bld20120286_Nelson-1.pdf City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # BLD20120286 May 22, 2012 Project Name/Address: Nelson New Single Family Residence 723 Hanna Park Rd Contact Person/Address/Fax: Kozo Nozawa kozo@prentissarchitects.com Reviewer: JoAnne ZulaufDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.gov by choosing the Government tab and Public Works| Engineering under Departments: Please Note: Building Handouts do not include updated Engineering Division Requirements. Refer to Engineering Handouts for all Engineering Requirements. General Plan: 1. In the submittal requirements found in the Single Family Handout #B73, three plans are required: a plot plan (site plan), grading/tesc plan and a stormwater/utility plan. The current submission has a site plan and a drainage plan. The grading and tesc are not readable, if they exist, on the drainage plan. The utilities are not shown as required. If you would prefer to submit one more plan including utilities, grading and tesc, that would be acceptable. Otherwise please provide the plans required in the handout. **Per our email conversation, including the tesc measures on the demo permit would be an acceptable manner to address this issue. The grading could also be included on the demo plan. The plan should show existing contours and proposed contours as well as the bottom of footing elevation for the existing house and the proposed house. Utility information should all be provided on the drainage plan or on a separate utility plan. Add note to plan “All construction vehicles will enter and exist site via Caspers and follow th around to Puget Dr. and continue on 196. No construction vehicles to use other city roads. Site Plan: 1. Please remove the existing structures etc to be removed from this plan. This plan should basically show the final product. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 5/23/2012 PAGE _1__ OF _3_ 2. The site plan should show the location of all the utilities and the stormwater system. It does not need to include any of the details like pipe size, length etc. 3. Please change note on plans regarding power undergrounding to read “All utilities will be installed underground.” 4. Please note the location of the nearest fire hydrant on plan and note the distance between the property line and the hydrant. 5. Note on plans that Storz Adapter is required on the hydrant (if it doesn’t already have one.) 6. Please note proposed driveway material. 7. Impervious surface calculations should be provided on this plan in the worksheet form found in the E72 Storm water Handout. 8. Impervious surface calculations note that a portion of the building area is “regulated replaced”. Replaced does not apply to structures unless the original foundation was not removed. Please revise calculations. 9. Please label all “decks and patios, etc.” referenced in the calculations on the plan. Stormwater/Utility Plan: Stormwater Engineer Comments will be provided separately from these comments. Drainage Plan: 1. Please remove reference to a different permit from label on house. 2. Please increase line size for utilities so it is readable. 3. Is the line parallel to the west of the garage a wall? If so please note top and bottom elevation for every two feet of change. If wall is over 3’ tall please provide a detail showing drainage etc. See handout B 62 Retaining Walls. Sewer: 1. Show the location of the sewer main and connection to the house. 2. Show 4”side sewer clean out at house connection and 6” clean out at property or easement line. Clean out at property/easement line is required to have a 12” locking cast iron lamphole cover. Please note on plans. 3. Add invert elevations at both house and property line clean out and call out length of pipe to verify minimum slope of 2% is achieved. If installing new lateral, invert elevations at connection to main shall also be provided on plan. 4. Call out size and material of pipe. Label as existing or proposed. 5. Please add note: If re-using any portion of existing side sewer or connection to main system, tv line to determine if viable for re-use. 6. Label road private. Label any utility private if applicable (sewer, I think). Erosion Control: 1. Add note to all plans: “All disturbed areas on and off site shall be compost amended to meet requirements of BMP T5.13 in the Stormwater Manual, Vol V, Chapter 5.” DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 5/23/2012 PAGE _2__ OF _3_ 2. Show portion of the driveway to remain and used as construction entrance. 3. Provide catch basin protection on private drive. 4. Please choose methods that will cause least disturbance to soils. Compost socks or wattles, are a good substitution for silt fences in some situations. 5. Provide tree protection. Construction fence surrounding the tree area to be placed outside the dripline of the tree for root protection. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 5/23/2012 PAGE _3__ OF _3_