bld20110095-Dicks_Drive_In-E1.pdf Bld20110095 – Dick’s Drive-In DATE: March 18, 2011 TO: Phil Kallsen phil@kallsenarchitecture.com FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager RE: Application #: bld20110095 Project: Dick’s Drive-In Restaurant Project Address: 21910 Highway 99 During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to Marie Harrison. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. GENERAL 1.Please provide an itemized cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on-site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control. A bond is required to be placed for all right-of-way improvements. The amount of the bond o will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for all right-of-way improvements. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Bond forms can be obtained from Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator – 425-771-0220 or Harrison@ci.edmonds.wa.us Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 2.2% of the 120% City approved o estimate for all improvements. STORMWATER SITE PLAN The following comment has been provided by Stormwater Program Manager Jerry Shuster in review of the Stormwater Site Plan prepared by LPD Engineering, dated February 11, 2011. Please contact Jerry directly with any questions related to this comment. Jerry can be reached by phone at 425.771.0220 or by email at shuster@ci.edmonds.wa.us 1.Section 4, page 4, SSMR#3 Source Control of Pollution - The plan states that "All applicable source control BMPs have been applied tot he project site." The report needed to elaborate further on the specific source control BMPs that are proposed. They will be evaluated against bld20110095-Dicks_Drive_In-E1 Page 1 of 5 those in Volume IV of the 2005 Ecology Stormwater Manual for restaurants/fast food businesses. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS The following comments are provided by Traffic Engineer Bertrand Hauss in review of the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Transportation Engineering NW, LLC, dated January 31, 2011. Please contact Bertrand directly with specific questions related to these comments. He can be reached by phone at 425.771.0220 or by email at hauss@ci.edmonds.wa.us th 1.Please provide a count analysis (on Figure 4, 6 and 7) for the driveway along 220 2.Has the accident history been studied for vehicles existing the north driveway at Hwy 99? Does history show any issues with the volume of traffic using the north driveway ingress/egress and the high volume of traffic along Hwy 99? th 3.Please indicate on Figure 5 what the 5% (shown on the west leg side of the 220/Hwy 99 intersection) represents. The totals as shown for N, S, E & W traffic equal 100% without including the additional 5%. 4.The last paragraph on page 13 of the report references WSDOT Standard Plan M-3.03-02. Please revise this to read M-3.30-02. 5.Has consideration been given to the potential need for additional traffic control within the th Dick’s/Top Foods parking lot and along 220/Hwy 99 during the high traffic periods after the initial opening of the restaurant? Please provide your thoughts/plans on how this might be dealt with. Sheet C1.0 – TESC 1.Please clarify the identification of “Ex Contour (index)” and “Ex Contour” as noted in the legend. Is the index line simply the marking of the 5-foot interval? Sheet C2.0 – GRADING, DRAINAGE & UTILITIES 1.Please show the limits of the 10-foot wide City of Edmonds water main easement. Additional easement area will need to be provided for the service line from the main to the meter. This section will be owned and maintained by the City. 2.The landscape plan indicates an irrigation system will be installed. Will the irrigation line be service off the new domestic line? Show the location of the irrigation line and required double check valve assembly. 3.Add a note to the plan sheet indicating a minimum 10-foot separation shall be maintained between the water service line and sanitary sewer. 4.It appears as though the sewer lateral to the north of the subject parcel is the sewer system currently serving Top Foods. If this is accurate, please indicate as such on the plans. The condition of the existing lateral from the proposed point of connection for the subject development to the main line in Highway 99 will need to be TV’d prior to connection. Please add the following note to the plans: Condition of existing sewer lateral to be verified by owner. Page 2 of 5 TV line and provide copy of inspection to the City Public Works Department for approval. Contact Public Works Sewer Division at 425.771.0235. 5.A 6” cleanout shall be provided just after the connection to the sanitary sewer lateral as well as 6.A cleanout shall also be provided just outside the building on the sewer outfall line that connects to the grease interceptor. 7.Cleanouts provided in concrete or asphalt areas shall have a cast iron lamphole covers at grade. 8.As noted in the building division plan review comments, the open trash enclosure area shall be enclosed to prevent rain water from entering the sanitary sewer system. Please revise plans accordingly. 9.Please provide reference to the trash enclosure detail found on Sheet 2 of the architectural plans. It would be great to have an additional note on sheet C2.0 stating any surface runoff or washing within the trash enclosure will drain to the sanitary sewer system and not the storm system. 10.Provide a cross section of the proposed power line at the point which it crosses the existing City sanitary sewer line. 11.Add a note to the plans that states all utility wires for the subject development shall be placed underground. 12.Please confirm the location of the river rock channel is acceptable within close proximity to the PUD transformer and vault. 13.The river rock channel and bio-retention area has not been shown consistent with Sheet 1 – Site Plan. Please revise plan sheets accordingly. 14.I am unfamiliar with the abbreviation WS that has been used for an elevation provided in the bio-retention area. Please clarify. 15.Notes 38 & 42 under the General Notes found on sheet C2.1 reference perimeter foundation drains. Will perimeter foundation drains be installed with the subject development? If so, please include in plans and show the point of connection to the storm system. If not, please remove/revise notes accordingly. 16.The existing detention system is part of the stormwater management system for the proposed development. It is understood that all existing features are “grayed out”, however, the detention system and associated access points, catch basins, etc. that fall downstream of the Dick’s Drive- In connection should be more visible on plans. Please revise accordingly. 17.Provide a detail indicating how the storm outfall from the bio-retention pond is to connect to the existing detention system. Will the vault be core drilled and a gasketed fitting or sand collar installed? 18.Please confirm that the entire roof gutter system for the proposed building will be sloped to the northwest corner of the building. This would not be a typical installation. Will the one downspout be able to handle the flows from the entire rooftop? 19.Revise the note regarding restoration of the bioswale along the east property line to state “existing pre-construction conditions”. Page 3 of 5 20.The Impervious Surface Calculation table needs to be revised to include all New (post-1977) constructed impervious areas on the subject parcel. The City has recently revised the formatting of this table to provide clarity in documenting impervious areas and mitigation measures. Please update plans to include this most recent version of the table: Line Type Area (square feet) 1. Non-Regulated Exempt Regulated 2. Replaced 3. New (Post 1977) + Total Regulated Impervious Area 4. = Mitigation required if in excess of 2000sf - 5. Total Area Mitigated by Existing Stormwater Management System(s) = 6. Regulated Area Not Yet Mitigated = 7. Area Proposed to be Mitigated by Low Impact Development Techniques = 8. Area Proposed to be Mitigated through Conventional SWM Techniques 21.Please revise the note that states “proposed parking stall” to include a reference to Sheet C3.0 for parking layout and C3.1 for installation of the wheel stops. 22.Proposed contours have not been shown. Please include. Sheet C2.1 – GRADING, DRAINAGE, & UTILITIES NOTES & DETAILS 1.Refer to comment #15 under Sheet C2.0 above regarding General Notes 38 & 42. Please revise accordingly. Sheet C3.0 – PAVING 1.Revise sheet title to state “Paving and Striping” 2.Please revise the legend as follows: a.Identify the concrete hatching as “concrete pavement” instead of “asphalt pavement” b.Add landscape hatching 3.Revise the Asphalt Concrete Paving notes section to include specs for sealing the joints between the proposed and existing asphalt sections. 4.Add a dimension indicating a 24-foot minimum drive aisle shall be maintained between the proposed landscape planter (to be constructed at the south edge of the new parking area east of the proposed building) and the existing landscape planter to the south. 5.All parking lot striping, including directional arrows, shall be shown on this plan sheet. Page 4 of 5 6.The drive aisle to the west side of the building shall be striped for one-way traffic the width is less than 24-feet. Sheet 1 – SITE PLAN 1.Please refer to comment #13 under Sheet C2.0 above regarding consistency between the civil plans and the site plan. Please revise accordingly. 2.Please add a note to refer to the civil construction drawings for civil engineering improvements and parking lot layout. Sheet 26 – LANDSCAPE PLAN 1.The landscape plan indicates installation of an irrigation system. Show the location of the proposed irrigation lines and location of the required double check valve assembly. 2.A separate irrigation sprinkler permit shall be obtained from the City Public Works Department th at 7110 – 210 St SW. 3.Show the proposed water meter location for the subject development and indicate a 3-foot minimum clear area shall be maintained around the meter. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. Page 5 of 5