121 5Avenue North,Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web:
March 8, 2011
Robert & Kim Palmer
1104 10Avenue North
Edmonds WA 98020
RE: Planning Division comments for file BLD20110132 (Palmer Shed)
Thank you for submitting a building permit application for the demolition of a shed at 1104 10Avenue North
in the RS-12 zone. I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it was found
that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before the Planning Division
review can continue.
1.Restoration Plan: As you know, Hindley Creek runs through your property. The installation of the shed
decreased the plantings in the stream buffer, which will need to be restored to its original condition (if not
better). The critical areas ordinance requires both a detailed description of the proposed new vegetation as well
a description of how the functions and values of the buffer are going to be better than before the work was done.
Please provide a detailed planting list (species, quantity, etc.) and show this on your Restoration Plan. Please
also submit a mitigation report describing how the plantings will provide a better buffer than before the shed was
erected. Your professional consultant should be able to assist you with this. The report should include the
timing of the planting. The critical areas ordinance is found in ECDC 23.40 and 23.90. Some especially helpful
excerpts are provided, below, to get you started:
ECDC 23.40.130 Mitigation plan requirements.
When mitigation is required, the applicant shall submit for approval by the director a mitigation plan as part of the critical areas
report. The mitigation plan shall include:
A.Environmental Goals and Objectives. The mitigation plan shall include a written report identifying environmental goals and
objectives of the compensation proposed and including:
1.A description of the anticipated impacts to the critical areas and the mitigating actions proposed and the purposes of the
compensation measures, including the site selection criteria; identification of compensation goals; identification of resource
functions; and dates for beginning and completion of site compensation construction activities. The goals and objectives shall be
related to the functions and values of the impacted critical area;
2.A review of the best available science supporting the proposed mitigation;
3.An analysis of the likelihood of success of the compensation project; and
4.Specific mitigation plan and report requirements for each critical area type as indicated in this title.
B.Performance Standards. The mitigation plan shall include measurable specific criteria for evaluating whether or not the goals
and objectives of the mitigation project have been successfully attained and whether or not the requirements of this title have been
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C.Detailed Construction Plans. The mitigation plan shall include written specifications and descriptions of the mitigation proposed,
such as:
1.The proposed construction sequence, timing, and duration;
2.Grading and excavation details;
3.Erosion and sediment control features;
4.A planting plan specifying plant species, quantities, locations, size, spacing, and density; and
5.Measures to protect and maintain plants until established.
ECDC 23.40.220.C.7.b.iv.Allowed Activities.
The land owner shall replace any trees that are removed with new trees at a ratio of two replacement trees for each tree removed
(two to one) within one year in accordance with an approved restoration plan. Replacement trees may be planted at a different,
nearby location if it can be determined that planting in the same location would create a new hazard or potentially damage the
critical area. Replacement trees shall be species that are native and indigenous to the site and a minimum of one inch in diameter
at breast height (dbh) for deciduous trees and a minimum of six feet in height for evergreen trees as measured from the top of the
root ball;
ECDC 23.40.240.B.Requirement for Restoration Plan.
All development work shall remain stopped until a restoration plan is prepared and approved by the director. Such a plan shall be
prepared by a qualified professional using the best available science and shall describe how the actions proposed meet the
minimum requirements described in subsection C of this section…
ECDC 23.40.240.C.Minimum Performance Standards for Restoration.
1.For alterations to frequently flooded areas, wetlands, and fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, the following minimum
performance standards shall be met for the restoration of a critical area; provided, that if the violator can demonstrate that greater
functional and habitat values can be obtained, these standards may be modified:
a.The historic structural and functional values shall be restored, including water quality and habitat functions;
b.The historic soil types and configuration shall be replicated;
c.The critical area and buffers shall be replanted with native vegetation that replicates the vegetation historically found on the site
in species types, sizes, and densities. The historic functions and values should be replicated at the location of the alteration; and
d.Information demonstrating compliance with the requirements in ECDC 23.40.130, Mitigation plan requirements, shall be
submitted to the city planning division.
Please submit a written response to the above, along with any revised plans to your Permit Coordinator: Linda
Thornquist. All code citations can be found at: If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you on this project.
gina coccia :: associate planner
City of Edmonds Development Services Department
121 5 Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
425.771.0220 x 1778 |
cc: BLD20110132
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