th St SW, but should. SHEET C-4 – UTILITY PLAN 1.Revise plan sheet to show how Ex. CB#2 connects to the on-site storm drainage system and on th out to the City storm system in 244. SHEET C-5 – DETAILS 1.Please note on which sheet the access/driveway detail applies in the plan set. The proposed driveway and parking lot areas do not show continuous slope to one side of the access aisle. Please revise accordingly. bld20100657-Scotts-E1 Page 3 of 4 SHEET C-6 – NOTES 1.Revise General Note #3. Delete the last sentence discussing field changes and asbuilts and replace with separate line items as follows: a. DEVIATIONS FROM THESE PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD AND THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. b. CONTRACTOR SHALL RECORD ALL APPROVED DEVIATIONS FROM THESE PLANS ON A SET OF "AS-BUILT" DRAWINGS AND SHALL SUMMARIZE ALL AS-BUILT CONDITIONS ON ONE SET OF REPRODUCIBLE DRAWINGS FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE OWNER PRIOR PROJECT COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. A SET OF AS- BUILT DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING OCCUPANCY/FINAL PROJECT APPROVAL. 2.The Water Distribution notes do not appear to be applicable to this project. 3.Please remove City of Edmonds code (18.30.050) notes from the plan set. A new stormwater code has been adopted and therefore these verbatim notes can no longer be found in the code. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. bld20100657-Scotts-E1 Page 4 of 4