BLD20110242_Woodhaven_Vet_Eng 2.pdf CITY OF EDMONDS PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DATE:July 21, 2011 TO:Robert Long RobL@lsaengineering.com FROM:Jennifer Lambert, Engineering Technician RE:Application#:BLD20110242 Project:Woodhaven Veterninary Clinic –New Clinic Project Address: 23204Edmonds Way During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a writtenresponse to each of the items below to Marie Harrison. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. st 1Review –5/23/11 nd 2Review –7/21/11 GENERAL 7/21/11 –Comment was acknowledgedby applicant. Permits will not be issued until 1. documents are received and approved. 5/23/11 Comment: Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on-site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control. A bond is required to be placed for all right-of-way improvements. The amount of the bond o will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for all right-of-way improvements. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Bond forms can be obtained from Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator –425-771-0220 or Harrison@ci.edmonds.wa.us Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 2.2% of the 120% City approved o estimate for all improvements. 7/21/11 –Comment was partially addressed. Please add or correct the following items on 2. the Traffic Control Plan. Add a note ‘Coordinate Traffic Control with the adjacent project at 23014 a. Edmonds Way.’. BLD20110242_Woodhaven_Vet_Eng 2Page 1of 4 nd Show 10’ minimum lane widths on 232Ave. b. Show the right lane completely closed on Edmonds Way. c. Show a taper of the lane closure prior to the property 23014 Edmonds Way. If cars d. nd need to make a right turn on 232they can do so from the left lane. We do not want cars changing lanes in the intersection. Remove sign #C. e. 5/23/11 Comment: Please submit a traffic control and haul route plan for review and approval. nd Individual plans shall be provided for all elements of work to be completed both in 232and in Edmonds Way. 7/21/11 –Comment was acknowledged by applicant. Permits will not be issued until 3. approved plans have been received. 5/23/11 Comment: Please send plans to Olympic View Water Sewer District for review and approval. Please provide a copy of approved plans to the City of Edmonds. 7/21/11 –Comment was partially addressed. The mailboxes should be located within the 4. sidewalk as shown in Standard Detail E8.5 (attached). Please revise plans accordingly. 5/23/11 -Please confirmwith the Post Office and provide written approval that the current location of the mailboxes is OK. SHEET C1 OK 1. OK 2. OK 3. OK 4. OK 5. OK 6. OK 7. OK 8. 7/21/11 –Comment was partially addressed. Please revise and add the following. 9. Add a note ‘Coordinate Traffic Control with the adjacent project at 23014 a. Edmonds Way.’. Bold the crosswalk as new (gray implies that the crosswalk is existing). b. nd 5/23/11 Comment: Please show the crosswalk across 232,to be stripedper WSDOT standard plan M-15.10-01. OK 10. OK 11. OK 12. OK 13. OK 14. Page 2of 4 7/21/11 –New sidewalk on Edmonds way is not required as approvedby City of Edmonds, 15. Engineering Department. However, please add the note ‘Exsting damage or failing sections of frontage improvements shall be removed and replaced as required by City of Edmonds inspector.’. 5/23/11 Comment: Per Edmonds Community Development Code, 7-10’ sidewalks are required along Edmonds Way. Transportation Comp Plan provides guidance for primary arterials to have a landscape buffer between the sidewalk and street. a.As stated in the pre-application meeting 7-10’ walks and street trees are required along the frontage of the subject property. b.For consistency with other projects designed within this section of the Edmonds Way corridor all future developments are required to install a minimum 4’ wide landscape strip and a minimum 5’ wide sidewalks. c.Sidewalks shall be concrete. d.Please add a note that the proposed sidewalk will match into the existing sidewalk grade. e.Please add “replace curb as required per WSDOT standards” and incorporate detail into plan set. OK 16. OK 17. New Comment Please add a note to the plans ‘When the asphalt parking area is removed, no construction 18. vehicles shall drive in the location of the proposed infiltration system until the parking area has been reestablished.’ SHEET C2 1.OK 2.OK 3.OK 4.OK SHEET C3 1.OK SHEET C4 1.OK 2.OK TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAYLSIS Reviewed and approved. Page 3of 4 STORMWATER REVIEW, by Jerry Shuster, Stormwater Eng Program Manager Reviewed and approved by Jerry Shuster. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at jennifer.lambert@ci.edmonds.wa.usif you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. Page 4of 4