BLD20100745.pdfSTATUS: ISSUED 10/27/2010 Expiration Date: 4/27/2011 Parcel No: W.5656U0200400 JOHN GOODMAN 18420 OLYMPIC VIEW DR I`DMONDS, WA 98020-2348 (425) 776.1981 Exl VALUATION: $15,920 CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5'1'll AVENUF. NORTH - EDMOND$W A 99020 PHONE 1425) 771-0220 - FAX (425)771-0221 Pennit#: BLD20100745 ProjectAddmss: 18420 OLYMPIC VIEW DR, EDMONDS JOHN UOODMAN 18420 OLYMPIC VIEW DR FDMONDS, WA 98020- 234 (425)776-1981 Exl 0 Q M.W MI!DI;AIUSl'INId IIOMI:RI:MODF.I.IN(1 22912 841H AVE W EDMONDS, WA 98026- (206)280-4612 h" lAT(NSP. d MI1)FAMW 150CD I:XP 2/19/2012 I'I:RMI'I 'I'YI'I- RcsAntud I'Ii.RMI1 GROUP 22 - Deck/Purch/Patio Cover (R(ADINO N C'YDS 0 'r VPP. OF CONSI'RUC- ION REI AININO WALL ROCKERY N OCCIIPAN'1' GROUP OCCIIPANI' LOAD I'IiNCI'. N 10 X 0 Fr 1 CODI: 09 OTHER N-------O'1'111?Rl)l:a: %ON E. RS-12 NUMBER OF SI' ORIES 0 Vl:.q LD DATI: NCIMHFR OF DWELLING UNITS. U LOT a HAMMIM 0 IS[' FLOOR 0 2ND FLOOR 0 1KAIRAENT 0 ISI FLUOR 11 2ND FLOOR'0 39D ITOOR 0 GARAUL 0 DI C'K 0 0'1'IIER 0 13RD FLOUR 0 (;ARAGI 0 DECK' 0 1)'1'III:R 0 tEQUIRED 10 PROPOSED 25 IREQUIRED 10 PROPOSED II RI;QUIRFD 10 PROPOSED 65 11:10iI' ALLOWED 0 PROV0SF.O IREQUIRED' 10 PROPOSED 7 4.1 HACK NO'] FS No change to setlwcks kw antes in critical area review 1 AORliF TO COMPLY WI'I 11 CITY AND S7ATE LAWS RE(R11AI INGI'ONSTR(IC'TION AND IN DOINO'rm: WORK AUTHORIZED 'I'111iRIvHY. NO PLRSY)N W11.1. aF F.MP1 OYFI) IN VIOLATION OF I'Illi LABOR C'ODI'.01'TIIF SI'Krl(OF WASl1INUI ON RE1 ArIN(: 111 WORKMI:N'SCOMPI;N." I ION INSURANCE AND RCIN 1827 IISAITIA 'AF SN(' A PFRMII' UN I'll, SIGNED BY'I'M DOII.DIN(I019'I('IAI.OR HIU11'R D1iP11I'Y ANO AI.I. PEESARF PAID Signature Print Nana Date Re sed Date ATTENTION 1'1 IS UNLA WI t'I It111S1' OR I7('('I:P V A I11;ILUIN<i UK SIRII('IL'IU: UN'I II, A FINAI, INSYII<TON IIAS Oii P:N MAUIi ANU AI'I'RO\)\I. IIR A CI:R IIFI('A Ih I71 O IPANTY IIAS HIAN GRAN'11.D l I7('109' IRl'1101IRCI IQ. ONLINE APPLWANT = ASSENSOR OTHER STATUS: ISSUED BLD20100745 • Stump from hazard tree must remain in place to continue to provide slope stability. Stump may only be removed if geotechnical report pekes the findings outlined in FCIX' 23.g0.070.A.2. • Filial approval on a project or final occupancy approval most be granted by the Huddling Official prior louse or occupancy of the building or structure. Check the job card for all required (hy inspections including final pmject approval and final occupancy inspections. • Any request for alternate design, modification, variance or other administrative deviation (hercinafier "variance") from adopted codes, ordinances or policies must be specifically requested in writing and be called out and identified. Processing fees for such rcquest shall be established by Council and shall be paid upon suhmillal and are non-refundable. Approval ofany plat or plan containing provisions which do not comply with city code and for which a variance has not been specifically identified, requested and considered by the appropriate city oll icial in accordance with the appropriate provision of city code or state law does not approve any dens not to code specification. • Sound/Noise originating fromlerrporary construction sites as a result ofconstruction activity are exempt from the noise Ibnits of F -17 (lmapter 5.30 only during the hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm on weekdays and 10:00am and 6:00pm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activhics must comply with the noise limits ofClmaptcr 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to llC 5..30.120. Applicant, on behalfofhis or her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees. and agents from any and all claims for damages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly fromthe issuance for this permit. Issuance ofthis permit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements ofany City ordinance nor limit in any way the City's ahilily to enforce any ordinance provision. THIS PERMITAUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (CURBS. SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS. MARQUEES, ETC.) WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMISSION. PERMIT TIME LIM r SCE ECDC 19.00.005(A)(6) BUILDING (425) T71-0220 FXr. 1333 1 ENGmFIFRING (425) 77W220 EXE 1326 1 RRE(425) 775-7720 PUBLIC WORKS 425 771-0235 1 PR&TRFA'IMFNT 425 672-5755 1 RFY'Y('IJNG 425 275-4801 for an inspection please leave the following information: Permit Number, Job Site Address,Type of Inspection • 13-Framing • B-Building Final �'S ;tee �{S43N Yo�~C yR. eeY-i�'s e�iy� O �i_e�do3 c � o II =v €ai0o, T- — D 0 Z N 1 d q N MO., 11WAGK)SaF.NC.[S INC. October 3, 2008 HWA Project No. 112008-000 T038 Patricia Gordon -Goodman 18420 Olympic View Drive Edmonds, Washington 98020 Subject: GEOTF,CnNICAL EVALUATION OF A STEEP SLOPE CRITICAL AREA Proposed Deck Resurfacing Gordon -Goodman Residence Edmonds, Washington Dear Ms. Gordon -Goodman; As requested, iiWA GcoScienes Inc. (IiWA) has undertaken a limited and cursory geotechnical evaluation of your residence at 18420 Olympic View Drive in Edmonds, Washington. We understand that you desire to re -surface your existing deck with a thermoplastic composite product manufactured by AZEK Decking, and you desire to replace the existing handrails around your deck. You indicated that the deck substructure would remain un-altered. The existing deck surface is painted wood decking. The majority of the deck is about 3 or 4 feet above the ground surface. The subject house is situatxl near the crest of a steep slope that is approximately 100 feel high, above the 13NSF railroad and Puget Sound to the west. You provided its with a copy of the Critical Anxis Reconnaissance Report, prepared by City Planner Keenan Lien on September 10, 2008. I'hc City considers the slope an erosion hazard area, and possibly a landslide hazard area. Any work on your properly that rotloires a City pennit roust arldress ❑ppropriale sections of 1.l'IX, (Iitlmunds Community Dcvelopmcnl Code) seclion;; 23.40 and 2.i.80. You indicated Thal Mr. Licn rcicrred you ru Ciry Development lufinrrurtiuu I'adwt 1I1.121, which slates, "Forsingle.laarily residences. a prrarit is required n-the construrtkrn, repair, rate/accnamt. relocation, addition, ar alteration o/ narks• that are greater than ;il inches above gran,." Strict application ol'lhis language on your proposed project resulted in a detenninalion that a permit is required. in our opinion, because you are not planning any structural alteration of your deck, requiring a pennit seems ovox-reaching and goes beyond the spirit and intent oh the code. if a homeowner wanted to re -paint her deck, or apply self-adhesive c anti-skid strips to the stair treads, would such activities be considered `repair" ;,,,,,I. TO and subject to a pennit? Or in other words, how is repair defined? For this Vy C®ff. Il f 1V1VN'.IIWJaf',L�,1111 October 3, 2008 HWA Project No. P2008-000 T038 reason, we suggest that you seek clarification and/or a waiver of the deck permit requirement. That issue notwithstanding, this letter report is intended to satisfy the City's requirement for gentechnical engineering evaluation of the project in the context of FCDC 23.40 and 23.80. General Geology Geologic mapping for the subject sites indicates that the subject house and bluff are underlain by Vashon glacial till and advance outwash. Roth of these geologic units were over -ridden by a few thousand feet of glacial ice. Un-weathered and un-disturbed glacial till and advance outwash exhibits very high shear strength. Previous Geotechnical Study in Project Vicinity HWA is the gentechnical engineer for RNSF and Sound Transit on Segments A and 13 of the Seattle to Everett Commuter Rail Project. In 2005, we advanced an exploratory boring at the base of the subject slope on the cast side of the RNSF mainline, within a ample hundred feet of the Gordon - Goodman property. At that location, our boring encountered a veneer of about 7'/z feet of loosened/weathered silty sand (colluvium); overlying dense to very dense clean to silty sand (un- weathered native advance glacial outwash), which extended down below sea level. Observations at the Crest of the Slope and Below the Deck The ground surface below the deck and extending an average of about 10 feet west of the deck is a relatively flat, well -maintained landscaping area. Beyond this area, the ground surface slopes steeply down toward the RNSF railroad. The undersigned geotechnical engineer did not observe any tension cracks, leaning hedges or trees, or other signs of recent or potentially imminent slope movement in the area observed. There was no evidence of any uncontrolled surlilcc water erosion runoff, and there was no evidence that yard clippings or other debris were being disposed onto the slope. A very brief inspection of the deck substructure was undertaken. The drek joists appear to he extensions of the floor joists in the house. Much of the deck is supported on caolilevered floor joists extending west fi-om the house. I IOWUVer, iu the main enlarged area of the deck, That wat; built up around an existing large coniferous (fir or similar) tree, there are it 1'ew 4x4 posts on concrete piers hearing on the level ground below the deck. Slope Stability The core of the slope below the house is composed of dense granular material, and deep-seated landsliding is extremely unlikely. 2(1084011U)8 Gordm(imld Dwk vl 2 HWA GFOSCIENUB INC. October 3, 2008 HWA Project No. P2008-000 TOM However, due to season fieezelthaw and wetting/drying cycles, gopher and mountain beaver burrows, plant rooting, and other natural factors, the surface of the slope will weather and weaken over time. The depth of weathering will typically be limited to within a few feet of the slope surface. A potential exists for shallow surficial sliding of the weakened and eroded native soils. These slopes and bluffs will normally be stable for years or decades until an extreme period of wet weather, earthquake, and/or other destabilizing influence causes a shallow skin slide. An example of this was the winter 1996/1997 rain -on -snow event where several shallow skin slides originating on bluffs, causing extensive property damage to properties situated below the slide,.. Over a period of several decades, experience has shown that dense granular, ocean -facing bluffs in the Puget Sound region, such as the slope below your house, exhibit an average rate bluff retreat of about 2 to 4 inches per year. Your house and deck posts are set hack approximately 10 feet or more from the crest of the very steep slope. Therefore, in our opinion, the house and deck are not currently at risk of damage from shallow skin sliding. As the property owners, you are obviously invested in taking measures to keep the subject slope stable. Such measures include: Eliminating any and all uncontrolled surface water runoff from flowing toward the slope; tight lining all roof downspout runoff away from the slope; and not dumping yard clippings or any other debris onto the slope. Conclusions and Recommendations No Impacts to Subject or Adjacent Property: As we understand, the proposed deck modifications involve replacing existing wood decking with composite plastic decking material, and replacing the existing wooden handrails with stainless steel cables. The existing deck substructure would remain intact without modification. Because the existing deck will not be enlarged and the existing sub -structure will not be modified, the proposed resurfacing and hand rail replacement will result in insignificant changes to the deck pier and house foundation loads. Therefore, it is our opinion that the proposed deck alterations will have no impact the stability of the slope and all adjacent properties. Project May Be Excmpl of Critical Area Requirements: Prom oor review of 1?C DC23.40.2 30, subsection C(2), your proposed deck prgject is probably exempt ofthe Cily's Critical Area requirements. This subsection slates that an exemption applies in Ilic hollowing situation: "Operation, maintenance, at- repair of existing structu es, infi-aviructure improve news, utilities, public or private roads, dikes, levees, at- drainage s'Vvtems that do not require construction permits, if the activity does not further alter or increase the inipact to, at, encroach.ia-titer within, the critical area hu/fer and there is tin increased risk to Ir/e or properq, as a result of the proposed operation, maintenance, or repair. " We recommend, therefore, that you meet with the City Planner and request an exemption from any further Critical Areas review or permit requirements. 2008 000'1*038 Gonlon Gomim nrck vl 3 IIWA GUISCII:NCF.S INC. October 3, 2008 IIWA Project No. P2008-000 T0..38 Limitations 5'his report was prepared exclusively for Patricia Gordon -Goodman, for specific application to this project and purpose. Our scope of work included a visual assessment and review of existing gootechnical information. Exploratory borings or other intrusive testing on the subject properly may indicate other conditions that are not apparent in a visual inspection. The interpretations in this report should not be construed as our warranty of the subsurface conditions. Experience has shown that soil and ground water conditions can vary significantly over small distances. If, during future site operations, subsurface conditions are encountered which vary appreciably from those described herein, HWA should he notified for review of the recommendations of this letter report, and revision of such if necessary. The scope of work did not include environmental assessments or evaluations regarding the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous substances in the soil, surface water, or ground water at this site. We appreciate the opportunity to provide geotechnical engineering services. Ifyou have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the undersignexl at (425) 774-0106, Sincerely, I IWA Gr.OSCIENCES 1N(.. r r � � ,P,. t , ' "JONAI x.ulr: ,:� Erik O. Andersen, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer 20084 0 TOJA Ckmkm (ku,dmnn Duck v1 4 1 IWA GEOSCIENCES INC. P P� 4 t Y iffwOrbor / I vR 425mo7454881 NW Arbor Care. Three Service Experts PO Box 1486 Lynnwood, Wa. 98037 To whom it may concern. The tree in question is a Douglas Fir tree positioned on the west side of John Goodmans' home, located at 18420 Olympic View Dr in the city of Edmonds. This tree has two fractures in the trunk of the tree, noticeable from the outside of the tree. The bark and cambium have separated because of the fracture. NW Arbor care has done several windsail reductions throughout many years. Upon inspection of the tree last year, the fractures were noticed. In my professional opinion, this tree is a hazard and dangerous tree that needs to be removed If you have any questions, Please give me a call. Mark Griffiths 425)218-7721 CITY COPY r-- (- E i V E.1-! Inspection Comments BLD20100745 22 - Deck/Porch/Patio Cover Applied: 10/13/2010 Issued: 10/27/2010 Expires: 04/27/2011 Address: 18420 OLYMPIC VIEW DR, EDMONDS ID DATE INSPECTOR ACTION COMMENT 1142 - B-Framing 0211112011 STEINIKE CMP 1158 - B-Building Final 02/18/2011 BJOHBACK CMP 2/18/2011 3.35:10 PM Page 1 of 1