bld20100670-Law_ENG1.pdf City of Edmonds BLD20100670 TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments Permit Application :Date: # BLD20100670 September 30, 2010 Project Name/Address: Law Offices of Eugene Bolin Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Connell Design – evelyn@connelldesign.com Reviewer: JENNIFER LAMBERT Division: ENGINEERING During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us under City Government / Development Services Department / Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts: 1.It is unclear as to which areas were previously occupied by the Law Offices of Eugene Bolin and if there are any increases or decreases in the proposed occupied area compared to current occupied space. Please provide a plan that shows the following: a.which areas are currently occupied by the Law Offices, b.which areas are proposed to be occupied by the Law Offices, c.if there is an area that is proposed to be added to the Law Offices, please state what the space was previously used for. 2.Please provide the total square footage that is currently being occupied by the Law Offices. 3.Please proived the total square footage that is proposed to be occupied by the Law Offices. 4.If the Law Offices will occupy more area than what is currently being occupied by the Law Offices, please fill out the Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet (attached). You may refer to handout E82 (attached w/Worksheet) for more info. 5.If construction or construction vehicles / equipment are to be within the Right-Of-Way a Right- Of-Way permit will be required. If there is no construction or construction vehicles / equipment to be in the Right-Of-Way, please add a note on plans stating as such. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised traffic control plans and associated documents with a written response to each item to an Engineering Technician. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 ext 1321 or by e- if you have specific questions regarding these plan mail at jennifer.lambert@ci.edmonds.wa.us corrections. DATE E-MAILED 9/30/2010 PAGE(1)