bld20120561-TIA.pdfCity of Edmonds Ti-affic Impact Analysis Worksheet , Name of Proposed Project: Z5.posed 2.4,71" Owner/Applicant Narne ANFA r-3 -7 -s Strcet/Mailing Address City State Zip Telephone: 14 21. 1%, Applicant Contact Person, Naine . ... . ...... Street/Mailing Address City State Zip Telephone: . ...... ____ . ............... . ........ __ Traffic Engineer who prepared the Traffic Impact Analysis (if applicable): Firm NainCN Telephone: E-mail: Narne ............. THRESHOLD LEVELS OF ANALYSIS ............ 11 7Secwi—ons—to Complete i Project Traffic Levels 1. Less than 25 peak -hour trips generated I and 7 only (Worksheet/Checklist) 11. More than 25 peak-hOUr trips generated All sections 1, PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. Location .- Street address: 5 Lr 4 Q zo -Z, 1-14" 16,-r K Specify existing land use: 15, A flach a vicinity map and site plan) ( VAI�C,AP41`) c. Specify proposed type and size of developrnenl� I-11L,%,V61' S1,06arrr���al 5, kA' v#residentialuits adlorsqtage pf building) Revised on 6124110 E'82 - D,qffic ]aa lva Aavsis Worksheel Page / (?1'5 T MITIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS State reconitnended measures and fees required, to mitigate project specific traffic impacts, Traffic irnpact fee shall be CalMdated from the Edi-nonds Road Iml.,met Fee Rate Study Table 4 (attached) and as identified in ).CDC' 18,82.120, except as otherwise provided for independent fee calculations in ECDC 18.82.130, CHANGF, IN USE Fee for prior use shall be based on fee established at the tin-je the prior use was perniitted. If the —Previous use was permitted prior to the adoption of Ordinance 3516 (effective date: 0)/12/04), the 2'0f)4,ECDC 18.82.120 impact fee shall be used. Units in ITE Land' 0�(.,;-Caltegory Per Unit square feet Fee Fee Rate 0 of dwelling, vfu. etc. x New Use 15 $ $ New Use Fee: SrPrior Use Fee: s NEW DEVELOPMENT Units in Per Unit square feet, ITE Land Use Category Fee Fee Rate 9 of dwelling, of etc. New Use s v�� $ 4 01 . . . ................................ I OTI ER u:fd' am ' No impact fees will be duc, nor will a credit be given, for an impact fee calculation resulting in a net negative. A'(? vised oi,p 0124/10 /nS2 - Tvjlie hpipactlfnalj�,s r`s Worksheet Page 5 q '5 VICINITY MAP