bld20110669-Trieu-2.pdf City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Plan Review Corrections nd Plan Check : Date: # BLD20110669-2 Review February 14, 2012 Project Name/Address: Trieu SFR 7109 Lake Ballinger Way Contact Person/Address/Fax: Brian Thaete 206-240-9459 brianthaete@hotmail.com Reviewer: JoAnne ZulaufDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us by clicking City Government / City Department / Public Works / Engineering Division: Please Note: Building Handouts do not include updated Engineering Division Requirements. Refer to Engineering Handouts for all Engineering Requirements. General: 1. 2/7/12 Done Plot Plan: 2. 2/14/12 Please review the example. The plot or site plan needs to show the location of all the utilities and stormwater system but does not need to include the details (length, size, etc.). I have attached an example. 3. 2/14/12 Revise to reflect new calculations. You can add in a line that states the 1991 sports court has a stormwater waiver with the date of the waiver. The impervious surface calculation box from the Stormwater Management Handout #E72 Worksheet must be included on this plan. 4. 2/14/12 Label garage. Grading/Tesc Plan 5. 2/14/12 Existing and proposed topos are not distinguishable. Use different line types. The grading and erosion control plan should only show an outline of the house to be demolished and an outline of the proposed house to show the areas of grade change. No other details of the structure or driveway etc. are needed on this plan unless they are to remain. Please remove the proposed asphalt from this plan. Please note the square footage, material and year of it’s construction on any areas that are to remain. If any DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 2/14/2012 PAGE _1__ OF _3_ existing areas are to be removed and replaced, they should be labeled as such and included in the clearing limits for demolition. 6. 2/14/12 An interceptor swale can not be constructed within a wetland or wetland buffer area. Please replace with an alternate erosion control measure. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be shown on the plan. Details of each type of measure used shall be included with the plan. Please remove the catch basin insert detail and replace with City of Edmonds detail E1.3. All details shall be consistent with City of Edmonds standard details. 7. 2/14/12 Some areas labeled (TBR) are not included in the clearing limits. Please expand clearing limits to include any areas of soil disturbance, including the area where the utilities will be installed. 8. Please show where the existing utilities will be capped during the demolition. 9. Add the bottom of footing elevation for the area (or areas, if different elevations) of the structure. 10. Under “Contractor Responsibility..” please add the note; “The contractor is required to have on-call a Certified Erosion Sediment Control Lead (CECSL) immediately available onsite to assess conditions in major storm events and /or when requested by the Engineering Inspector.” 11. Under “Permanent Cover…” please add the comment “All disturbed soils that will not become impervious surfaces shall be compost amended in accordance with City of Edmonds Handout E72 C. Stormwater/Utility Plan: 2/14/12 Please submit revised Stormwater Plan. Note: Stormwater system can not be constructed in the wetland buffer. Stormwater system must be connected to the city storm water main or can go to infiltration outside of the wetland buffer if a soils test using the approved methods in the Stormwater Supplement shows adequate infiltration per Supplement requirements. 2/7/12: The submitted plan does not seem to be in agreement with the calculations for the storm system requirements. If the following is true then the new impervious surface is sf and is not regulated by the storm water code. 12. The stormwater system shall be sized in one of two ways: a. The simplified sizing chart located in the Stormwater Handout E72A. If you choose to use the simplified sizing chart, please review the section Design and Construction Requirements. A system detail shall be provided consistent with the example shown in handout. 2/14/12Use the detail in the E72 A Handout to add all rim and invert elevations and other sizing. If simplified sizing is used, a stormwater report is not required. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 2/14/2012 PAGE _2__ OF _3_ b. If you choose to use a detention size not listed on the chart 2/14/12 (e.g. a different size catch basin or manhole, only one manhole, etc), the system must be designed by a Civil Engineer. Calculations and a detail of the system are required. 13. All stormwater catch basins, yard drains etc. shall be noted with rim and invert elevations. 14. All “regulated” impervious surface must be connected to the detention system. See Stormwater Management Handout Worksheet (# E72)to determined the regulated impervious surface on the property. 15. 2/14/12 Please revise. Impervious surface calculations from worksheet are required on this plan. 16. 2/14/12 Not done. All pipe, storm and other utilities, shall be noted with size, length and material. 17. 2/14/12 Not done. All storm and utilities shall be shown from connection to City systems to connection at residence. 18. 2/14/12 Not done. Sewer shall have a 4” cleanout at house and a 6” cleanout at property or easement line. 19. 2/14/12 Not done. Invert elevations shall be called out for Sewer cleanouts to verify slope. 20. 2/14/12 Not done. Label any existing utilities or connections as “existing”. 21. 2/14/12 Under “General Notes” on Drainage plan sheet please remove #10, #19. 22. 2/14/12 Please add to #18 after hydroseeded “or stabilized consistent with City of Edmonds standards” 23. 2/14/12 On note #21 after change please add “and submit revised plan to the City of Edmonds Engineering Division for approval” 24. Please add City of Edmonds Utility Trench standard detail E4.2 if any trenches will be constructed in the right of way. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 2/14/2012 PAGE _3__ OF _3_