City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Engineering Division
Plan Review Corrections
Plan Check : Date:
# BLD20120655 March 26, 2013
Project Name/Address:
Kidd New Single Family Residence 932 Olympic Way
Contact Person/Address/Fax:
Tony Shapiro
Reviewer: JoAnne ZulaufDivision:Engineering
During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these
comments can be accessed at our website: by choosing the Government tab and
Public Works| Engineering under Departments:
General Plan Set:
1. Attached are utility maps that I have included the information I could gather from our GIS
mapping files to assist with elevations etc. Some information was not available in our
system or was approximate. Please field verify all information.
2. There are some discrepancies between the site plan and the drainage plan. Please review
to insure all plans are consistent.
3. Please consider for clarity showing only the final grade on the site and drainage plan.
Existing and proposed grades should be shown on the TESC plan.
4. Special inspections shall be required for this project. Please complete and return attached
5. The City is not able to provide any additional information regarding the access road and
utilities as the records for the original short plat (1966) are incomplete.
Sheet A101: Site Plan:
1. The site plan shall show the location of all the proposed utilities and stormwater system but
does not need to include the details (length, size, etc.). The locations must be consistent with
the civils.
2. Please call out width of driveway at property line (current dimension does not match up with
the actual driveway entrance). Please note that if the proposed garage will be two-car then the
required width for the driveway at the property line is 24’.
3. The approach shall be constructed to the edge of the existing access road. Please show on
4. Please call out driveway slope. This information is not shown on the civils as note indicates.
Please remove existing note.
5. Please add the specific geotech notes regarding the driveway construction (section 8.0) to the
plan sheet.
6. If any of the portion of the walkway is to be constructed in the right of way then it must be built
to City of Edmonds requirements. Show the full extent of the walkway including where it ties in
to the driveway, street or other area. If it is to be in the right of way, please include COE
standard detail for sidewalks construction.
7. “BNFC” noted adjacent to north property line. What does this stand for? An existing fence?
8. Please see the attached Ordinance regarding the prohibitions for rockeries.
9. The plans do not clearly show where the stairs at the northwest corner of the residence are
connecting. Is it to a deck? Please define and label area for clarity.
10. Utility information shown is not consistent with the Civil plans. Please revise.
11. A 14’ measurement is shown across the driveway. Please define what is measured.
12. It is unclear where the paving will end at the future garage pad. Please define area.
13. Is the hatched area between the house and the rockery to be landscaped? Please label.
C101: Stormwater/Utility Plan:
1. General Notes:
a. Please revise note #1 from “2010” to “2012” or “current”.
b. Please revise note #15 second sentence after “drain lines and” to shall not be tightlined
to the proposed stormwater system. Please connect after outfall of system or provide
another stormwater measure to collect foundation drains flows.
c. Please remove “perimeter foundation drains” from note #17.
d. Please replace #19 and #20 with the following: “All disturbed soils shall be compost
amended per Engineering Handout E72c to prevent on site erosion after the completion
of construction.”
2. Rim and invert elevations shall be provided for all connections to verify slopes. This
includes connections at catch basins, manholes, drywells, etc.
3. Note size, material and length of all pipe. Water, sewer, storm..all pipe.
4. How will the driveway runoff be collected and conveyed? Please show where area runoff
will be sloped to a catch basin or other structure.
5. Please show how and where drainage will be collected and conveyed from rockery or wall?
6. Are footing drains required for this project? If so, please show where they will discharge.
Footing drains can not be connected to the stormwater system.
7. Please remove construction entrance from this plan. All TESC items can be shown on that
8. See Stormwater Engineer Comments regarding rain garden etc.
9. NE corner of property has labels “#1” and “D”. If necessary to this plan, please add
reference information otherwise remove from plan.
10. Please remove height calc lines from this plan.
11. Utility information shown is not consistent with the Civil plans. Please revise.
12. Is the area between the house and the rockery to be landscaped? Please label.
13. “BNFC” noted adjacent to north property line. What does this stand for? An existing
14. If any of the portion of the walkway is to be constructed in the right of way then it must be
built to City of Edmonds requirements. Show the full extent of the walkway including where
it ties in to the driveway, street or other area. If it is to be in the right of way, please include
COE standard detail for sidewalks construction.
15. Please call out width of driveway at property line (current dimension does not match up with
the actual driveway entrance). Please note that if the proposed garage will be two-car then
the required width for the driveway at the property line is 24’.
16. The plans do not clearly show where the stairs at the northwest corner of the residence are
connecting. Is it to a deck? Please define and label area for clarity.
17. The approach shall be constructed to the edge of the existing access road. Please show
on plans.
1. Show on plans actual connection point where water line will connect with existing water
pipe. Laterals (between property line and connection in right of way) shall be 4”, water line
extensions shall be 6” to 8”, please contact the water division at 425-771-0235 for more
2. Show location and size of proposed water meter. Please note that if fire sprinkling is
required, meter shall be 1”.
3. Call out size, material and length of water service line. If fire sprinkling is required water
line on property must be 1 ½”.
1. Show actual connection point where sewer line will connect to existing sewer.
2. Show 4”side sewer clean out at house connection and 6” clean out at property line. Clean
out at property line is required to have a 12” locking cast iron lamphole cover. Please note
on plans.
3. Add invert elevations at both clean outs and call out length of pipe to verify minimum slope
of 2% is achieved. If installing new lateral, invert elevations at connection to main shall
also be provided on plan.
4. Call out size, length, and material of pipe. Label as existing or proposed.
5. A 10 ft separation between water line and sewer line is required.
Sheet C101: TESC Plan:
1. Please label as Grading/TESC plan.
2. Show rip rap check dam on plan.
3. Show existing and proposed grade. Please include grade changes for wall and house etc.
4. Note bottom of footing elevation for proposed residence.
5. Show construction entrance extended to existing asphalt and add dimensions.
6. Show location of all tesc measures ie silt fence, cb protection.
7. Add standard details consistent with COE details for all measures to be used.
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please
contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.